33° Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council on Masonry

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2 years

The Scottish Rite as a mother jurisdiction, on the other hand, retained, reinforced, and expanded both goals, societal and spiritual. And sweepers deal in daily living the virtues of morality, charity, and patriotism. But we also search for an ultimate mystic union with a deity. And for that purpose, we reveal and apply in our degrees from the fourth to the 33rd. 


The ancient wisdom, esoteric knowledge that comes to us over long drifting centuries. Our Scottish Rite therefore, delves deeply into philosophy, and metaphysics, what we square this with the miracles of modern science, for example, in my book, emergence of the mystical, I call it our Scottish Rite mission, and modern science. And I saw that they are compatible companions. 


Throughout all history, there have been examples of extraordinary purposes of the mind. These have included and been repeated in different forms. metaphors, that derive from what we know as wisdom of the ancients. The powers, forces and energies can be discovered. If we searched deeply enough. They were to be found in all parts of the world, such as the mysteries of Isis and Osiris in Egypt, Mithraic mysteries of the Persians, and mysteries of Greece, the mysteries of Samothrace and Chaldea mysteries of India, the Druidical mysteries, the Gothic, and Scandinavian mysteries, and others. 


The object of these mysteries was not merely to teach morality, they developed the whole man and permitted him to attain his total potential. As Albert Pike said, and moral truths alone been taught the initiates the mysteries could never have deserved and received a magnificent eulogies of the most enlightened man of antiquity: of Pindar Plutarch, Isocrates, Diodorus, Plato, Europides, these Socrates, Aristophanes, Cicero, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and others. 


These were philosophers or historians devoted to the investigation of truth, always sciences, were taught there and they are studies of the ancient world, there were temples for public worship, in which philosophers and mystics talk through what are known as the Lesser and Greater mysteries. They imparted to their initiates the secret wisdom in sacred dramas, and communications to those admitted as keys to wisdom, or the doctrine of the one God, resurrection of eternal life, the dignity of the human soul and union with a deity as reflected in the splendor of the universe. 


They taught the tremendous possibilities of the power of the will and reawakened spiritual strength. So initiates would think positively, use our faculties with confidence, and intelligence, improve their mental endowments, develop their worldview, control events, attitudes, and health. Understand the possibilities of intuition, hypnotism and the subconscious.


Be patient when confronted with adversity, courageous in the face of danger, resist temptation and live worthily so as to gain the commendation of a deity. The ancient mysteries later fell into a perverted decline and were replaced with a ceremonial sorcery, incantations in lieu of divine magic. Also were filled with indescribable practices and the orgies of Bacchus. Some of the devout few seek to preserving from oblivion the secret doctrines. But more often along the line, the keys to esoteric knowledge, were thrown over the hedge of time. 


Few aspects of mystic power are more fascinating, are buried more deeply in esoteric teachings and symbols. Thus, it was accessible only to selected candidates who had gone through the fires of initiation and vows of secrecy. Certainly a correct reception requires more than a confused mind. They either distinguish what I call powers of the mind from ceremonial magic, whether white or black, that was vain and wicked. If not not actually kind of pious form. Those we wholeheartedly disapprove. 


The object of our inquiry rests upon far more solid ground. There are examples that prove to a point of demonstration, the enormous powers of the mind. 


William James was the father of modern psychological science. At one time, he was professor of anatomy, psychology, and philosophy at Harvard University, combining body, mind and soul, one of this country's most profound thinkers. There was an eminent psychologist, popular writer, named Seabury, who mentioned in his book, How to Live With Yourself that as a boy, he start upon the knee of William James was a good friend of his father. He remembered well, William James said that as a young man, he had a serious heart condition that predicted an early death. 


But he read a book which told us the seemingly magical powers of the will for control of the body. And so he determined to train his will to direct improvement of his heart condition. Every night before going to sleep, he projected his will to visualize a healthy heart for the following day. He suggested this in repeating appropriate words. The results were remarkable. He felt he owed his life to that simple advice, which worked so miraculously. You mind try tapping your similar mystic powers, such as your capabilities of intuition. 


The modern Scottish Rite of the mother jurisdiction, as found the keys to esoteric knowledge. And therefore it is the direct true descendant, and the survivor of the ancient mysteries. We pursue, preserve and teach the ancient wisdom and esoteric knowledge. That is why our house of the Temple is replete and resplendent with artistic ornaments and priceless symbols. They reflect our mission to instruct man in the real science of being and to read them up the stairway to perfection, to our realization of the true brotherhood of man, and the fatherhood of God