Laurence Gardner - Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark

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17 years

Throughout the past century, and especially since the days of Albert Einstein, scientists have been searching for the Holy Grail of modern physics, which they classify as a unified Theory of Everything. This has led to some amazing discoveries and the emergence of a whole new language, which includes superstrings, quarks, and superconductivity, along with an awareness of hitherto unknown planes of existence beyond our own familiar space-time.

In the field of quantum mechanics, scientists have recently confirmed that matter can indeed be in two places at once. It is now established that, through quantum entanglement, particles millions of light-years apart can be connected without physical contact. Space-time can now be manipulated; teleportation is becoming a reality; gravity-resistant material is heralded for air transport, and virtual science has led to a greater understanding of hyper-dimensional environments.

When discussing the attributes of monatomic gold and platinums in Genesis of the Grail Kings, I remarked that it would not be long before the potential of these noble metals was announced for environment-friendly fuel cells. These, I suggested, would supersede fossil fuels for transportation and other practical purposes. At the same time, I touched on their future use in the medical arena, particularly in the field of cancer treatment. More especially, we looked at the gravity-defying attributes of these exotic, white-powder substances, and at their abilities to superconduct and literally bend space-time.

The truly astonishing fact about the enigmatic white powder of high-spin gold and platinum group metals is that it is not actually a new discovery. The ancient Mesopotamians called it 'shem-an-na' and the Egyptians described it as 'mfkzt', while the Alexandrians venerated it as a gift from Paradise, and later chemists such as Nicolas Flamel called it the Philosophers' Stone.

At all stages of its history the sacred "powder of projection" was reckoned to have extraordinary powers of levitation, transmutation, and teleportation. It was said to produce brilliant light and deadly rays, while at the same time being a key to active physical longevity. In today's world, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Texas has described the substance as "exotic matter", and superconductivity (one of its primary characteristics) has been claimed by the Center for Advanced Study in Illinois as "the most remarkable physical property in the universe".

It is clear, however, from the documentary evidence of ancient times, that the attributes of superconductors and gravity defiance were known, even if not understood, in a distant world of priestly levitation, godly communication, and the phenomenal power of the 'electrikus'. In Greek mythology the quest for the secret of this substance was at the heart of the Golden Fleece legend, while in biblical terms it was the mystical realm of the Ark of the Covenant - the golden coffer, which Moses brought out of Sinai, and was later housed in the Temple of Jerusalem.

Irrespective of all this, the earliest historical record of 'mfkzt' powder is probably the most telling of all. It appears in a very specific guise in the Egyptian Pyramid Texts - sacred writings which adorn the 5th-dynasty pyramid tomb of King Unas at Saqqara. Here is described the locality in which the King is said to live forever with the Gods, and it is called the Field of Mfkzt - an ethereal location associated with an otherworldly dimension called the Realm of the Blessed.

Given that mysterious processes concerning gold have an alchemical ring about them, and since the monatomic 'powder of projection' (although made from noble metals) is classified as a 'stone', let us consider the writings of the 17th-century alchemist Eirenaeus Philalethes. This renowned British philosopher, revered by Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Elias Ashmole, and other Royal Society fellows of his day, produced a work in 1667 entitled Secrets Revealed. In this treatise, he discussed the nature of the Philosophers' Stone, which was commonly thought to transmute base metal into gold. Setting the record straight, Philalethes made the point that the Stone was itself made of gold, and that the philosophers' art was in perfecting this process. He stated: "Our Stone is nothing but gold digested to the highest degree of purity and subtle fixation ... Our gold, no longer vulgar, is the ultimate goal of Nature".

In another treatise entitled A Brief Guide to the Celestial Ruby, Philalethes pronounced: "It is called a Stone by virtue of its fixed nature; it resists the action of fire as successfully as any stone. In species it is gold, more purer than the purest; it is fixed and incombustible like a stone, but its appearance is that of a very fine powder".

Some time earlier, in the 15th century, the French chemist Nicolas Flamel wrote in his Last Testament, dated 22nd November 1416, that when the noble metal was perfectly dried and digested, it made a fine "powder of gold", which is the Philosophers' Stone.

