Exploring 1: Advanced Focus 12 - Hemi Sync - Gateway Experience

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1 year
When you listen to these exercises, your first impression may be that of simply listening to musical sounds. But the music and Hemi-Sync sounds you hear are actually the Focus 10 and Focus 12 processes in a new form. This Metamusic has been specifically composed to help you further develop Non-Verbal Communication (NVC). The Metamusic guides you through these exercises as you use the methods for reaching Focus 10 and Focus 12 that you have already learned. There are no verbal instructions the process is controlled solely by your mental direction. With these exercises you will learn to achieve goals and create experiences without instructions from the tape. You will direct yourself where you want to go, and what you want to experience. Changes in the frequencies of the Hemi--Sync signals automatically guide you in creating different states of consciousness. With this help, you will sense your progression through the now-familiar preparatory process (Resonant Tuning sounds remain on each tape), and then on to states of expanded awareness and self-exploration.
You no longer need your verbal training wheels. Furthermore, by this time in your Gateway Experience training, you have the expertise to regulate which Focus level you experience. In the first two Exploring exercises, you will use Focus 10 and Focus 12 Hemi-Sync signals to help you arrive at those levels; after that you will deliberately establish the Focus level that is most comfortable for you for any particular exercise. For example, you may find that Focus 10 works best for you for Remote Viewing, using your Energy Bar Tool, or practicing out-of-body techniques. In turn, Focus 12 might work best for you for patterning, problem solving, or asking for guidance.
It is important that you have completed all previous Gateway Experience Waves of Change exercises. Any use of these exercises without such prior experience is not recommended.

This Focus 10 exercise is similar to Free Flow 12 in that you should have a specific purpose in mind before beginning. The difference is that there are no verbal instructions that may detract from your experience. Here, the direction is totally yours. With no verbal reminders of C-1, you may explore a more powerful and effective Focus 10 experience. Begin with the preparatory process, and move on to Focus 10. Carry out your stated purpose using tools youve learned in previous Gateway Experience exercises. (See Free Flow Methods of Exploration on page 33.) When you sense a change in the sound patterns, return to C-1 using the method(s) most comfortable for you.

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