George Bush on 9/11

Inversionism Photo

8 months
This is the first speech George W Bush gave on September 11th, 2001.
Knowing what you do now about the entirety of 9/11, what exactly happened that day with all the "coincidences" like the NORAD scenarios and scrambled jets, the forethought and planning for conquest in the middle east shown in the Project for a New American Century document, the intelligence agency foreknowledge of the attack several years prior, the connection between Bin Laden and the CIA during the soviet era, and every other intricacy demonstrating a broad conspiracy... how does this speech make you feel?
Do you feel manipulated? Do you sense the dishonesty? Do you see how everything happening today in middle east and Israel is largely a result of what was allowed to happen to America on this day?
Do you remember a couple years after this when Netanyahu talked to the House about how he guaranteed with absolute certainty that if we invaded Iraq, it would bring stability and peace to the middle east? It didn't bring peace, it destabilized the entire area, created significant more hate for America and Israel, and resulted in millions of dead innocent people, many women and children, even babies.
History is repeating itself, and those who don't know it are doomed to repeat it.