Building 7 - Demolishing the controlled demolition theory

911Revisited Photo

1 year
Building 7 didn't go down due to fires or controlled demolition.

Truth seekers have been bamboozled by the "trusted experts" for nearly 2 decades.

Why cant most 9/11 truth seekers count past 3?

Well, thats because a lot of them are emotionally and financially invested into the talking points sold to them regarding the controlled demolition of Building 7 and in part, because they are lazy and theyve outsourced their thinking to the experts that only talk about 3 buildings that were destroyed and they ignore the other 5 because they cannot explain what happened to those other 5 buildings.

Let me give you a hint, the damage seems not to be due to falling debris from the Twin Towers.

Remember covid and what the trusted experts were telling you to do and not to do as well as what to think, or not to think? And DONT do your own research!

Well, thats exactly what has been happening in the 9/11 truther movement for the last 2 decades. Im sorry to inform you, but youve been hoodwinked and bamboozled. If you have children, youd remember how upset your little one was once they heard the tooth fairy or Santa does not exist. Its the same emotions for 9/11 truth seekers once they really critically think about Building 7.

So, before I jump into the demolition of the controlled demolition THEORY its time to remind you of something Just because something looks / feels similar, doesnt mean it is the same thing, you are assuming and not dealing with evidence.

I regularly come across people sharing a video of Building 7 showing flashes going off with the sounds of loud booms.

This video was released in 2011 and went viral rather quickly and for the 20th anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 attacks the creator of that video came clean about his tom foolery as well as taking a poke at the proponents of the controlled demolition THEORY.

I do applaud him for calling these organisations out, but I do still disagree with him wanting to lean back to the original narrative as put forth by NIST wanting to argue the fire induced collapse. NIST is correct though - There were NO EXPLOSIVES used to bring down Building 7.

I have been in email contact with the creator of the video and Ive discussed an anomaly with Building 7 with him, but he too took the stance of a child learning that the tooth fairy and Santa is a LIE. And Ill be letting you in on the glaring ANOMALY that cannot be explained away no matter what stupid logic you try and apply to distract away from this glaring irrefutable fact that demolished NISTs position and that of the 9/11 truther community. You need to watch the following 16 minute video explanation.

The first couple of minutes has no sound for a reason. You need to focus on what is written on the screen - You might have to re-watch it a couple of times too to fully wrap your head around it.

Now some 9/11 truthers have tried to address the seismic reading of 0.6, but they are dare I say, well trained to distract you with a lot of blah, blah, blah. NIST nor the 9/11 truth talking heads EVER mention that a 0.6 isnt in line for a 230 000 ton building!

Now, there is a scientist that looked into all of these strange anomalies, but youre not allowed to mention this scientist name and these 9/11 truth talking heads quickly dismisses the EVIDENCE this scientist presents and they NEVER discuss that this scientist actually SUED NISTs subcontractors for science fraud.

Remember, all these THEORIES proposed by all these 9/11 truther talking heads have NEVER been filed against NIST for correction or in a court of law trying to prove their case. Yet, they keep pushing their THEORIES as some sort of truth or evidence whilst asking for donation after donation after donation.

You need to really pay attention to the words they use that give the impression of being truthful. After all, theyve been at this fulltime for 16+ years.

To find out what else is NOT being discussed by the 9/11 truther movement, I suggest getting your hands on the book by Dr Judy Wood: "Where did the Towers go?"