This clip is nine years old

Inversionism Photo

8 months
We're still falling for it. We've been falling for the same game of MSM outrage and charades repeated on multiple fronts, and that's because people are continually consumed by the "current thing" spoon fed by media and completely lose all context of history, precedent, and the lies and inversions they were just peddling that are clearly not in your best interest, like their recent attempt to get you to take another mRNA shot + flu shot and all the propaganda that came with it. See the 2 for 1 special psyop with Kelce and Taylor Swift...
It's so painful to watch so many people who just a week ago were unified with many of us against the establishment, the global death cult, MSM propaganda, COVID draconian insanity, and everything in between, and then literally overnight they've reverted back into being a rapid defender of the words uttered by repeatedly proven liars and criminals because something horrible happened to innocent people.
This condition going forward will be coined as 9/11 brain.
The condition is terminal and results in all out war unless you stop being consumed by the outrage and go acquire the antidote by learning some history, aka CONSPIRACIES.
Once you start to see the pattern of lies from the same people, the same institutions, the same governments, the same NGOs, and the same intelligence agencies, you then come back to the current moment after being cured of 9/11 brain and you start asking the right questions about the situation, ignoring the outrage machine that tries to come after you for it. You must remain intellectually free if you want humanity to be free.
Before the attacks, I've been posting a lot about how fear of the MSM machine coming after you has prevented people from talking about vaccines or questioning them, and now that same point applies to Israel / Hamas / Palestine / Hezbollah situation.
It's okay to question everything. You're not an anti-semite or hate jewish people because of it, and nor does that mean you're defending Hamas, Hezbollah, or the horrible things that happened to Israeli or Palestinian people. All it means is that you are a well adjusted critical thinker that is no longer a slave to the death cult.