US Army soldier testimony re>middle east wars after 9/11

Inversionism Photo

8 months
"If one person shoots at you, kill everybody"
Please listen to this testimony from a US Army soldier about his experience in the war in the middle east after 9/11, recorded in 2007. This is such an important video to watch right now for perspective on current events, because he talks about the intentional escalation practices that were used in killing civilians and the sacrifice of US soldiers for continued justification of war and more military expenditures, and how good people were forced to do horrible things by their superiors, continually trapped in this endless feedback loop of violence and retaliation into further escalation.
We're seeing the same story playing out right now in real time, and it's so frustrating to watch people keep falling for the same propaganda, same emotional manipulation, and most infuriating, the same virtue signaling dishonesty where the governments pretend to care about their people and with some false moral authority seeking retribution, while every decision they've made before and after has shown the complete and total opposite result.
The US government had absolutely no problem putting their soldiers in harms way intentionally because dead soldiers sell war (sound familiar?). They had no problem murdering innocent people in Iraq because they knew it'd create resistance and radicalization from the locals, aka the new "terrorists", and more people to kill their own US soldiers that they can then use as more fuel for the war machine of death, conquest, and global domination.
News organizations like Fox, CNN, and others paraded these dead soldiers on TV for years to get the public angry, vengeful, and in support of more war, more escalation, and more money to defense contractors and the military. All it did was put the US deeper in debt, kill more soldiers and innocents, make people hate us and seeking revenge, and make the military industrial complex trillions of dollars.
They have much bigger plans and have no problem sacrificing you to get them, including bombing a hospital with hundreds of innocents to induce international outrage and war with Iran.
Stop giving war criminals your trust and benefit of the doubt. All they do is lie and contort reality for their anti-human agendas, just as they did after 9/11, and just as they are doing now.