Edgar Cayce and Atlantis - ROBERT SEPEHR

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2 years
Known as America's sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce was given that nickname because he would allegedly channel from his higher self while asleep in a trance-like state. His words were recorded and during the sessions Cayce would answer questions on a variety of subjects such as healing, reincarnation, dreams, the afterlife, past lives, future events, and most notably the ancient empire of Atlantis.

The Fall of Atlantis - ROBERT SEPEHR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBp1UOZ5yNM

White Giants of the New World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwWjCxKzWYA

Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls_ZtM1Itzs

Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author
(books also available through other book outlets) http://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00XTAB1YC/

Robert Sepehr Links https://linktr.ee/RobertSepehr

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