CERN Has a Universal Secret! Are They Opening the Portals of Hell - Anthony Patch Weighs in

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2 years

Hi, everyone, this is Lisa Haven and I have with me Anthony patch from the conference here. And I thought, what a great time to bring him on as well. He's got lots of great information on CERN as well as he's author of two books. I encourage you guys to check those out as well. And he has a website, Anthony Correct. And so I thought, well, he's very versed on CERN and what's happening with CERN in response to end time Bible prophecy, Revelation nine in particular, correct, which we'll delve into that in a moment. But I know a lot of you viewers out there wanted a little more explanation on CERN. So I thought why not bring somebody who's studied it in depth. So with that, can you tell maybe those who don't know what cern is what cern is? Sure.


It's actually a nucular research facility. It was broke, it broke ground in 1954. And the purpose was for modeling and computers, nuclear warheads to yield nuclear weapons. And so really, it's a weapons program. Most people don't really understand that. Today, it is a particle accelerator that is used for nuclear research, but it does also their own press releases. Their own stated goal is to open an interdimensional gateway portal. And that's another dimension that is a stated goal from their own press release.


And now and what so what do they claim is their real agenda, like I've heard people say it's, they're, they're attempting to restart the Big Bang, is that when they'll really do they want to model the Big Bang, they want to


try to find the elementary particles that existed at the moment that the Big Bang first took place. So that's where the Higgs boson, the God Particle dialog comes in, that they discovered one of the first particles that was produced at the moment of the Big Bang. However, there's another type of particle that's in between the God Particle and the singularity, the point of origin, and that's called a port gluon condensate, otherwise known as strange list. They happen to be the most powerful explosive in the known universe. Oh, wow, they're the origin of the explosion, if you adhere to the Big Bang Theory, not me.


Nonetheless, I guess that's that's their excuse thus far, right? But you believe there's something a little more sinister going on, you know, as far as CERN and I actually take that view as well. So what is it, which they have stated that they are interested in trying to go within the dimension sets are stated fact? I'll leave some link for you guys below on that as well. But what do you think? Why do you think they want to go into two dimensional?


Well, if we go back, you know, I've been studying CERN since about 1980s. In their development, and as I said, they broke ground in 1954. But hobby, you know, my hobby has been physics, which is kind of weird. But anyway, tracking through it, fascinated with the science, technology, the hard work, but about seven years ago, the Lord put on my heart because I am a born again, Christian, Jesus Christ as my Savior. Put it on my heart to really begin to examine the agenda, the motivation behind the agenda of the science, because in other areas that I look at, such as DNA research, I began to see the dark side, manifesting itself will begin to see the occult agenda. So I researched a little bit more deeply as to who's involved. We have over 64 member nations from around the world that are funding CERN and sending personnel there. And they are avowed enemies. We have Iran, for example, funding and CERN, it begs the question, why are all these governments all of these financial entities feeding into this one project, which is the largest, most complex and most expensive machine and created in recorded history? So let's take a snapshot, outside the headquarters offices at CERN, everybody, not everybody, but a lot of people are familiar with the statue of Shiva, the goddess of destruction, actually, it's, it's a man woman, merging deity, but it is the goddess of destruction. So why that then you look at last year, they produce their video called synergy. And that's a demonic ritual to communicate with the other side. If you know anything about the occult side, you begin to recognize the symbolism and the ritual dances for what they are. Let's fast forward to right now. The opening of the Goddard tunnel also in Switzerland down the road from CERN, the garter tunnel, many people may have seen the video, which again was a full on in your face, occult ritual. Absolutely. Okay, I'll stop once you jump in.


I know I had a I watched I was cringing. Oh, my spirit was cringing. But that's I mean, after when you take into consideration, okay, you know, here in America, for example, we have, you know, music industry, the acting industry and all these industries are full of occult symbolism, absolutely. And they parade themselves like at the Super Bowl at all kinds of events, that it's basically a sacrificial event to say, we're going to put it bluntly. Now let's, you know, fast forward to the doctor tunnel and what's happening in Switzerland, over there with CERN, that's where cern is, just so I don't think that's a coincidence. Absolutely not. So I do actually feel and I don't know if you feel the same way. But I feel that even though this is for the Gotthard tunnel, that that was likely linked to CERN in some way.


Absolutely. So we there's no physical connection they didn't build a tunnel to connect to so you can drive in or out a certain make that clear, but


spiritual, wow, I'm evil.


