Royal Rife, In His Own Words

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2 years


As far back as 1920 I can see the idea and the possibility when the causative agent of malignancy, so called capture would be discovered and found and proven that it would be caused by a micro organism. Of course reception and I received that far back from the medical profession and scientists was nail, but I kept back to work, and I succeeded in eventually isolating a virus. First, I began sectioning tissues of every known type of malignancy, a section over 20,000 of those had come down with a special microphone to various in some of them were only on micron and sickness. I studied those under the microscope and I eventually built my first high powered microscope for the purpose of analyzing and checking those section. The only result that I obtained over all those years was, I succeeded in developing a very excellent technique of tissue preparation. But I never found an organism that I could say was the causative agent of malignancy. 


I went through this and then I developed other instruments of greater amplitude of magnification than the old original number one, which was very lacking in resolution beyond about eight or 9000 times. It was a lens microscope, and all of the air was excluded from the body and replaced with glycerin, the lenses were homogeneous with glycerin all the way through the whole thing. And the result was that in allowing a race to separate and not cross in the interference boundary reflection, such as they do in the ordinary standard tube of regular research microscope, we held them apart, we separated them and then brought them back together and picked them up. Again, I didn't need to point. But as I say, the resolution of this instrument beyond about anywhere from nine to 10,000 times dropped off this Saturday rapidly, we could go up on some occasions on some preparations up to 17,000 times, but we didn't consider the resolution, anything out of the ordinary beyond about eight or nine or 10,000 times depending entirely upon the specimen we were examining, which results that those tissues gained us absolutely nothing. And as I say, I built a microscope beyond this one. But that instrument we used up until 1931. 


Wish that instrument or her candle and I working jointly and I, Pasadena General Hospital succeeded in isolating what we classify the first filter one form of bacteria ever seen. It was isolated from the bacillus type forces from culture Dr. Candle brought from his laboratory and Northwestern University in Chicago. And we succeeded definitely in isolating a filterable form of that bacteria. Now these sortable forms are very minute inside. 


The smallest of all is the one from the bx when we isolate from cancer, we have never made a positive claim that that is the causative agent of cancer. But that is the smallest and it's less than 1/20 of a micro On in dimensional highly modal, we succeeded in isolating this organism is VX using on Kindle media is known as candle media. It's made of a desiccated pig intestine dehydrator down where it requires about 10 gallons of the original rock duck. When it's desiccated and run through the extractor and dehydrated to make about one pound of the original material. Now that is placed in a tube, we use about four grams. And then we use 10 to 20 cc's of a thyroid solution. 


It's a chemical series of salt. Now, that is what Kendall used for the isolation or bringing out this bacillus type forces in the filterable state, which is published in the California Western medicine in 1931. Our joint report on that now these organisms again before we go further, they cannot be stained with the annalynne or acid dyes stains issues in the ordinary technique and method of standing tissue sections, or even bacteria. Now those organisms are so minor, and so delicate that they have to be stained with a frequency of light.



Now after we built our first high powered microscope, we had to build an aluminum unit to be able to see these different types of organisms and different types of tissue also. So we had to build this particular unit we built a unit which I have a patent on special lamp that will produce 2000 candle power needlepoint of beam where it comes through the condenser. But between this source of illumination and the so called substage condenser, we have a pair. On the universal microscope we have four but we use a pair of rotating wedge shaped quartz prism they're circular, and they're wedge shaped.



And by rotating those, we bend the beam of light, that what we termed the neutral our core beam of the illuminant unit at different angles of incidence. So today strikes the object under examination at different angles of refraction. There we see these particles at a different refractive index, and every one of them is entirely different. For instance, we find that the vessels tie forces in its filterable state is a beautiful turquoise blue body, we see them swimming through the feel they're highly motile. And incidentally, if the organism, the bacteria is a movie or bacteria, in most instances, the virus will be mortal or highly material and vice versa. So we see these beautiful turquoise blue bodies swimming through the field. 


