Sandy Hook: Lottery Jackpots & Free Homes – Two Unusual Clues Unearthed in Newtown

Sandy Hook: Lottery Jackpots & Free Homes – Two Unusual Clues Unearthed in Newtown


Fact-Fiction-Theory.jpg21st Century Wire asks…

Is this real? We’ve stumbled across these two incredibly interesting threads in the Sandy Hook false flag investigation.

Both of these findings are based purely on facts and data (presented by publisher below), and they reveal some potentially volatile clues as to strange goings on the the little hamlet of ‘Newtown’, Connecticut. Amazing…

Sandy Hook: CT State Worker Reveals Why He Resigned His Position… “It made me feel sick”

DC Clothesline

What would you do if you worked for a state government agency and you suspected that they were covering up something really horrible?

In a moment you will read an email from a gentleman who did the only thing he could do.

He quit.

I need you to understand a few things about this email. First off it was unsolicited so it’s not in the form of any kind of interview. I went back and asked if I could use this, because I feel it is that important.

Secondly, I want you to understand that I do not consider myself a professional journalist. I am a truth seeker and a blogger. I am proud of that. I will always be a blogger. As a blogger I allow myself to be human and I respect the same in others. You will find that I have censored a lot of sections of this email and replaced those sections with [bold letters in brackets] to try to give you an idea of the meaning. Why? Because this isn’t a “Rosebud” fantasy piece. This person is real. He has a family and the safety of his family means everything. I tried to get rid of things that might give extra clues to his identity.

There are some things that, if left alone, would have made for a much bigger story, but we just can’t go there. For instance, the website that is blacked out is a top-100 site that gets literally hundreds of millions of views per month. I recently read that Drudge Report gets a billion page views per month and this page is decidedly more popular. The executive is a recognizable name that is probably on the NSA speed-dial list. All it would take is onephone call to get the ball rolling. The truth is that the NSA probably already has copies of our emails, but we don’t want to take any extra risks that have not already been taken.

With that said, I present the following email to you, because I think it’s important for everyone to understand that there are those inside the Connecticut State Government who have serious questions about what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary. Here is the email:

Hi Dean,

I am neither a paid researcher nor journalist. I am a citizen of the State of CT- and I was a State of CT employee for [xx-withheld] years, and recently resigned to pursue a career in personal/private professionalinvestigations after, sadly, seeing the way my efforts were change were not only thwarted, but held in contempt. The frustration and cognitive (moral) dissonance of working for a [withheld-department that employed him] which was acting in ways so as to support [changed- term used generally means “immoral”] activity made me feel like a hypocrite, and I left a financially comfortable job to seek something more personally satisfying. I add this background because I’d like you to know I am college educated, worked for the government (got quite the inside look at some things, nothing huge, I wasn’t that important but enough), and continue to pursue higher education and my hobby of investigating. I do not simply buy the news I am fed, but likewise I do not simply buy aconspiracy theory. I inductively do my own investigating, research, collect data, etc. I like #s, charts, hard facts. I love a good mystery.

The day after 12/14/12- Sandy Hook- I overheard a snippet of a conversation between 2 very senior officials in the state dept in which I worked. I shouldn’t have heard it, I know, because they were whispering and did not know I was around the corner. Their tone discussing the ‘moment of silence’ we were about to be holding in the office in honor of the victims was a joking tone, and one of the 2 alluded to the other one something along the lines of “well that’s what we’re being fed, so just do it” and they snickered and I wish I had paid more attention, but it made me feel sick.

Prior to that date, the word conspiracy made me laugh, and I brushed it off. But something in their voices that day, caused me to file it away. Then…the reports of conspiracy surrounding SH were popping up. And little by little, the veil was lifted. At [xx-withheld] years old, I suddenly felt disdain for the media, and embarrassment at how much I’d believed. And, I was off. Researching, navigating public records, and sites as I’d been trained to do for work, I gathered much the same data on the homes assessment values that I saw you did as well [referencing this recent article by Dr. Eowyn].  I posted it on [extremely popular social networking site-withheld] under the username [withheld]  (if you go to [site withheld]) and search for [username withheld] you *may* be able to see some posts, or click link below. However, posting what you did, the 12/25/09 $0 values, and my curious new finding that 3 of the victim’s families had won the CT lottery twice, caused me to have my post removed, and my username banned from the post was public info, in good taste, very factual and not at all breaking any rules of the site.