Returning to ancient Egypt, we find further references to 'mfkzt' at various sacred locations. One of these relates to the treasures of Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, as reproduced in a bas-relief at the temple of Karnak. In the metals section, there are a number of cone-shaped objects. They are explained as being made of gold, but carry the rather odd description, "white bread".

It was at Karnak where, in about 1450 BC, Tuthmosis III founded his metallurgical fraternity of Master Craftsmen, with 39 members on the High Council. They were called the Great White Brotherhood - a name which, it was said, derived from their preoccupation with a mysterious white powder of projection.

The powder features again in an Alexandrian document called the Iter Alexandri Magni ad Paradisum. This was an old parable of Alexander the Great's journey to Paradise - the kingdom of Ahura Mazda, the Persian god of light. The account features the enchanted Paradise Stone, which had numerous magical properties and was said to outweigh its own quantity of gold although, when transposed to a powder, even a feather could tip the scales against it!

The powder's association with light was discovered again by the archaeologist Sir William Flinders Petrie in 1904. Researching the mountain wilderness of Sinai for the Egypt Exploration Fund, he discovered a hitherto unknown Egyptian temple at the summit of Mount Serâbît (better known as Mount Horeb, from the Bible account of Moses and the Ark of the Covenant). Here in this complex of halls and shrines, there were numerous inscriptions relating to 'mfkzt', accompanying a variety of hieroglyphs for light. Also, in line with the Karnak reliefs, presentations of conical bread-cakes were apparent in the Serâbît wall carvings. One of these was a representation of Tuthmosis IV in the presence of the goddess Hathor. Before him were two offering stands topped with lotus flowers and behind him a man bearing a conical object described as "white bread".

Another relief portrays the treasurer, Sobekhotep, presenting a conical loaf to Pharaoh Amenhotep III. In this respect, however, Sobekhotep is described as "He who brought the noble and precious stone to his Majesty" - and he is called "The Great One over the secrets of the House of Gold".

In all cases where the 'mfkzt' powder of projection is allied to gold, bread and light, and classified as a 'stone', it is also related to fire. Interestingly, these things are all brought together in the Old Testament book of Job, which states: "As for the earth, out of it cometh bread; and under it is turned up as it were fire. The stones of it are the place of sapphires, and it hath the dust of gold".

Another biblical text, from the book of Exodus, also discusses this mysterious combination - but in a form which moves one step nearer to the 'bread' connotation by describing the white powder as a type of food. It appears in the story of Moses and the Israelites at Mount Horeb in Sinai, when Moses is disturbed to find that his brother Aaron has collected the gold rings from the Israelites and forged from them a golden calf as an idol of worship. The account relates that Moses took the golden calf, burned it with fire, transposed it into a powder, mixed it with water, and fed it to the Israelites.

This story has long baffled theologians because heating or burning gold with fire does not, of course, produce powder; it produces molten gold. Later in the story, however, it is explained that the fine powder could be wiped with frankincense and made into bread cakes, which the old Septuagint Bible calls "bread of the presence".

All of this is mixed and mingled with accounts of fire on the mountain, and the express importance of the Ark of the Covenant - the golden coffer which sent out deadly spears of lightning from between the wings of the cherubim which surmounted its lid. In keeping with the bread of the presence, these bolts of Ark-light were similarly referred to as "The Presence" (seemingly, the presence of God), and the Greeks called it the 'electrikus'.

Back in old Babylonia, the enigmatic white powder was called 'an-na', meaning 'fire-stone' and, when made into conical cakes, it was 'shem-an-na' - denoting cone-shaped or 'highward fire-stone'. According to the Bible, the Israelites referred to the bread-powder as 'manna', which sounds somewhat similar. It is explained by Flavius Josephus in his 1st-century Antiquities of the Jews that the term 'manna' was actually a question, meaning, What is it? - and the book of Exodus confirms this, stating: "They called it manna because they knew not what it was".