With that, we can differentiate Absolutely, and positively which we have done, we can analyze the blood of a typhoid suspect, the filtered blood serum or the urine, as many as 10 and 15 days beyond or before they weed all attraction will show that that patient has typhoid, which of course speeds up the diagnostic value of the work. So we've placed a current facility under this monochromatic light. And there we have a reddish brown organism that is highly multiple also, we place the filterable form of bacillus of tuberculosis there we have a jade green, and so on, we place the filterable form or the bx that's isolated from our carcinoma and we have a purplish red one. And so on we have from the filterable form of poliomyelitis, we have a coral pink, the value of this particular method and principle is, as stated before, highly valuable in the diagnosis of the case. 


As we go on with this, it is so important to have a positive diagnosis that is not interfered with by some laboratory for the technique, staining methods, and whatnot. Now, as we stated before, we'll go back to the point where we contemplated isolating an organism from malignant tissue. The thing is that I positively believed that when the causative agent was found it would be caused to be found by a micro organism and not unlikely an organ Isn't that we have what is at all time, that is changed by a metabolic shift of the human body itself that we have proven. I also stated that in one stage, it would be not unlikely that it would be found to be in the bloodstream. 


That was also proven. So as we isolate this organism, we have what we call the bx. It is a very complicated method and technique. The first material that we isolated was from an old outrighted breast mass that I received from the Paradise Valley Hospital in National City, we use and chosen an upgraded breast mass because we'd have less chance of outside contamination. I just go blocks about four millimeters square, and I placed them in my k media. I incubated them, I had no results. 


I changed them at different temperatures, I had no results. I was running at that time, possibly 400 transfers a day and determining the effect that they are gone Lee on on Krypton gas. Using as a bombardment in a loop would have a bond the growth of pathogenic bacteria. We wanted to determine if it would stimulate or retard the growth. And I was running things through as I say four and 500 transfers a day. And it was a vacant tube, a loop that we're standing. 


And this one tool that I had with malignant tissue when we're standing on the bench along there and it might be Yes, as well as a red flag. So I picked this thing up and I dropped it in this our long loop. I left it for 24 hours, I was making my transfers next day and I looked at it, I saw that it had a cloudiness in it, which it did not have before. Well, I examined it immediately under the microscope. And I found nothing. And I chemically analyzed it and I found out that had been ionized by this bombardment or 5000 volts in this argon loop. filter is only one counteraction of ionization as oxidation. So I put it in a two inch one two inch vacuum, and left it in the incubator for 24 hours. 


And I brought it out, and it had changed again, and I immediately put it under the microscope and began rolling my prisms and I finally found it alive and teeming with one of the smallest of any of the filterable forms we had yet seen. In a purplish red refraction under the monochromatic light, they were less than a 20th of a micron or dimension. Well, that didn't mean a great deal in the way that I carry on my work because it had been standing around over a period of time and anything might have happened to her. So we started in and running the process through again with the same identical technique with identical the same results. We ran through many, many times I think 104 to be exact, and carrying a control with each one. 


At each test. The controls always remained negative and we always had positive results, attaining our bx then we begin our animal experimentation with which shows the female albino rat on a method of inoculation, which we use is a technique in itself. The animal is kept under quarantine for no less than 10 days, sometimes 12. And if blood checks are made and stool analysis and so on, we want to be able to assure that that animal is not susceptible or has any other type of disease. So the animal is shaved and it's kept under a partial anesthesia. Because the shock of the hypodermic needles sometimes has effect upon the metabolism of those small animals. 


We use a long sterile hypodermic needle filled with petroleum jelly. And the inoculation is made no less than 25 or 30 millimeters under the epidermal layer up into the mammary gland results is after about four or five days we have a lesion that breaks out in the thyroid area that we have never been able to determine the actual cause of that lesion that breaks out but it invariably does. But it heals in a few days, and the tumor starts. And many of those tumors if they're allowed to grow will carry a more gram weight than the animal itself. They grow very rapidly on account of the exceedingly high metabolism of the albino rat. So we carry that through over a period of many, many experimental animals. And there is was always the same. 


