Threshold 2 Problem Solving - Hemi Sync - Gateway Experience

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2 years
Take a problem or question into Focus 12, place it at the center of your consciousness (which, for example, may be in your heart, abdomen, or head), and push it out, or let it flow out into your total awareness. Then release it. The best answer or solution will come back to you in its own way and in its own time. Frequently, this will happen during your tape experience. Equally valid, however, is an answer or solution that may come at some later time, in another place.
To seek solutions in this high energy state is the essence of this exercise: receiving will come to those who have asked. Your desire to know, the clarity of your question, and the intensity of your asking are keys to what you receive and the way you receive it. Gratitude amplifies the process.
Conventional relationships between questions and answers, problems and solutions, tend to dissolve as new Focus 12 perspectives change the very nature of the original question or
problem. For instance, remember the man who couldnt open his Energy Conversion Box? (Please see Energy Conversion Box instructions on page 20.) The recognition of his tendency to use force in most situations allowed his box to open easily. Thus, the assumed problem (a locked box) is often not the actual problem (tendency to use force). Solutions are seldom restricted to ordinary alternatives, and a different question frequently provides the answer. On the other hand, some answers and solutions appear so obvious or simple that you may tend to discount them. Dont. There is often great power in the simple and the obvious. If, at first, you feel as if youre creating your own answers, gently acknowledge that if guidance is in any way connected to a more complete or higher aspect of your total self, then guidance would naturally seem to be coming from yourself, and therefore would seem deeply familiar.
As you learned in Discovery, your biggest problem may well be, What is my problem? and your biggest question, What question should I be asking? If you remain puzzled about what to ask, approach this exercise from another point of view and ask, What is the most important information I need to know at this moment? And please remember, if guidance enters your awareness from energy systems or realities more comprehensive than ordinary consciousness, you severely limit the parameters of your resources by framing all of your questions and problems from your waking perspective. And remember the value of receiving guidance in the form of humor and puns. (For review, please see Free Flow Methods of Exploration on page 33.)
Experiment with creative techniques. If something isnt working, change what you are doing. Use Focus 12 problem-solving techniques to be innovative, to be creative, and to find solutions that best suit you.