All I see is propaganda everywhere.

Inversionism Photo

8 months
They lied about COVID, vaccines, Ukraine, election fraud, WMDs, and a thousand other things that have made the elites unfathomably rich and powerful at the expense of the rest of us... but everything they're telling us about the Israel and Palestine conflict is true and the only solution is to meet indiscriminate violence and with more indiscriminate violence and bomb poor people in the middle east, likely leading to WW3 between US, Iran, Russia, and whoever else wants to join the death cult party in bombing poor people.
After governments across the world coordinated in near perfect unison and just murdered god knows how many people with vaccines, ventilators, remdesivir, and the draconian COVID measures, do you really think any of them mourn civilian casualties in any context or think it's a tragedy? When I hear Netanyahu say "we mourn every civilian causality", I just don't believe him, especially when he's said it so many times over the years and yet continues bombing civilians.
After watching that clip yesterday of Netanyahu talking about using subversive tactics to destabilize and destroy Iran, it's all I've been thinking about in the context of the west. They're systematically desensitizing us to death, and they've been doing that through MSM, but also movies, TV shows, video games, and other means for decades.
I don't think the elites care about Palestinian or Israeli casualties at all, and it's clear this holy war that's fueled by death has been planned well in advance with forethought and malice to bring about WW3 and the NWO.