Now when we come into the field field of microbiology and biochemistry we find that these organisms can be readily changed to other organisms, we have classified in a whole entire category of so called pathogenic bacteria 10 individual groups and we find almost definitely that any organism within that group can be changed to any other organism within its own individual group by the media upon which it is grown. As an example, we can take a pure culture of Quran bacillus and it I mean an absolute pure crusher this Laboratory Tested with no contamination or anything of that sort. And we can change and alter rich media two parts per million provitamin 36 hours we have typhoid bacillus, whatever in laboratory checked and test, even to the weed our retraction. So those organisms can be readily changed. But now we'll come to the bx again, the bx will pass through the periphery of the W, which is known as triple our China in the US and China is built up of course, they are unglazed. 


But as a very fine voracity. Now, we ordered a media slightly of that organism in the tool, then we have another purplish red organism that we call a b y. Now this organism is considerably larger than the bx it will no longer pass the porosity of the W. brachfeld, we have to use what classified as an M for this organism to pass, but it is still in the filterable state.



So as this goes on through the different stages, it can be readily changed back to a b x and produce the tumor. Now when we order the media, again, we use a blood serum on this particular type of media instead of the case. And we have another organism that we find there from this identical v y or the xyo. That a mana cockeyed organisms. These organisms with the proper staining method can be seen with a good research microscope. And we find them in over 90% of the blood in carcinomas individuals in the monocytes only. And the monocytes are they only have the white cells, which has no digestive are what we call phagocytosis. 


Now we ordered a media once again. And we place it this time on our heart base, media buildup auger and asparagus, round rhenus barrel, no matter will do also but this burger, more problems. There we have a fungoid organism with all the branching farms. It comes in and we have classified it as crypto, my C's clear morphia It's a pleomorphic fungi comes in through from the hyphae and on through up into the spores and they ask us bored and wrenching forms. And as the eska spores, when they shed or come out from the buttons of the spores themselves are for a very short time highly emotive. That is we presume they are at maybe a browning and reaction as far as we're concerned on that because that isn't the true mortality. 


They just have a movement. Now, we allow that particular crusher to stand, we can show that back at any moment into OBS in 36 or 48 hours and produce a VX but we allow that culture to stand as what we term a normal stock culture for a period of metastasis. It is a very seldom that we have a true case in metastasis from removal of the initial mass of one portion of the anatomy, so or reoccurred and shows up in another less than a year. We allow that particular culture to stay on for a period of one year as a Dorman stock Crusher. We plant it back on its own asparagus lace media. 


We allow to incubate and roll. We do not have a crypto mycelium mafia. We do not have a monochord organism which we find in the bloodstream of carcinomatous patients. We don't we do not have a the wire or we do not have a BS. But we have from an organism that was isolated initially from a non operated human breast mass. We have a column bacillus that will pass every known reaction of laboratory techniques. 


It is important to record these things which of course we have, but the thing of it is is important that the metabolism of the individual can readily change and unpack A genic organism into a pathogenic bug that will absolutely produce a disease or as much controversy as to the different classifications and qualifications of malignancy. Many people believe that they sarcoma will turn into a carcinoma, we have found in some experimental animals, that that is true, but nothing that we can place as absolute other different types, we have done very little work on the sarcoma, because we do not associate that as a malignant tumor. In comparison with the work we have done with the true carcinoma. And we have a type that is a bone tumor called shrub anamul. Now, that is a true malignancy, but it's a malignancy of the bone joints in the bone marrow, and affects the type of your white blood cells greatly. Many of our types of anemia will come from that, and leukemia and so on. 


But we cannot absolutely say that that is a malignant tumor, because we have not been able to isolate a b x from it, we must be able, with the organism that we isolate from a certain culture, to be able to place that into the experimental animal and produce the identical tumor which, on removal of that tumor surgically from the experimental animal recover again, that identical organism, which we have done in over 700 cases of experimental animals, and we placed the bx in the tissues of the animal, we allow that tumor to grow, which removes surgically, the animal is very seldom ever harmed oxide of removal of a tumor. And we section that tumor and we also study its pathology. And we also check and produce a b x. That is what's known as Koch's postulates where we integrate the animal, we recover from the animal, the organism that we have placed in it, in its true identical form. And it can go on through as many transplants as desire. 


