We Are Change Colorado Presents - Fritz Springmeier, April 9th

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What is the illuminati? Bloodlines of the Illuminati author Fritz Springmeier appeared at the We Are Change Colorado Community Center for a presentation and question/answer session detailing what he has researched about the dynasties ruling the world. Springmeier encourages a healthy diet to combat the current eugenics operation aimed at humanity. He also explains a few solutions to prepare for the collapse of the US dollar as the world reserve currency. Learning about the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Grove and the type of sociopaths who are in control of our banks, corporations and politicians can be eye opening. Hearing about the grotesque satanic rituals that have been and continue to be carried out will definitely make you sick to your stomach. Making a decision on what to do with the information you uncover can be the most difficult step. But remember, once we're able to see the darkness, then we can truly appreciate the light. Activate authentic alchemy!