Nitric Oxide Benefits - Integrating Nitric Oxide for Healthier Patients and Optimal Outcomes

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2 years
In this comprehensive webinar, we explore the diverse benefits of nitric oxide supplementation and its impact on skin health, heart health, mental health, sexual health, and more.

Embark on a transformative journey towards healthier patients by integrating nitric oxide for optimal outcomes. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies from experts in the field as they discuss the powerful role of nitric oxide in enhancing patient well-being. Uncover the latest research and discover how to leverage the potential of nitric oxide in your practice. Don't miss this full webinar to unlock the path to healthier patients through the integration of nitric oxide.

Join Dr. Nathan Bryan as he discusses the role and benefits of nitric oxide in optimizing your patient protocols for the year ahead. Dr. Bryan will address the roles of nitrate and nitrite-based products in patient care as well as the potential benefits of increasing nitric oxide levels on the skin.

Questions Covered:
- How does the human body produce Nitric Oxide?
- What goes wrong in people that can't make Nitric Oxide?
- What are the clinical consequences of such?
- How do you fix or restore endogenous Nitric Oxide production?

Dr. Bryan has been a pioneer in nitric oxide research for over 20 years. He has made many seminal discoveries in the field which has resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. Dr. Bryan is an internationally known expert in the field of molecular medicine and nitric oxide biochemistry. He has also authored five books and numerous highly cited research papers.

Learn more about Berkeley Life Professional products by visiting our website!

00:00 Intro
01:14 Learning Objectives
02:56 Simplified Theory of Disease
03:45 SPECT Scans of Brain & Heart
05:32 Nitric Oxide Deficiency & Chronic Disease
07:01 Nitric Oxide & Cardiovascular Health
09:01 Nitric Oxide's Key Role in Vital Biological Functions
10:21 Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, Ferid Murad
12:10 Clinical Consequences of Insufficient Nitric Oxide Production
15:03 What's the problem?
16:07 What causes Cardiovascular Disease?
16:43 Diabetes by the Numbers
18:23 Dietary Nitrates and the body
22:12 Nitric Oxide Synthase-Derived Plasma Nitrite
23:09 How do we control and regulate Nitric Oxide production?
31:15 How much Nitrate do we need?
35:52 Nitrate-Reducing Bacterian in Blood Pressure Control
37:35 How does Chlorhexidine Treatment affect Diversity of Oral Microbiome and Nitrate Reduction in healthy subjects?
39:34 Can we overcome variability in nitrate reduction based on differences in oral bacteria?
41:05 Facts
44:04 Can we replete tissue Nitric Oxide stores with dietary nitrite and nitrate and lower cardiovascular risk?
45:44 Strategies to Restore Nitric Oxide
50:00 Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide on skin and anti-aging
51:41 COVID-19
55:42 Is dietary nitrite and nitrate in humans what nature intended?
1:01:20 Conclusions