But when we can take an organism that is isolated from a human being, and plant it into an experimental animal, and recover all the true pathology of neoplastic tissue from that tumor in the animal and again, recover from that tumor, or bx that can be placed into another animal and produce the tumor, why we consider the cycle complete of our series. For many years, laboratory workers and technicians has been producing tumors in animals, especially rats and mice. But they are not enough creating the virus. They are not creating the cells from the ground up tumor, which does not signify anything in our work at all.


Because that's been done over a period of a year. It's interesting, but it does not show us anything. What we want to know is the end result of the accomplishment of the placing of this organism in the tissue of the animal. Many people have attempted to use guinea pig for work on malignancy. Well, we have had no luck with that whatsoever. guinea pigs are very susceptible to your tuberculosis and different diseases of that sort. But we have never been able to produce a true tumor and again, if they have sometimes a spontaneous tumor that resembles a malignant growth, but it will not show in true pathology, the end result. So that is what we wish the same as we isolate the filterable form of the poliomyelitis. 


As I say we have a coral pink object there is none multiple. Now, I work a long time and Rosano and I work together Dr. Rishi Rosenthal, the head of the research department of bacteriology and males. He worked for many years of the isolation of this organism. And he worked with a brain emotion.


I found the organism in the spinal fluid, the true virus, we attempted to use different types of animals, chimpanzees, monkeys, and so on. And we found that the only true susceptible experimental animal to the adaption of the virus polio was the albino rabbit. With those results, we produced all the true paralysis and the animals that had all the symptoms and the whole thing. They organism that's isolated, Rosen off still calls it the virus of As far back as 1920 I can see the idea and the possibility when the causative agent of malignancy, so called capture would be discovered and found and proven that it would be caused by a micro organism. Of course reception and I received that far back from the medical profession and scientists was nail, but I kept back to work, and I succeeded in eventually isolating a virus. First, I began sectioning tissues of every known type of malignancy, a section over 20,000 of those had come down with a special microphone to various in some of them were only on micron and sickness. I studied those under the microscope and I eventually built my first high powered microscope for the purpose of analyzing and checking those section. The only result that I obtained over all those years was, I succeeded in developing a very excellent technique of tissue preparation. But I never found an organism that I could say was the causative agent of malignancy. I went through this and then I developed other instruments of greater amplitude of magnification than the old original number one, which was very lacking in resolution beyond about eight or 9000 times. It was a lens microscope, and all of the air was excluded from the body and replaced with glycerin, the lenses were homogeneous with glycerin all the way through the whole thing. And the result was that in allowing a race to separate and not cross in the interference boundary reflection, such as they do in the ordinary standard tube of regular research microscope, we held them apart, we separated them and then brought them back together and picked them up. Again, I didn't need to point. But as I say, the resolution of this instrument beyond about anywhere from nine to 10,000 times dropped off this Saturday rapidly, we could go up on some occasions on some preparations up to 17,000 times, but we didn't consider the resolution, anything out of the ordinary beyond about eight or nine or 10,000 times depending entirely upon the specimen we were examining, which results that those tissues gained us absolutely nothing. And as I say, I built a microscope beyond this one. But that instrument we used up until 1931. Wish that instrument or her candle and I working jointly and I, Pasadena General Hospital succeeded in isolating what we classify the first filter one form of bacteria ever seen. It was isolated from the bacillus type forces from culture Dr. Candle brought from his laboratory and Northwestern University in Chicago. And we succeeded definitely in isolating a filterable form of that bacteria. Now these sortable forms are very minute inside. The smallest of all is the one from the bx when we isolate from cancer, we have never made a positive claim that that is the causative agent of cancer. But that is the smallest and it's less than 1/20 of a micro On in dimensional highly modal, we succeeded in isolating this organism is VX using on Kindle media is known as candle media. It's made of a desiccated pig intestine dehydrator down where it requires about 10 gallons of the original rock duck. When it's desiccated and run through the extractor and dehydrated to make about one pound of the original material. Now that is placed in a tube, we use about four grams. And then we use 10 to 20 cc's of a thyroid solution. It's a chemical series of salt. Now, that is what Kendall used for the isolation or bringing out this bacillus type forces in the filterable state, which is published in the California Western medicine in 1931. Our joint report on that now these organisms again before we go further, they cannot be stained with the annalynne or acid dyes stains issues in the ordinary technique and method of standing tissue sections, or even bacteria. Now those organisms are so minor, and so delicate that they have to be stained with a frequency of light.


