Freedom 6: First Stage Separation - Hemi Sync - Gateway Experience

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1 year
1. Focus on the nonphysical energy within your physical body. Much like a log floating in water, slowly and easily rotate and roll this energy. Do so until what seems to be surface tension releases and you rotate freely as if there were an axis running directly through the length of your body. The moment you feel such release, it is important to release the
pressure that you have been putting upon such rotation. If you fail to do this, you might continue spinning. If you release the pressure too early, you might have only a partial rotation, perhaps only 90 to 180 degrees. Once you have stabilized this out of phase condition between your physical and nonphysical energies, it is possible to peel out of your physical body, moving outward and turning over as you do so. Reorientation with the physical is quite simple: you rotate until your second body is in alignment with the physical again. At that point you might perceive something akin to a little click, and you are then reintegrated.
2. The second method is one where you conceive of your second body as a rigid pole. Using your feet as a pivotal point, you move your second body slowly out of your physical body head first, then shoulders, then chest, then waist and abdomen, then your legs, until you are standing or are rigidly at 90 degrees from your physical body. At this point, your only connection is where your energy feet are still in proximity to your physical feet.
Then, desire itself is sufficient to enable a complete separation of your second body from your physical body. ,1s with all exercises, you may return to your physical body using the Return to C-1 encoding. Or, if you are still connected with your physical body, simply reverse your intent and tilt backward into your body.
3. The third technique involves backing away from the physical. That is, you slowly back out and away from your physical body. You may even feel yourself moving down through whatever you are lying on. Again, once this is achieved, turning away and moving to a more distant position from your physical body can become a daily practice.
4. The fourth method involves moving out of the top of your head as if you are a thin spray of gas or fog. Once you have removed your second body from your physical self, it often re- forms quite naturally into a replica of your physical body. From that point, you are free to behave as you desire.
5. The fifth method involves attaching an emotional value to the concept of floating and/or soaring. You begin to contem-plate how pleasant it is to float upward, like a cloud, and your second body responds to this emotional wish. Once you have achieved this, it is possible to remove or control the emotion gradually so that other parts of your total self can direct your experiences for the best possible outcome. All of these methods and techniques require practice. Practice will assist you in becoming more aware of processes to go out-of-body. (For descriptions and elaboration of these and other techniques, please refer to Robert Monroes book, Journeys Out of the Body.) Often when one becomes aware of a separation of the second body, a sense of excitement shifts ones attention back to the physical body. As a result, one tends to re-enter the physical body immediately. This natural reaction is especially true for ones first OBE. Therefore, to help you reduce the chance of this possibility, use these techniques to develop patience and relaxed effort. Then, when you do have an OBE, youll be able to experience the occasion fully.
Always bear in mind that you have an immediate means to return fully to your physical body. You always have such control. In addition to the methods already mentioned, whenever you want to reintegrate completely and immedi-ately with your physical body, all you need do is think of some part of your physical body, such as the fingers on your right or left hand, and start to move that part of your body. Stimulating your physical awareness immediately initiates the return process. Continued stimulation (such as walking, doing chores, or taking a cold shower) ensures a complete reinte-gration. The knowledge that you have this quick return procedure will only increase your sense of freedom. Remember,
the effects of working with these various energy tools are cumulative. The learning and application of one enhances and improves the use of another. The most important factor is patience. To become a superb concert pianist requires many hours of practice. To become proficient in the Gateway Experience requires much the same commitment.