This is totally in line with 'mfkzt' allusions in the Egyptian Book of the Dead (alternatively called the Papyrus of Ani). This 18th-dynasty scroll from Thebes, acquired by the British Museum in 1888, is extensively illustrated and around 76 feet (over 23 metres) in length. In this ancient ritualistic work, the pharaoh who seeks the terminal enlightenment asks, at the completion of each stage of his journey, the repetitive question, "What is it?"

Other similar texts date back to the 3rd millennium BC, and it is clear from the Mount Serâbît reliefs in Sinai that the Egyptian kings were ingesting the white powder of gold from around 2380 BC. However, only the metallurgical adepts of the mystery schools (the Master Craftsmen) knew the secret of its manufacture, and the ultimate High Priest of Memphis held the title of Great Artificer.

The Terminal Enlightenment (or, as the Greeks called it, the 'gnosis') was an ideal of perpetual quest. As against the physical body, one was also reckoned to have a 'light body', which similarly had to be fed so as to be nurtured and grow. The light body was called the 'ka' and, although essentially an intangible feature of life, it was said to remain active in the Afterlife. The food of the ka was light, which generated enlightenment, and the generative substance of light was the 'mfkzt' white powder of gold.

Holding this information in mind, while remembering that all aspects of such discoveries have been a constant source of bewilderment for historians, theologians and even scientists, we can now move forwards in time to our present era. Taking our leave of the Middle East, our story will continue for a while in America where, quite by chance, the mysteries of this long forgotten science were rediscovered quite recently. Not only did 'mfkzt' re-emerge to find its place at the forefront of quantum physical research, but the stories of the Ark of the Covenant; the accounts of lightning, levitation, and other godly attributes of the ancient texts, quite suddenly became modern scientific reality.

From 1995 the story of this initial discovery was reported in lectures and press articles by the Phoenix cotton farmer David Hudson. He explained that his soil suffered from a high sodium content, which caused the surface to be hard and impenetrable by water. To combat this (back in 1976), he was injecting sulphuric acid into the ground so as to break down the crust to a manageable consistency, but on testing soil constituents that were not dissolved by the acid, one particular material had a most unusual quality. When heat-dried in the Arizona sun, it would flare into a great blaze of white light and totally disappear. Under spectroscopic analysis, however, the substance registered as 'pure nothing'!

Following unsuccessful tests at Cornell University, a sample was sent to England's Harwell Laboratories in Oxfordshire for neutron activation analysis - but even they could not obtain a suitable reading. Eventually, with assistance from the Soviet Academy of Sciences, it was determined that the mysterious glowing white substance was composed entirely of platinum group metals in a form hitherto unknown to science.

In the course of continued research, the material was regularly heated and cooled, with a resultant fluctuation in its gravitational weight. It was also discovered that, at a certain temperature, the substance would fall apart to become an impalpable white powder - at which point its weight fell dramatically to 56% of its starting weight. Further heating then transformed the precious substance into a wonderfully clear glass, at which point the material weight returned to its original 100%. It was seemingly impossible, but it happened time and time again!

Totally bewildered, the scientists continued their investigations. When they repeatedly heated and cooled the sample under inert gases, they found that the cooling processes took the sample to an amazing 400% of its starting weight; but when they heated it again, they found it weighed less than nothing - way below zero. When they removed the sample from the pan, they discovered that the pan actually weighed more than it did with the material in it. Even the pan was levitating!

This was precisely in accordance with the old Alexandrian alchemical text, which had discussed the golden Paradise Stone over 2,000 years before: The material could outweigh its original quantity of gold, but when transposed to powder, even a feather would tip the scales against it.

The substance was also determined to be a natural superconductor with a null magnetic field, repelling both North and South magnetic poles, while having the ability to levitate and store any amount of light and energy within itself.

At that stage of development, Hudson met with Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. In his studies of zero-point energy and gravity as a zero-point fluctuation force, Puthoff had determined that when matter begins to react in two dimensions (as Hudson's samples were doing), it should theoretically lose some of its gravitational weight.

Hudson was therefore able to confirm Puthoff's theory in practice, explaining that when entering a superconductive state the monatomic powder registers only 56% of its starting weight. Also, that when heated it can achieve a gravitational attraction of less than zero - at which point the weighing-pan also weighs less than it did when empty.