Now after we built our first high powered microscope, we had to build an aluminum unit to be able to see these different types of organisms and different types of tissue also. So we had to build this particular unit we built a unit which I have a patent on special lamp that will produce 2000 candle power needlepoint of beam where it comes through the condenser. But between this source of illumination and the so called substage condenser, we have a pair. On the universal microscope we have four but we use a pair of rotating wedge shaped quartz prism they're circular, and they're wedge shaped.


And by rotating those, we bend the beam of light, that what we termed the neutral our core beam of the illuminant unit at different angles of incidence. So today strikes the object under examination at different angles of refraction. There we see these particles at a different refractive index, and every one of them is entirely different. For instance, we find that the vessels tie forces in its filterable state is a beautiful turquoise blue body, we see them swimming through the feel they're highly motile. And incidentally, if the organism, the bacteria is a movie or bacteria, in most instances, the virus will be mortal or highly material and vice versa. So we see these beautiful turquoise blue bodies swimming through the field. With that, we can differentiate Absolutely, and positively which we have done, we can analyze the blood of a typhoid suspect, the filtered blood serum or the urine, as many as 10 and 15 days beyond or before they weed all attraction will show that that patient has typhoid, which of course speeds up the diagnostic value of the work. So we've placed a current facility under this monochromatic light. And there we have a reddish brown organism that is highly multiple also, we place the filterable form of bacillus of tuberculosis there we have a jade green, and so on, we place the filterable form or the bx that's isolated from our carcinoma and we have a purplish red one. And so on we have from the filterable form of poliomyelitis, we have a coral pink, the value of this particular method and principle is, as stated before, highly valuable in the diagnosis of the case. As we go on with this, it is so important to have a positive diagnosis that is not interfered with by some laboratory for the technique, staining methods, and whatnot. Now, as we stated before, we'll go back to the point where we contemplated isolating an organism from malignant tissue. The thing is that I positively believed that when the causative agent was found it would be caused to be found by a micro organism and not unlikely an organ Isn't that we have what is at all time, that is changed by a metabolic shift of the human body itself that we have proven. I also stated that in one stage, it would be not unlikely that it would be found to be in the bloodstream. That was also proven. So as we isolate this organism, we have what we call the bx. It is a very complicated method and technique. The first material that we isolated was from an old outrighted breast mass that I received from the Paradise Valley Hospital in National City, we use and chosen an upgraded breast mass because we'd have less chance of outside contamination. I just go blocks about four millimeters square, and I placed them in my k media. I incubated them, I had no results. I changed them at different temperatures, I had no results. I was running at that time, possibly 400 transfers a day and determining the effect that they are gone Lee on on Krypton gas. Using as a bombardment in a loop would have a bond the growth of pathogenic bacteria. We wanted to determine if it would stimulate or retard the growth. And I was running things through as I say four and 500 transfers a day. And it was a vacant tube, a loop that we're standing. And this one tool that I had with malignant tissue when we're standing on the bench along there and it might be Yes, as well as a red flag. So I picked this thing up and I dropped it in this our long loop. I left it for 24 hours, I was making my transfers next day and I looked at it, I saw that it had a cloudiness in it, which it did not have before. Well, I examined it immediately under the microscope. And I found nothing. And I chemically analyzed it and I found out that had been ionized by this bombardment or 5000 volts in this argon loop. filter is only one counteraction of ionization as oxidation. So I put it in a two inch one