It is a spiritual connection between the two because it's driven by the same folks. Okay. So what you have presented full on in our face for the whole world to see they're not trying to hide, they put up the images of the opening of the interdimensional portal as part of this opening ceremony for this tunnel, the longest tunnel and world. Okay, they also have baffa, right? The go guy? Yeah, exactly. And all these other, you know, representations of demonic entities dancing around and parading around. If you have a foundation of some of the occult, I mean, you don't have to be a practitioner, but you can have a taste the flavor of the occult, if he knows something about demons, if you know something about theology, if you know something about Christian religion, and you take your foundation of knowledge, and you look at this, it jumps out at you. But even the lay person, if they see an image of a goat, parading in this ceremony, you have to ask yourself, what in the heck does that have to do with the opening of a tunnel? It's just like, why is there a statue of Shiva at a scientific laboratory CERN, where scientists will say I'm an atheist, okay, well, what's this religious statue doing here? So that's where you start to have to kind of disassemble these things and say, what they're telling us may not be the true picture. What is your real agenda, their agenda, spiritual, spiritual and origin, but you cannot separate the physical from the spiritual. In our frame of reference, our dimension, our realm, we have both the physical and the spiritual tied together, can't separate the two. we as Christians know that we are in a spiritual battle, right. We're also in the physical realm because science is trying to manipulate this worlds trying to change our world. They're trying to terraform the planet for a new race of beings. Remember, Lady Gaga with Jing wanna erase the beads. So go back to the tunnel. The tunnel also has a representation of what takes place in terms of a control mechanism for opening this port. Simply put, there's a quantum computer based upon cubits called the a diabetic quantum computer. That computer operates inter dimensionally it sends and receives information from another dimension, it's retrieving answers to common tutorial, questions equations, put in this problem, they retrieve the answer. This is bonafide comes right from the corporation, their own press releases, we are receiving information answers from another dimension. That is called quantum tunneling. quantum tunneling, the Goddard tunnel, it's opening showing the opening of the portals. It's saying to us, we're about ready to open the portal, using quantum tunneling to communicate with the other side and alette through the portal. And I'm going to stop there and use it as


let me let me put it let me ask first, so was the US one of the nations that were funding this as well? Absolutely. I meant to ask that earlier to clarify. So we have us we have Iran and what other big nations that you call virtually all of Europe, so we have the Chinese Chinese Okay, so we've got North Korean or AI guys and that stuff is crazy. But we have all these conflicting you know, places I that's I think that's a huge sign. Because we know there's a demonic spiritual force at work as is we have an all God who is all powerful way more powerful than Satan here, but here we can definitely see I think, specifically Western statement work now. Yeah, that's


right in our face.


Now, you said and I liked that. You said that they are attempting to open the portal. What happens when they have a shot and open these portals and what happens


when they do it's good Dr. Stephen Hawking, okay astrophysicist, renowned mathematician, he said not long ago, he said, You really do not want to open this portal to another dimension, because you really don't know what's on the other side. And you may not like what comes through. Now, that's almost verbatim. He also gave the analogy of when the Europeans came to America, it didn't turn out well, for the Native Americans, he equates the same scenario to the opening of the portal for us as a human race. Has anything


manifest through when they turn? How many times have they turned it on?


Well, it's been running, you know, on the stair step of power fashion, since 2008, that's when it's really been a minute, this has been a progression of multiple accelerators within the facility for primary accelerators. But let's just say about 2008, they've really been using the large main ring in the superconducting magnets there. So they turn it on once a year, basically, except there was a two year gap where they had a malfunction, they had to replace the magnets. But there was specific to your question. photographic images taken as a cross section image within what they call the pipe, which is the main ring, where the particles move through. And they saw what we would consider to be the images or the faces of demons, perhaps an image looking to the other side, what we might equate to looking into the face of hell.


I agree there. I think anytime you're meant messing with dimensions, I mean, we know as Christians, we live in, you know, our third dimensional world, but there's another dimension in which the spirit operates. Absolutely. And when you go messing with things like CERN, you may or may not like what comes out,


you're tickling the fancy of the other side. And you really shouldn't be doing that.


