The Realities of Geoengineering

Inversionism Photo

9 months

I will never understand how anyone can deny the realities of geoengineering when local news channels in California are running segments like this where they are outright admitting to these programs and how they are seeding clouds and increasing rainfall for more energy from the hydroelectric dams.

They even show video of how airplanes are fitted with attachments and spraying nozzles to pump tons of silver particulates into the clouds to seed and make it rain.

The pundit also makes sure to include the meaningless appeal to authority about how silver iodide is a toxic heavy metal, but that environmental researchers say it's "not likely to be harmful to wildlife", and that "experts are monitoring it closely to ensure it's safe for the environment and us humans".

If you haven't learned this already, the government is really bad at determining what is safe and effective, and they will willfully poison the populace for a myriad of reasons, especially for military experimentation purposes. See St Louis and cadmium sulfide they sprayed indiscriminately.

Why aren't more people talking about geoengineering programs? Is it because they're are afraid of being labeled as a chemtrail conspiracy theorist and fearful of ridicule?

How is it even debatable or open to ridicule when you have news segments like this with complete and total admissions to the fact that they are modifying the weather and geoengineering the environment?

Even more than that, there is so much more video evidence of these particulates being sprayed from planes, rainwater analysis, soil analysis, patents, declassified documents, and so much more that makes it completely undeniable. These programs are happening en masse all over the world in many countries, which completely invalidates the entire climate change narrative on it's face.

Blaming climate change on cow farts or driving cars while doing these programs just shows how dishonest they are with bad intent.

We are the carbon they want to reduce.