two inch vacuum, and left it in the incubator for 24 hours. And I brought it out, and it had changed again, and I immediately put it under the microscope and began rolling my prisms and I finally found it alive and teeming with one of the smallest of any of the filterable forms we had yet seen. In a purplish red refraction under the monochromatic light, they were less than a 20th of a micron or dimension. Well, that didn't mean a great deal in the way that I carry on my work because it had been standing around over a period of time and anything might have happened to her. So we started in and running the process through again with the same identical technique with identical the same results. We ran through many, many times I think 104 to be exact, and carrying a control with each one. At each test. The controls always remained negative and we always had positive results, attaining our bx then we begin our animal experimentation with which shows the female albino rat on a method of inoculation, which we use is a technique in itself. The animal is kept under quarantine for no less than 10 days, sometimes 12. And if blood checks are made and stool analysis and so on, we want to be able to assure that that animal is not susceptible or has any other type of disease. So the animal is shaved and it's kept under a partial anesthesia. Because the shock of the hypodermic needles sometimes has effect upon the metabolism of those small animals. We use a long sterile hypodermic needle filled with petroleum jelly. And the inoculation is made no less than 25 or 30 millimeters under the epidermal layer up into the mammary gland results is after about four or five days we have a lesion that breaks out in the thyroid area that we have never been able to determine the actual cause of that lesion that breaks out but it invariably does. But it heals in a few days, and the tumor starts. And many of those tumors if they're allowed to grow will carry a more gram weight than the animal itself. They grow very rapidly on account of the exceedingly high metabolism of the albino rat. So we carry that through over a period of many, many experimental animals. And there is was always the same. Now when we come into the field field of microbiology and biochemistry we find that these organisms can be readily changed to other organisms, we have classified in a whole entire category of so called pathogenic bacteria 10 individual groups and we find almost definitely that any organism within that group can be changed to any other organism within its own individual group by the media upon which it is grown. As an example, we can take a pure culture of Quran bacillus and it I mean an absolute pure crusher this Laboratory Tested with no contamination or anything of that sort. And we can change and alter rich media two parts per million provitamin 36 hours we have typhoid bacillus, whatever in laboratory checked and test, even to the weed our retraction. So those organisms can be readily changed. But now we'll come to the bx again, the bx will pass through the periphery of the W, which is known as triple our China in the US and China is built up of course, they are unglazed. But as a very fine voracity. Now, we ordered a media slightly of that organism in the tool, then we have another purplish red organism that we call a b y. Now this organism is considerably larger than the bx it will no longer pass the porosity of the W. brachfeld, we have to use what classified as an M for this organism to pass, but it is still in the filterable state.


So as this goes on through the different stages, it can be readily changed back to a b x and produce the tumor. Now when we order the media, again, we use a blood serum on this particular type of media instead of the case. And we have another organism that we find there from this identical v y or the xyo. That a mana cockeyed organisms. These organisms with the proper staining method can be seen with a good research microscope. And we find them in over 90% of the blood in carcinomas individuals in the monocytes only. And the monocytes are they only have the white cells, which has no digestive are what we call phagocytosis. Now we ordered a media once again. And we place it this time on our heart base, media buildup auger and asparagus, round rhenus barrel, no matter will do also but this burger, more problems. There we have a fungoid organism with all the branching farms. It comes in and we have classified it as crypto, my C's clear morphia It's a pleomorphic fungi comes in through from the hyphae and on through up into the spores and they ask us bored and wrenching forms. And as the eska spores, when they shed or come out from the buttons of the spores themselves are for a very short time highly emotive. That is we presume they are at maybe a browning and reaction as far as we're concerned on that because that isn't the true mortality. They just have a movement. Now, we allow that particular crusher to stand, we can show that back at any moment into OBS in 36 or 48 hours and produce a VX but we allow that culture to stand as what we term a normal stock culture for a period of metastasis. It is a very seldom that we have a true case in metastasis from removal of the initial mass of one portion of the anatomy, so or reoccurred and shows up in another less than a year. We allow that particular culture to stay on for a period of one year as a Dorman stock Crusher. We plant it back on its own asparagus lace media. We allow to incubate and roll. We do not have a crypto mycelium mafia. We do not have a monochord organism which we find in the bloodstream of carcinomatous patients. We don't we do not have a the wire or we do not have a BS. But we have from an organism that was isolated initially from a non operated human breast mass. We have a column bacillus that will pass every known reaction of laboratory techniques. It is important to record these things which of course we have, but the thing of it is is important that the metabolism of the individual can readily change and unpack A genic organism into a pathogenic bug that will absolutely produce a disease or as much controversy as to the different classifications and qualifications of malignancy. Many people believe that they sarcoma will turn into a carcinoma, we have found in some experimental animals, that that is true, but nothing that we can place as absolute other different types, we have done very little work on the sarcoma, because we do not associate that as a malignant tumor. In comparison with the work we have done with the true carcinoma. And we have a type that is a bone tumor called shrub anamul. Now, that is a true malignancy, but it's a malignancy of the bone joints in the bone marrow, and affects the type of your white blood cells greatly. Many of our types of anemia will come from that, and leukemia and so on. But we cannot absolutely say that that is a malignant tumor, because we have not been able to isolate a b x from it, we must be able, with the organism that we isolate from a certain culture, to be able to place that into the experimental animal and produce the identical tumor which, on removal of that tumor surgically from the experimental animal recover again, that identical organism, which we have done in over 700 cases of experimental animals, and we placed the bx in the tissues of the animal, we allow that tumor to grow, which removes surgically, the animal is very seldom ever harmed oxide of removal of a tumor. And we section that tumor and we also study its pathology. And we also check and produce a b x. That is what's known as Koch's postulates where we integrate the animal, we recover from the animal, the organism that we have placed in it, in its true identical form. And it can go on through as many transplants as desire. But when we can take an organism that is isolated from a human being, and plant it into an experimental animal, and recover all the true pathology of neoplastic tissue from that tumor in the animal and again, recover from that tumor, or bx that can be placed into another animal and produce the tumor, why we consider the cycle complete of our series. For many years, laboratory workers and technicians has been producing tumors in animals, especially rats and mice. But they are not enough creating the virus. They are not creating the cells from the ground up tumor, which does not signify anything in our work at all. Because that's been done over a period of a year. It's interesting, but it does not show us anything. What we want to know is the end result of the accomplishment of the placing of this organism in the tissue of the animal. Many people have attempted to use guinea pig for work on malignancy. Well, we have had no luck with that whatsoever. guinea pigs are very susceptible to your tuberculosis and different diseases of that sort. But we have never been able to produce a true tumor and again, if they have sometimes a spontaneous tumor that resembles a malignant growth, but it will not show in true pathology, the end result. So that is what we wish the same as we isolate


