A hostile questioning of Linda Moulton Howe! One question caused all this?

TheUFO Photo

2 years

A "hostile questioning" of Linda Moulton Howe! One question caused all this?

One question about using fake pictures to sell alien stories is not "hostile". Its a fair question.
Linda sold a 2005 video game cover as a "Genuine grey alien photo taken on the moon."
She complains in this video she's a credible journalist. Credible journalists don't use pictures
from video game covers to sell fake alien stories. But she does. She is not a credible journalist.

Maybe she once was, decades ago, but that time has faded and now Linda sells garbage evidence
and mostly anonymous (fake) sources as evidence for her "true" stories.

Linda Moulton Howe sold a story using 2005 video game artwork as a picture of a "genuine grey alien photo taken on the moon."

When I confronted her with the evidence the image was fake, she first doubled and tripled down, claiming the CIA or the men in black must have
been involved somehow.

In emails to me...
She argued her "disclaimer" on her website allows her to basically sell 100% fake evidence as real. Many people signed up to her website to see this picture of a "genuine grey alien photo taken on the moon." For a time, she simply changed the wording to "alleged grey alien photo taken on the moon." and kept right on selling the story as true.

When I told her I thought that was consumer fraud, she suddenly decided her sources stories were fake. By then, she'd already run the hoax and collected the money the hoax generated. She never gave refunds to anyone who signed up to her website to see this fake photo or to hear more about her fake story, which even she admitted was likely all fake later.

This used clips from Curt's show "Theories of everything." We use these clips in the spirit of fair use to help educate the public about this. Sub to his channel here : https://www.youtube.com/c/TheoriesofEverything

Truthseekers and The Midnight hour are produced by Spectral International, LLC

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