Freedom 1: Lift Off - Hemi Sync - Gateway Experience

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2 years
This exercise is designed to help you become completely calm and comfortable from a perspective that has little or nothing to do with your physical body. Repeat it until the process is so familiar that you can perform it at will when you reach Focus 10. At this point in your training, you should be completely familiar with the Resonant Energy Balloon (REBAL). As a refresher, go back to the Discovery instructions on page 25 and review the REBAL. The REBAL is such a valuable tool that once you understand its possibilities, its use will become an automatic procedure. This exercise demonstrates how the REBAL relates to you-not simply to your physical body.
Liftoff guides you through the process of getting your REBAL well formed, and then floating a short distance away from your physical body, with your awareness inside. This does not
necessarily imply that you are actually separating from your physical body, but it does give you the perspective of such action and movement. Thus, Liftoff offers you something very important that perspective. Floating up is often associated with thoughts of flying, gliding, or soaring. Like standing in an elevator, you rise without effort by feeling as though you were relaxing or settling down. Center yourself in the you that is nonphys-ical energy, rather than the you of your physical body. Use this exercise until it is very familiar to you. You will also find that it provides the assurance of your ability, to return safely and easily. Once you are secure with this knowledge, it is quite easy to move away farther than the exercise provides. Practice with Liftoff and have fun!
