Adventure 4: NVC - Hemi Sync - Gateway Experience

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2 years
NVC is short for Non-Verbal Commmication. NVC appears to be a primary method of conscious interaction in and among energy systems, or realities, where intelligence has a specific level of awareness. NVC is not to be confused with body language, or physical responses without words, either consciously or otherwise. Such communication does take place continually, but it is not NVC. Please keep in mind that the process of NVC is different from the process of C-1 communication. Both forms of communication require perception of some
kind of data, and then translation of that data to establish meaning. NVC is total expression. It occurs in the mind, and in mind-to-mind communication. Dreams are principally NVC. You have also encountered it many times in your Gateway Experience exercises in vibrations, light, living action, emotion. These and other unique forms of perception you develop will comprise your NVC vocabulary. Allow yourself to establish new meanings for familiar perceptions.
To fully enjoy your adventures, begin to learn and use NVC. This exercise is your primary lesson in NVC. In previous exercises, you developed tools and methods of perception. Now you will develop a form of total communi-cation. Work with it until you obtain results. Then practice without the tape.
