Barbara ONeill: (13/13) Heal Your Body, Mind And Spirit- Natural Remedies for Arthritis

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1 year
Is arthritis just one of the inevitable consequences of aging? What causes painful joints? Can arthritis be cured? Are there natural remedies for arthritis that can relieve pain and heal the joints? Want to learn how to reverse arthritis naturally?
Barbara ONeill looks at the causes of arthritis and natural pain relief for arthritic joints. Find out how increasing blood speeds healing and what you can do to increase blood flow. Learn about the best and worst foods for arthritis, and how to reduce inflammation and break up calcification and scar tissue in the joints. Barbara also talks about her mothers early death due to rheumatoid arthritis. Get the information you need for reversing arthritis naturally.
Barbara ONeill: Heal Your Body, Mind, and Spirit more
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