MrTruthBomb Photo

1 year
Pete Santilli (Santshilli) is now trying to promote Austin Steinbart (Steinlarp), who said that Q was actually him communicating to the chans from the future Show more
I know that sounds unbelievably dumb, but there was an army of shills promoting Steinlarp back then.
I question the credibility and legitimacy of anyone who would decide to promote such nonsense.
Austin Steinbart was an obvious deep state psy-op that was used as a feeble attempt to confuse the Q community.
Prior to pretending to be time travelling Q, Austin Steinbart tried to infiltrate Veterans on Patrol - a group that fight human trafficking on the border in Arizona - which is another reason why I am suspicious of anyone that had anything to do with Steinlarp.
Later when video emerged of Austin's attempt to infiltrate VOP and create an 'incident', Austin and his gang including (Michael Khoury who also works with Santshilly), tried to smear Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer aka Screwy Lewie from VOP as guilty of trafficking a child to former Mayor of Tucson - Jonathan Rothschild - which was a lie to try to discredit the VOP members video, with the aim of covering up Austin being exposed.
Santshilly has now officially exposed himself by promoting this group and needs to be called out for being an infiltrator shill.
Anyone promoting Austin Steinbart, with all this info out there, is trying to hurt the movement and are compromised. Show less