Andrew Collins - The Art of Psychic Questing: Key To Reality?

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Andrew has had a lot of chance to see psychic questing in progress since the events of the Green
Stone story were played out during the autumn months of 1979. He has taken part in dozens of
successful psychic quests, during which some incredible things have occurred. They include the
retrieval of hidden artefacts by psychic means, as well as the occurrence of reality-defying incidents
that stretch the boundaries of physical reality. So incredible are these events that they are very often
dismissed by sceptics, simply because they themselves have never experienced anything quite like
them. So what is really going on? How does a psychic quest actually work, and why exactly do they
appear to defy the accepted laws of physics?
Andrew breaks down key episodes in the Green Stone story, which became crucial to the
discovery of both the Meonia Sword and Green Stone, and then he compares these with similar clues
given during a psychic quest on the Orkney Isles of Scotland in August 2018. This resulted in the
retrieval under quite bizarre circumstances of an earlier described holed ammonite fossil found at the
base of a standing stone within the Ring of Brodgar stone circle. Using this information he will explain
how he believes these events occur by introducing the concept of non-linear causality and its
relationship to the quantum concept of particle entanglement.
Once psychic questing is understood in terms of non-linear causality it then becomes much easier to
make the right moves during an active quest, and in doing so ensure its successful conclusion. This
manner of modus operandi will then be shown in action as Andrew reveals for the first time publicly
details of his group’s most recent psychic quest played out in the Welsh landscape during August this

Andrew Collins began his career as a writer alongside Graham
Phillips on the magazine Strange Phenomena in 1979. It was whilst
working on this magazine in the Midlands town of Wolverhampton
that the events of the Green Stone story were played out. So much
did they impact on Andrew’s life that he made the decision to
dedicate his time to solving the mysteries of the past. After returning
to his home county of Essex, Andrew produced a series of local
history books before embarking upon the Black Alchemist quest in
1985, this being the same year he finished his epic psychic
navigation of the Glastonbury zodiac (see specifically Paul Weston’s
book Glastonia Aegyptiacus). This led to the publication of Andrew’s
seminal work The Black Alchemist (1988), which sold 15,000 copies in two years. He has since
become the author of over fifteen books that challenge the way we perceive the past, many of which
were initially inspired by psychic insights of one form or another. They include The Seventh Sword
(1991), which includes Andrew’s own account of the Green Stone story, the Times bestseller From
the Ashes of Angels (1996), The Cygnus Mystery (2006), Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods (2014),
and his latest work Denisovan Origins (2019), co-authored with Greg L. Little. Andrew is also the codiscoverer,
along with Egyptological researcher Nigel Skinner Simpson, of a huge cave complex
located within the shadow of the Great Pyramid in Egypt and known today as Collins’s Cave. He lives
near the Essex seaside town of Leigh-on-Sea, and his website is

Filmed at the 40th Anniversary Green Stone Convention, on October 26th 2019 in Wolverhampton, UK, organised by Andrew Collins, Debbie Cartwright and Graham Phillips.
Green Stone artwork by Russell Hossain:
Film Copyright Megalithomania 2019. All Rights Reserved.
Lecture content intellectual property of Andrew Collins.