Now, we had had a little prior conversation as well. Are there any leader heads in particular that are maybe or specific people that are involved? And who


sure that the tendency is for people to say, Whoa, well, it's Illuminati, etc, etc, Da Vinci Code, sort of, you know, scenario, all that damn round stuff. I'll cut to the checks. And I presented this on another show yesterday, go to the Vatican, go to the Pope. And the reason that I say that is we all talk about follow the money. Well, our banking system in our forms of government and our forms of common law, no matter the country, their basis for their economic systems, and their funding of this project and economies in general, as well as our legal structure system. legal system structured in any country has its core foundation coming from the Vatican, the Vatican sets the edict as to what is common law, and everybody takes it from there. The world governments take their marching orders from the structure of the Vatican, if you want to call it to vote, so be it. Now to dovetail and back that up. They worship the Black Sun, Saturn. And if you put on the glasses, so to speak, and saying, I'm going to examine the tapestries, the garments, the adornments at the Vatican, you will see the Black Sun you will see Saturn, all through the Vatican. This is what they're worshipping is the Black Sun. This goes to their worship of what is known as the golden age of Chronos. Kronos was the original sun in their mythology, in their belief system, not mine, not yours, that Saturn was the original sun. They're trying to derive the recreation of golden age of Kronos, they worship Saturn. And that's what drives this agenda to open the portal because they're trying to reconnect Earth, electrically. And there's more to that with Sarah. And, you know, here's


the thing too, if we're talking about specifically the back end, if we keep in mind we know at Mount Graham, whether they have their Lucifer telescope,




yes. And they have and that's one of the most powerful telescopes that exists. So they're definitely searching for life out there, so to speak, which we know as the fallen angels and epilogue, you know of in time Bible prophecy. But we also must consider he's already said that he would baptize one.


That's right.


We know these as pure demonic forces. So when we take CERN into account, we take the fact that the Vatican is linked with CERN, and then we take into effect Mount Graham, what he's doing in mountain RAM, what they're doing and already saying that they would baptize these things. What kind of picture Do you think that forms?


Well, we're very quickly moving right into the grand deception of, quote, full disclosure, disclosure of the existence of other life forms that we've been in contact. This is what I call the scenario of the benevolent and testers from the stars coming to the earth to solve all of the world's problems. And if we form a single World Government, because they're the ancestors from the stars are advising us to do this under a single world governments single leader, that then they will provide us all of the answer is all of the information that's been denied to us by God. Right? So full disclosure is


coming. Absolutely. And I agree 100%. And that's why I think when God tells us in the Bible that even the elect will be shit, they will be shaken, they will be deceived, that we need to be on guard. We do. And and I want to encourage you guys with hope on this, I know that a lot of topics I talked about on my YouTube channel, doom and gloom kind of thing, but at the same time, it's not something we should fear. No. And it's not something we should be afraid of. But there is hope. Can you tell us some of that hope?


Well, I'll speak for myself personally, my hope, my relationship with God, I have a constant communication with him. It's constant prayer. And that started a few years ago I was, I accepted Christ as my Savior at age 16. I'm 62. Now, but back a few years ago, when he first started me into this new venture of mine, if you will, of writing. I never plan to write but he put that upon my heart. But at the same time, he established with me what I call a constant communication, a walking conversation, awakened conversation with him. It's not that I hear audibly, you know, God talking to me. But in our own way of communicating with him, he developed to offset the gloom, what I call his British sense of humor, because I love the British sense of humor. And so he knows that appeals to me and so he in my research would give me these discoveries, these revelations, if you will, and I would laugh and say, Okay, I got it. Okay, I understand the joke. And then we'd move along with more research that balances it out, I find the joy, the supernatural joy is given to us, by our Lord, that counterbalances the depression, the ominous of what's coming in the last days. So I offer as encouragement that he if you ask for it, if you at first of all, if you ask for Christ as your Savior, being dwelling in the Holy Spirit, okay? Then you are able to receive those gifts, which one is supernatural joy, which you cannot understand without the benefit of the Holy Spirit? Because as a human, you can't relate to that. What do you mean by supernatural human joy, or joy that's imparted to you? Well, I'm looking at all this doom and gloom research that could send you into a pronounced state of depression. If you don't have the Holy Spirit, which provides you the full armor of God. When we accept Christ in the Holy Spirit comes into us, it changes our DNA.


I like that. He's born again. And we're heart of, you know, the creator of the earth. And I think that's something that we can all find comfort in. And I want to encourage you guys out there, you know, just hold fast to that faith. If you don't know the Lord, now's the time. Don't wait. It's only a matter of time before Well, it all comes crashing down. So with that, Anthony, can you share again, your website? Maybe your books and


Santhi Okay, great. I have two books. One is called cover catastrophe. The second in the trilogy is 2048 diamonds in the rough and I have a third one that will be coming out in August called coalescence because everything's pulling together at the same time.


Sounds like a good read.


It should be. Well, thanks


again, you guys for tuning in. And this is Lisa Haven and Anthony patch, signing out.