Discovery 6 Free Flow 10 - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience

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2 years
Free Flow 10 is an opportunity to pursue your own purpose with all the tools learned so far. Up to this point, you have been creating your own experiences under the guidance of the instructions on the exercise. Now you are your own guide. Seek only what you really want to know, and be responsible for the knowing. Whatever you receive becomes a part of you. Your beliefs, energy, and attitude influence the intensity and the extent of your free flow exploration. A sense of gratitude enhances communication and union with sources outside your conscious boundaries.
If you have a particular purpose, write it down beforehand in a succinct, straightforward manner; hold it in your mind as you begin, but remain open to whatever you experience. Expectations of when and how guidance should come may block the very knowledge you seek. You need not know the way to guidance.
Choose only to be guided. You may or may not see or hear. Tingles or twitches and intuitive cues can be equally enlightening. One Gateway experiencer felt nothing but a cramp in the leg. The valuable insight that the object of attention was cramping her style came only later.
Use repetitions of this exercise to play with a particular tool: your Affirmation, Box, REBAL, etc. Each time you work with the exercise, explore from a fresh perspective. Dont expect your experience to resemble anyone elses. Value your uniqueness. Its alright to reexamine a previous experience, but do so with openness rather than trying to recreate an identical situation.
In summary, enter the free flow with awareness, serenity, openness, and enjoy!
