Ron Paul on the US funding Israel AND Palestine

Inversionism Photo

8 months
Here's another clip from Ron Paul in the early 2000s discussing the role of the US in funding both Israel and Palestine, and how many of the weapons being used to kill Palestinians are US weapons.
He also says that Hamas was really created by Israel and the US, implying it was an orchestrated enemy that was intentionally radicalized to foment further violence and conflict, and obviously more profits for the military industrial complex and bankers.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Are nefarious forces creating the problem? Is Hamas like ISIS and a creation of corrupt intelligence agencies to manufacture more war? Is Israel the aggressor and using manufactured attacks claiming its from Hamas to further justify invading and capturing their land with support from the US and others? Are both sides puppets to bankers to facilitate a war between the US and Iran, and then eventually Russia for WW3? Does that lead to the collapse of all currency and then the NWO?
We all have no idea what's really happening and who the true perpetrators are because of the unfathomable complexities involved with multiple different geopolitical interests at play. We're all just speculating, making knee jerk reactions and assumptions, trying to sift through propaganda or repurposed footage, picking sides, and calling each other names and labels when we disagree on something.
All I know is when looking back at history, especially with 9/11, you never truly know what's going on in the moment as it's happening, and you only find out months to years later when declassified documents or whistleblowers come out that paint the full picture.
It's clear we're in the infancy of a massive conflict, and I fear that we're all going to get lost in current events and forget how this all started and if some bad actors let this happen to justify the start of a new world war. I cannot just accept the surface level, over simplified, reductive narratives we are being given, and nor can I hear those narratives and immediately call for retaliation and violence that will kill innocent civilians on both sides. What if it's based on a lie?
Israelis and Palestinian civilians don't deserve to suffer, starve, die, or be bombed because of the actions of their corrupt authorities or lies manufactured by war mongering bankers.
So now you must ask some basic questions...
Are these military contractors, bankers, and other private special interests willing to manufacture and orchestrate an attack like this to justify an all out war? How do we know it's real terrorists and not intelligence?
This has been done continually throughout history like with 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction, ISIS, operation northwoods, gulf of tonkin, operation himmler, Reichstag fire, and literally dozens and dozens of false flag coup's done by just the CIA to topple foreign governments and install new leaders that adhere to US interests.
It's nearly impossible to know what's real in the moment as it's happening, and I hope everyone can take a step back and understand that before making snap judgements or calls for war. It could all be one massive psyop.
Please just question everything. That's all.