Truthtide Photo

1 year

I can’t believe this happened. I ruined my life. When you break it down, I decided that I didn’t want to be a woman before I had ever even experienced being a woman. I had no idea what being a woman was like, because I was a child, and now I feel like I will never entirely know.

I want to say that I really feel like some people in the trans community and the trans medicalists and the doctors, really really target the most vulnerable of us.

I have borderline personality disorder and I know for a fact that this is the reason for my transition. It’s a very difficult mental illness and one of the core features is not having any sense of self or identity. And my doctors knew this.

I told them – even though they didn’t ask – that I had been diagnosed with BPD and it was all fine to them.

I wasn’t happy as a girl, so that meant I was a boy, and I was trans. And so I just took the cure that was handed to me. I was told that I was being given a cure, and I wouldn’t want to kill myself anymore. (Crying) And it wasn’t true.

I didn’t want to cry in this video but this is such a hard thing to talk about. I lost a lot of things to this and I just hope that anyone else who’s going through what I went through as a young girl will not be prescribed hormones and surgery because of other things.

“There’s so many mental health disorders that make you hate your body, and the solution isn’t to change your body, it’s to fix your brain.

I just don’t want anyone else to ever feel this way. I lost my voice. I lost my chest. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to have kids.

I feel like no one wants to date me or love me, because I’m ruined.