The Israel Attacks: Beyond the Obvious with Efrat Fenigson

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8 months
One of the most important discussions anyone can listen to right now. This is the type of discourse we should be trying to have about the situation between Israel and Palestine, instead of endlessly retweeting the horror stories about what's happening to Israeli civilians and then calling for more bombs in retaliation. This is what a lot of the top conservative influencers are doing at the moment in lockstep with the military industrial complex and war mongering establishment and it's gross. We also have some liberal groups calling for the same to be done to the Israelis. You're both one side of the same coin.
Anyone who tries to reason with them and get them to bring down the rhetoric so it's not all bombs, guns, and war, is met with "LOOK AT THIS VIDEO OF AN ISRAELI BEING RAPED AND KILLED BY HAMAS. WE MUST KILL THEM ALL IMMEDIATELY, WHO CARES ABOUT THE INNOCENT", along with saying that we don't understand the politics of the situation and that they've been "looking for a resolution for decades", when in reality it's just been a continual series broken promises and deals with wars and conflicts ever since the formation of Israel and military occupation of the land that Palestinians inhabited before.
It's completely insane and we're going to look back on this moment in history in however many months to years and be disgusted with how quickly people went from a seemingly well adjusted kind rational person, into calling for the extermination of an entire people.
We all fully understand and agree that what is happening to civilians on both sides is awful and must be condemned, and we also understand that there is corruption in Hamas. The solution isn't mass indiscriminate extermination of men, women, and children who didn't do anything wrong but be born in the wrong place or be near someone who is deemed a Hamas terrorist.
All that is going to do is create international conflict with other countries stepping in to start WW3, which is clearly the end goal here. We still haven't had answers on how the attack was allowed to happen in the first place, given Israel's incredibly advanced security and extremely capable military. It's very hard not to think that they let it happen for the justification of war, just as 9/11 was allowed to happen for the war in the middle east.
It's the same people. It's the same war hawks. It's the same establishment. It's the same military industrial complex. It's the exact same people who just tried to destroy your life and force you to get a vaccine.