NITRIC OXIDE Nobel Laureate Lou Ignarro speaks at Oregon State University (MIRRORED)

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1 year
The Nobel Prize is just a crazy dream for most people. In 1998, Dr. Ignarro was awarded one of only 962 Nobel Prizes to date, winning it for his groundbreaking discovery of the unique signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO) and its many life-critical biological actions in the human body, ranging from lowering blood pressure to stimulating penile erection and sexual arousal. Yes, Dr. Ignarro is known as the Father of Viagra. But his far-reaching discovery has never been more urgently relevant to the world than it is today, as clinical trials are underway that involve using inhaled NO to treat patients suffering from COVID-19. At the age of twelve, a mischievous Dr. Louis J. Ignarro built what he thought was a firecrackerbut it turned out to be more like a small bomb. Still, that was the beginning of his long, productive journey with the key component of nitroglycerin which eventually led him to receive his Nobel Prize with Robert F. Furchgott and Ferid Murad.

The Linus Pauling Institute International Conference 2019 at Oregon State University.
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