Rupert Sheldrake: Peer Reviewed Telepathy & Morphic Fields

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3 years

Rupert Sheldrake is an English author, former biologist, and researcher in the field of "parapsychology", who proposed the concept of morphic resonance.

All the data Rupert Sheldrake references is here:
A mini-doc about the affair is here:

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Why is it that scientists tend to not take Rupert's ideas seriously? (polemics on materialism and dogmatic atheists)
2:40 Will "science" come to an end? What will cause this?
5:10 On the false divide between the natural and the supernatural
11:10 Rupert's opinion on Daniel Dennett's theory of consciousness
13:10 On the benign or deleterious nature of "reason"
15:25 Does our unconscious have an unconscious? How far down does this go?
18:05 Do we have free will, if we're infinitely influenced by what lies outside our control?
22:05 Is the "bedrock" of consciousness ordered or random?
28:15 What's the reality to the picture psychedelics give you access to?
28:25 What's the ontological reason for the difference between LSD from DMT trips?
35:10 In what ways is religion ahead of science?
37:50 On Rupert's famous dog telepathy experiment and the mendacity of certain scientists
44:25 On Richard Wiseman's supposed lies / distortion (of Rupert's experiment) to the media
48:08 Wikipedia has been overtaken and distorted by guerrilla skeptics
50:00 What is the role of myth in "truth"?
53:40 Are we living in a simulation?
56:00 What religion and myth say about the creation of world
57:10 The New Atheists have a false view of God (a bearded man in the sky reprimanding you)
1:04:10 What do you like / dislike about Jordan Peterson (with regards to making religion more admissible)?
1:06:10 Where you can find out more about Rupert Sheldrake, and what he's working on next