Barbara ONeill: (2/13) Heal Your Body, Mind And Spirit- What Does The Bible Say About Truth?

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1 year
In this video, Barbara ONeill answers the question, What does the Bible say about truth? This presentation gives important information about discerning truth, which is especially relevant in these last days, a time of fear and deception. Discover a four-part strategy you can apply to determine the truth in any situation.
How can we know what the truth is? Is there a test we can use to check what we hear to know if it is true? Our emotions can get in our way and cause us to make bad, unreasonable decisions. How can we prevent this from happening? This episode looks at principles for verifying truth in relation to the Covid pandemic and the vaccine. Is what were being told about the vaccine truth? How can we determine the truth about vaccines today? Learn important Biblical strategies in this episode for discovering the truth in all situations.
Naturopath and nutritionist, Barbara ONeill became interested in natural health when her first child became ill and spent weeks in hospital. This motivated her to investigate the cause, find a remedy, and live a lifestyle that would prevent this from happening again. At 26, she embraced Christianity which gave her a new perspective on the human body as an intricately designed organism with in-built mechanisms to self-heal. Barbara was particularly inspired by the health writings of Ellen G White.
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