Since gravity determines space-time, Puthoff concluded that materials such as this powder would be classified as 'exotic matter', and would be capable of bending space-time. However, it would then be resonating in a different dimension, under which circumstance it should become totally invisible. Again, Hudson confirmed that this was precisely the case; the sample certainly did vanish from sight when its weight disappeared.

What was being said here was not simply that the substance could be moved out of perceptual vision, but that it was literally transported into an alternative parallel plane - a hyper-dimension of space-time. The proof of this was ascertained by attempting to disturb and scoop the substance with a spatula while it was invisible, so that it would be positioned differently when it returned to a visible state. But this did not happen and the substance returned to precisely the same position and shape that it was last seen. Nothing was moved or disturbed in the invisible interim because it had not been there. In short, it was not invisible: it had actually altered its physical state and had transposed into another dimension.

It was like the difference between a conventional stealth aircraft, which cannot be detected by radar, as against one which can literally disappear into another dimension. This then is the superconductive dimension of the Orbit of Light or, as the Egyptian tomb records called it, the Field of Mfkzt.

In the early 1990s, articles concerning stealth atoms and superconductivity began to appear with great regularity in the science press. The Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, the USA Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratories in Chicago, and their Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee all confirmed that the elements discovered by Hudson certainly existed in the 'exotic' state. These included gold and the platinum group metals: iridium, rhodium, palladium, platinum, osmium and ruthenium.

When filing his patents, Hudson had the substances classified as Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements (ORMEs), and the scientific terminology to describe the monatomic phenomenon is Asymmetrical Deformed High-spin. The substances are superconductors because high-spin atoms can pass energy from one to the next with no net loss of energy.

Manipulation of space-time also became a subject of special interest, leading to an astonishing May 1994 announcement in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity. Written by the Mexican mathematical scientist Miguel Alcubierre, it stated: "It is now known that it is possible to modify space-time in a way that allows a spaceship to travel at an arbitrarily large speed by a purely local expansion of the space-time behind the spaceship and an opposite contraction in front of it - a motion faster than the speed of light, reminiscent of the warp drive of science fiction".

This was followed a few months later by a related article in the American Scientist. In this study, the physicist Michael Szpir showed how Alcubierre's concept did not violate Einstein's theory that no object can travel faster than light. He explained that, when in warp mode, the craft would not actually be travelling at all. The theoretical acceleration would be enormous, but the true rate of acceleration would be zero.

Here then was a form of speed-of-light travel that required minimum time and minimum fuel. Only the necessary chunk of space-time would ostensibly have moved from in front of the craft to be relocated behind it by means of contraction and expansion respectively. But what was the necessary device to make this possible? The Alcubierre article explained that "exotic matter will be needed to generate a distortion of space-time".

With information from the Ohio Aerospace Institute, Britain's BBC News science editor, Dr. David Whitehouse, subsequently reported: "The idea relies on the concept that, to physicists, space is not empty ... Space has a shape that can be distorted by matter ... The starship would simply rest in a warp bubble between the two space-time distortions".

So, what is the 'exotic matter' to which Alcubierre referred? It is matter which has a gravitational attraction of less than zero. Szpir described it as "matter with the curious property of having a negative energy density, unlike normal matter (the stuff that makes up people, the planets and the stars), which has a positive energy".

The necessary exotic device is an operative superconductor, and it had already been ascertained that the Phoenix 'mfkzt' was exotic matter with the ability to bend space-time.

Reverting once more to where we began, we can now take another look at ORMEs in relation to its regular ingestion by the Egyptian pharaohs and Babylonian kings, to see precisely how these monatomic elements were used to feed their light bodies, with some astonishing results.

In the May 1995 issue of Scientific American, the effect of the platinum group metal ruthenium was discussed in relation to human DNA. It was pointed out that when single ruthenium atoms are placed at each end of a short strand of DNA, the strand becomes 10,000 times more conductive. It becomes, in effect, a superconductor. For some time, chemists had suspected that the double helix might create a highly conductive path along the axis of the molecule, and here was confirmation of the fact.

