Every bomb dropped, a defense contractor makes $$$$$

Inversionism Photo

8 months
For every single bomb dropped and missile fired, some defense contractor somewhere is making a buck.
Every, single, one.
How many civilians are dying each time you see a bomb going off in Gaza? What evidence is required for the Israeli government to classify you as a Hamas terrorist worthy of a missile? How many innocent women and children are acceptable collateral damage to kill 1 terrorist?
Are they just bombing indiscriminately without warning now? How are they delivering the warnings for innocent civilians to escape a targeted area without also tipping off Hamas?
These are the questions people should be asking, but instead you got Americans either blindly cheering on Israel obliterating Gaza out of revenge, or cheering on Hamas killing Israelis indiscriminately as revenge. Both groups of people are completely out of their minds.
Massacring more innocent people in response to a massacre of innocent people is so obviously not the solution to any problem, and all it's going to do is further raise tensions, exacerbate the conflict, create more radical terrorists seeking revenge with nothing to lose because their family just got bombed, and bring in other countries like Iran and Lebanon into the war because they view all this as a war crime, which is by design.