Freedom 2: Remote Viewing - Hemi-Sync - Gateway Experience

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1 year
Focus 10 is not subject to the C-1 concepts of time and space. Therefore, reference to time and space while Remote Viewing is necessary only in
order to determine the appro-priate time and place in which to immerse your awareness. At a Gateway session in Richmond, Virginia, a young man saw a very distinctive red car in front of the building. Quickly going outside after the tape, he was crushed not to find the red car. After lunch, as he was walking back to the building, the red car was there, exactly as he had seen it. This shows the ease of Remote Viewing, and also establishes the need for being time conscious. Experiment. Nave a friend select a specific location in their home or office where a target object can be placed. It can be a window sill, an empty table top, or an out-of-the-way counter. Ensure the object stands alone as a target. As you envelop the object with your awareness, explore how you perceive, how your perceptions work. Are you more apt to sense geometric shapes, colors, or textures? What makes you say specific words about the things you perceive? What are the core feelings? Does an objects function affect your ability to resonate with it (for example, can you perceive apples but not cigarettes)? Scientists Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ define the hazards of interpreting versus describing in their book, Mind Reach. In it, they reported that one subject interpreted a cement rectangle filled with water as a swimming pool, and scored a miss. The cement rectangle with water in it was a sewage processing plant.
This exercise provides you with the means by which you can perform actual demonstrations utilizing the energy tools you now have available. Once you have acquired the technique, you can develop your own ways of using it. To become familiar with this technique, you may first
want to listen to the tape prior to actually performing this experiment. Then, in order to prepare for this experiment, you will need to do the following:
1. Obtain a clean, white paper bag. The bag should be large enough to hold small objects.
2. Arrange with a friend to have a small table or cleared area set up at a distance (at least not in
the same room) from where you will be listening to the exercise.
3. Your friend should be someone with whom you can verify the experiment. This person should also be separated by some distance from you. Again, this means not in the same
room. In fact, your friend can be several thousand miles away since distance makes no difference in Remote Viewing. Have your friend describe the location of the white bag. And ensure that you can verify by phone or otherwise the results of your experiment with this person.
4. Arrange with your friend to select a small object, or target; to place in the bag. This can be a specific object or a photograph of a person, place, or thing. It is important that the object selected remain unknown to you.
5. The experiment should be set for a specific time agreed upon by you and your friend, and should have a specific or set duration usually the length of the exercise. Until you are proficient, you might want to allow more time to make notes of your experiences following the exercise and prior to contact with your friend.
6. Remember the Energy Bar Tool (EBT) that you have devel-oped. This is a technique that will enable you to perform Remote Viewing. Begin this exercise with the knowledge that you will use your EBT, and with the idea of the target already having been placed inside the white bag by your friend.
7. At the conclusion of Remote Viewing, write down the perceptions that you have concerning the target. Explore why you feel the way you do a bout those perceptions. Pay particular attention to why you arrived at any conclusions about the target. Write down the information you will give to your friend. Finally, get in touch with your friend and deter-mine if your results are accurate. If you cannot reach the person immediately by phone, request that your friend forward you a written report of the target for verification. As with most learning, prompt feedback accelerates the development of Remote Viewing skills.
8. Review your notes. You may find yourself more proficient in one part of the exercise than another. If so, by all means repeat the process and concentrate on the section that is most effective and build from there. The entire pattern may not work well for you the first time. Review your inaccurate onclusions and try to understand why they may have be in error. Be sure to make special note of your accurate conclusions.
9. Always log your results. Patterns will emerge over time. Try to look at, and understand, why these patterns are a part of your life. As you work with Remote Viewing, try to integrate your newfound strengths into your daily life. And remember, there is no failure in psychic functioning, only a greater understanding of our awareness.
