Discovery 1 Orientation - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience (Enhanced version)

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2 years
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Energy Conversion Box becomes your mental container to hold concerns, distractions, or interferences for the duration of the exercise. See it, feel it, hear it, think it, or simply imagine it. Your container may be simple or ornate, hightech or antique, a wooden chest, a sphere of light, a vacuum cleaner or a nuclear particle collector.
Imagine concrete symbols to place in the box, such as a wallet for financial worries, a photo or doll representing someone who is on your mind. You can place limiting words like cant, shouldnt, or must in your container; brick walls to symbolize your defenses; a desk or computer to symbolize work. Experiment. Its a tool for your use. Allow it to change and return to it whenever you wish during an exercise to place inside any new distraction.
Affirmation focuses your intention and attention. You may use the words as spoken in the exercise, modify them to maximize personal relevance and significance, or substitute your own version. Experiment. Make it yours.
Resonant Tuning accelerates the gathering of your vibrational energy while reducing internal dialogue. It helps vitalize and charge your entire system and loosens blockages in natural energy channels. Notice any physical manifestations as you vocalize aloud. The sounds on the exercise are only a guide. Set your own rhythm and pace, move up and down the scale, experiment with different vowel sounds.
Breathe only slightly deeper than you normally would and, as you inhale, imagine pulling sparkling, vibrant energy into all parts of your body. Allow it to move gently around in your head as you hold your breath. Try releasing tired, stale energy through the soles of your feet with each exhalation.
The opening and closing of your eyes may at first feel awkward, but try doing it anyway. Its a valuable first step in your learning that you are able to control autonomic processes and habitual behavior.
You can return at any time to full waking consciousness by simply breathing normally, opening your eyes, or moving the fingers of your right hand.
FocusTM 3 is the first signpost along your journey, a HemiSync state where your brain and mind are more coherent, synchronized and balanced.
Return to Full Waking Consciousness (C1) at the end of this and every exercise is facilitated by a strong audio signal. Despite the temptation to take off your headphones early, listen to this signal until it is withdrawn. The more completely you come back from each exercise, the further you can go into the next.

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