Within an hour, I got a message- from [withheld, very influential online executive]. He said he personally removed my post and username- which he has never done before- but that I was “making some people very uncomfortable”.  I politely asked what crime I committed in others’ discomfort- much of the info in challenging govt and media is disconcerting, adding that I am uncomfortable with what I know as well.  He said basically that my information was “very thorough and well researched and showed a lot of validity” and that he was contacted to remove it personally and he did not want me to post anything further as I could cause a lawsuit, essentially…

Continue the lottery story here at DC Clothesline


The strange purchase date and price of Sandy Hook homes

DC Clothesline

Some of those in the blogosphere who maintain or at the very least suspect that the official story of the Dec. 14, 2012 Sandy Hook massacre isn’t true, have raised the matter of the rather strange sale date and price of the homes of some of the victims.

See, for example,this discussion on a Godlike Productions chat forum.

Their hypothesis goes something like this:

If the massacre, wholly or in part, were a contrived conspiracy — for example, a drill (or a drill that went very bad) — then the major participants or “players” in the elaborate charade would have to be paid off in some way or another.

Indeed, a year ago, in February 2013, I had noticed the same thing — that some of the homes of Sandy Hook victims all had an odd sale/purchase date of 12/25/2009, and an equally odd sale/purchase price of $0.

I had found that information on the website of Vision Government Solutions (VGS), a company that calls itself “a leading supplier of land parcel management software technology and services to local government organizations, enabling efficient assessment, billing, collections, mapping, and permitting.” One of the services provided by VGS is an online database of residential properties in nine states in the northeastern and eastern U.S., one of which is the state of Connecticut. If you know the address of a home in, say, Newtown, CT, you can look up the property’s value, present owner(s), and price history on VGS’s database.

At the time, in February of last year, puzzled by those strange 12/25/2009 sale date and $0 sale price of Newtown homes, I had sent this email to VGS:

Date: 02/05/13 01:43 PM

Subject: Feedback from the Newtown, CT page

Hello, While browsing real estate properties using this database, I noticed a number of homes have the same “date of sale” of 12/25/2009, and a “sale price” of 0 (zero). Please be so kind as to explain. How can a home be sold or purchased for $0?

Thank you,

Dr. _____

This was the response I received:

Feb. 5, 2013

Thank you for your inquiry Dr ____. In most instances of a sale price of $0 the reason would be because of a family sale where thehouse ownership is simply transferred. [In other words, nomoney actually changed hands.] The other reason for that to happen would be a town entering a parcel into their database for the first time they must puta first owner and a sale price. Often times they will put $0 as a filler price. The sale date of 12/25/2009 would be the same thing.

Kind Regards,

Chase Moltedo
Customer Support Representative
Vision Government Solutions
44 Bearfoot Road
Northboro, MA 01532

In addition to emailing VGS, I had also called the Assessor’s Office at Newtown, CT, and left a voice mail asking the same question about the 12/25/2009 sale date and $0 sale price.

An administrative assistant at the Assessor’s Office, Andrea Santillo, promptly returned my phone call. She said that the Newtown city government recently had switched to a new computer system and had not been able to enter the property data for all Newtown homes. So the computer used the 12/25/2009 and $0 as, respectively, a “filler” default sale date and price.

Ms. Santillo’s explanation seemed plausible, and so I did not pursue the matter any further. But that doesn’t mean I’d forgotten about it.

Flash forward a year. I decided to revisit this matter, and went back to VGS’s database. Lo and behold, the strange sale date and price are still there.

So I undertook a systematic investigation into the properties of every Sandy Hook (SH) victim, as well as those of certain non-victims, such as Gene Rosen, who had a prominent media presence in the days immediately after the massacre. What follows is my report on my findings, beginning with my methodology…

Sandy Hook: Lottery Jackpots & Free Homes – Two Unusual Clues Unearthed in Newtown

PunishDem1776 Photo

1 year