Roseanne on the ''Vaccines''

Inversionism Photo

8 months
Roseanne also brought up a very important point with the vaccine that it seems like everyone has already forgotten and completely removed from the context of the current situation with Israel, the US, or any other government saying "it's a tragedy" about Hamas murdering babies and civilians.
News flash, governments have been experimenting on it's citizens and murdering babies with vaccines for decades. We have 6 month old infants getting the COVID vaccine as we speak, with every single death being attributed to something else to protect criminal pharma corporations. The governments know this, and yet they're not outraged. Why?
Do you remember when the Israeli government used their own citizens as guinea pigs for the COVID vaccine? Remember when they forced them to get it to keep their jobs or exist in society? Remember when they were the first country to implement the WHO/WEF vaccine passport system?
How can you possibly argue that the Israeli government actually cares about it's citizens with this reality in mind?
It's absurd cognitive dissonance with gold medal tier mental gymnastics and hypocrisy.
The enemy has always been within, and that enemy is now trying to push us to war with Iran for more death, destruction, and depopulation.