Targeted Individuals
Persons under a combination of electronic harassment and sophisticated gangstalking techniques. Designed to break a person, wearing them down emotionally, physically, mentally, very few are able to withstand, and we mostly write them off as nut jobs...
Mind Controlled TI Lars Drudgaard Danmark
Mind Control TI Andrea Laroche Brussels eng part 2
Mind Control TI Peter Grafström Gothenburg
Mind Control TI Magnus Olsson Sweden
targeted individuals Implants detection (480p)
Targeted Individual: Serge Vitry - RFID Preliminary Scan Video
Positive TI Measurements in Berlin Germany
Mind Control Targeted Individual South Korea
Mind Control TI Andrea Laroche Brussels eng part 1
German Mind Control Targeted Individual Berlin
The Informer Report 12-20-2012 James Walbert- Organized Gang Stalking and Technological Harassment (480p)