Part 17 - The Petrodollar and Regieme Change

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1 year

Part 17
The Petrodollar and Regime Change

General Wesley Clark explains how The American Government already had planned to attack 7 countries in 5 years long before the “attacks” on 9/11…

As documented in A Project for a New American Century written September 2000, the founding members include;
Donald Rumsfeld
Dick Cheney
Paul Wolfawitz
Richard Pearl
And John Bolton

This planned agenda to attack 7 countries in 5 years received no pushback from either side of the political spectrum, all 7 countries opposed the American Petrodollar which trades oil through American currency to foreign nations, after 911 all 7 countries were invaded

“A catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor”

This same false flag agenda of 911 follows the same Hegelian diletic formula as something known as OPERATION NORTHWOODS..

A Project for a New American Century PDF