US HHS Covid-19 FOIA request

No such virus known as Sars CoV-2 (COVID-19) has been isolated as per Koch's postulates. The entire thing has been a scam, looking for RNA fragments that exist in all people and cranking the PCR cycle counts until they achieve the desired number of "cases". Want proof?

Copy this text to a file. Change the name/address to your own. Print, sign and send. Within 20 days, you will have an official answer confirming same.




Department of health and Human Services (HHS)

200 independence Ave.,

SW Washington DC, 20201




To whom it may concern:


This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I hereby request disclosure of records including the following information:


  • A full, accurate and complete list of original records held within your office, and or under your authority, describing the Isolation of the SARS COV-2 Virus AKA “COVID-19”, More Specifically:


    • All Original Records kept on the Isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) as directly found isolated in the body of a LIVE INFECTED HUMAN BEING.


    • Isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) Virus as would be NEEDED, TO PROVE ANY VIRUS EXISTS.


    • Preferably the first original documents received after confirming COVID-19 was in existence.


    • Isolated (Isolation) in this context Defined as: where the sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (not limited but by way of example monkey kidney cells, aka vero cells, liver cancer cells) thereby eliminating contamination as a possible alternative source of sampling. In other words, not grown in a laboratory culture, but found in a live human being and isolated from that infected persons biological material.



This request is for an electronic copy or extract of data in a standard, machine-readable data format that is easily imported by software.


SARS-CoV Patent Exists: ,


but we cant seem to find the patent for SARS-CoV-2, or any data on it being isolated.


Also: Isn’t it AGAISNT THE LAW to patent a virus? Its nature if found in nature and a biological weapon if made synthetically. Which are both illegal to patent. Also strange how the patent blocks any researcher or scientist from looking to close at the data pertaining to SARS-CoV.


If the answer is no you don’t have any information matching our inquiry in the way we stated it on SARS-CoV-2 being isolated, how is it that your heath officials are telling the world that it exists? Also how would a PCR TEST be “positive” for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) if it hasn’t even been isolated (confirmed to exist)? I would be legitimately confused.


If the answer is no you don’t have any information matching our inquiry in the way we stated it on SARS-CoV-2 being isolated, Can you please provide the original documentation and records, of the FIRST SARS-CoV-2 Human infection in America. Also All Records on the processes used to classify SARS-CoV-2 as a VIRUS that your agency has or has had.


If you regard any of the requested records as subject to exemption from required disclosure under the law, I hereby request that you exercise your discretion and disclose them nonetheless.


If you decide to withhold any requested records, please do not deny the entire request and release information available under law. If you cannot fulfill certain parts of this request or certain portions claimed to be exempt, explain in writing the justification for redacting the record, indicate the extent of any redactions on the portion of the record which is made available or published and where technically feasible indicate on the redacted portion itself the specific exception(s) claimed.


I make the request on behalf of my family, friends, and community, in which we all communicate often about certain issues in our area. The records disclosed will be shared and used around this community and made public. Accordingly, I request that you waive all fees in the public interest because the furnishings of information sought by this request will primarily benefit the public and is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the government. If, however, you decline to waive all fees, I am prepared to pay any associated fees, just please notify me.


If you have any question please feel free to respond and ask! I look forward to your response.




{Your Name}

{Your Return address}



US HHS Covid-19 FOIA request

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3 years