Similarly, the Platinum Metals Review has featured regular articles concerning the use of platinum, iridium, and ruthenium in the treatment of cancers, which are caused through the abnormal and uncontrolled division of body cells. When a DNA state is altered (as in the case of a cancer) the application of a platinum compound will resonate with the deformed cell, causing the DNA to relax and become corrected. Such treatment involves no surgery; it does not destroy surrounding tissue with radiation, nor kill the immune system, as does chemotherapy or radio-therapy.

The medical profession entered the high-spin arena when the biomedical research division of Bristol-Myers Squibb announced that ruthenium atoms interact with DNA, correcting the malformation in cancer cells. (Monatomic gold and platinum metals are in effect 'stealth atoms', and it has now been ascertained that body cells communicate with each other by way of stealth atoms through a system of light waves.) What the new science determines is that monatomic ruthenium resonates with the DNA, dismantles the short-length helix, and rebuilds it again correctly - just as one might dismantle and resurrect a dilapidated building.

It is known that both iridium and rhodium have anti-ageing properties, while ruthenium and platinum compounds interact with the DNA and the cellular body. It is also known that gold and the platinum metals, in their monatomic high-spin state, can activate the endocrinal glandular system in a way that heightens awareness, perception and intuition to extraordinary levels. In this regard, it is considered that the high-spin powder of gold has a distinct effect upon the pineal gland, increasing melatonin production. Likewise, the monatomic powder of iridium has a similar effect on the serotonin production of the pituitary gland, and would appear to reactivate the body's 'junk DNA', along with the under-used and unused parts of the brain.

It is of particular significance that, irrespective of all today's costly and extensive research in these areas, the secrets of the highward fire-stones were known to our ancestors many thousands of years ago. They knew that there were superconductors inherent in the human body; they were the elements of individual consciousness which they called the 'light body' (the 'ka'). They knew that both the physical body and the light body had to be fed to increase hormonal production, and the ultimate food for the latter was called 'shem-an-na' by the Babylonians, 'mfkzt' by the Egyptians, and 'manna' by the Israelites,

The magical powder of projection was manufactured by the priestly Master Craftsmen of the temples (the Guardians of the House of Gold) for the express purpose of deifying the kings - and it re-emerges today as the primary new substance in fields ranging from cancer treatment to stealth aircraft. It will also provide the essential 'exotic matter' required for warp drive space travel in hitherto insurmountable dimensions of space-time.

In Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, the story of monatomic 'mfkzt' is told in detail from the earliest times to the present day, with specific reference to the importance of the biblical Ark of the Covenant. There are many mysteries associated with this enigmatic coffer - not the least of which is the manner of its original creation at Mount Horeb. The book of Exodus explains that, when Moses destroyed the Israelites' golden calf, God issued a specific directive forbidding the manufacture of graven images which represented any living creature on earth or in heaven. But then, immediately after this, God seemingly instructed the craftsman Bezaleel to construct the Ark of the Covenant, specifying (in complete contradiction of the directive) that two golden cherubs should surmount its lid. What then (if not angels, as commonly thought) were the arcane cherubim? How did they have the power to produce the devastating Ark-light of the presence, which wreaked such havoc on the subsequent battlefields?

Through our present understanding of high-spin elements, it becomes apparent that the biblical Ark (along with similar devices in Egypt and Babylonia) was directly responsible for the scientific manufacture of the monatomic fire-stone, while also providing its own storage facility for the substance - hence the Ark's levitational and superconductive powers.

From the time of Moses, the Ark's history can be followed to the Temple of Jerusalem. There, as described in the Septuagint, King Solomon used its powers to "provide bread for the household of the King of Tyre", who supplied in return ships, horses and chariots for the Royal House of Judah.


Subsequently (despite what many have written to the contrary), the Ark can be tracked for another 2000 years to its astonishing role in the history of the Knights Templars in Europe. Its last historical record comes from the early 14th century and, from this, its final resting place is determined - a resting place which could never have been understood until this present era of quantum physics and the superconductor research of high-spin monatomic lements