Defend Forward in Cyberspace

ColinWyse Photo

1 year
A cyber attack to interfere with the United States 2020 Election by an organization(s), and a nation(s) hosting, or sponsoring the attack - Why the US military might respond using offensive kinetic, cyber warfare, or diplomacy in an anticipatory self-defence strategy, even before the attack on this critical infrastructure takes place but is imminent.
Defending forward within the legal framework defined by the Charter of the United Nations. The Tallinn Manual 2.0 (3.0) addresses the threshold where a cybercrime between sovereign nations becomes an armed attack, and the level and methods of response the victim state can use.
The International Court of Justice should be notified within a reasonable time that a state of war exists, and no evidence needs to be in the public domain if it helps reduce civil unrest whilst covert operations are being executed and a peaceful resolution can be reached.
The US President, alone, can make this decision where time is critical and can use the national media apparatus to falsify the appearance of a 'Manchurian' administration.