Discovery 2 Intro to Focus 10 - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience

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2 years
Focus 10 is a level in which your mind remains awake and alert while your body sleeps calmly and comfortably. Follow the instructions, focusing upon and then totally releasing each body part. Your body knows how to do this and to look with your closed eyes as you move towards profound relaxation.
One of the paradoxes of mind awake, body asleep is the possibility of heightened sensitivity: awareness that the pores of your skin breathe, hearing the swish of blood flow behind your ears, feeling your heart beat. Spontaneous remote sensing is also possible: hearing sounds you would swear you are hearing this time but not the last time, or perceiving faraway, delicate odors. Place all expectations in your box, relax, and simply go with whatever you are experiencing.
Health Affirmation at the end of each exercise helps you balance physical and nonphysical energies. Know that it is working for you without effort on your part.