the filterable form of the poliomyelitis. As I say we have a coral pink object there is none multiple. Now, I work a long time and Rosano and I work together Dr. Rishi Rosenthal, the head of the research department of bacteriology and males. He worked for many years of the isolation of this organism. And he worked with a brain emotion. I found the organism in the spinal fluid, the true virus, we attempted to use different types of animals, chimpanzees, monkeys, and so on. And we found that the only true susceptible experimental animal to the adaption of the virus polio was the albino rabbit. With those results, we produced all the true paralysis and the animals that had all the symptoms and the whole thing. They organism that's isolated, Rosen off still calls it the virus of disrupt a caucus of poliomyelitis, which it may be that I will not contradict, because he has worked for many years on streptococcus organism these isolated from the brain or motion of patients susceptible to polio, but we do not find that they are animals will take it. Only the albino rabbit would all accrue symptoms. And those organisms can be changed around as we stated before viral metabolism. There's been much controversy about the different types and the Association of different types of tumors, malignant than what we classify as non malignant tumors, such as a sarcoma and so on. We have done little or no work on the true sarcoma. As to relative association with the true malignant tumor. We have worked some with the sarcoma of the barred rock, which is known as a rock star coma, yet is an interesting organism, it is not a truly a filterable form. It can be seen readily with a research microscope, on sections of the tumor, but it's interesting in one particular phase that it is a transmissible disease. It can be transmitted from one chicken to the other, and, incidentally, they only fall known to science that is susceptible to this route. shakaama is the barred rock chicken. They have when they get in, in a flock and they all have experimental work that we did was that was attained most of our tumors from the zoo Hospital in San Diego at one time back in round 28 or 29, somewhere in there. They gave me some of those tumors and I experimented with them. We never attempted to transmit them back by inoculation or transplanting of an alligator way into the chickens. But we did do some work on a man we can see by the section on a real high power of a good research microscope with a proper staining method. Incidentally, the staining method that we use on that is very similar to the staining method that we use as a flagella. Now I developed a number of years ago stain for flagellated organisms such as the bhikkhu, Lyanna, typhoid and many others. That is the most outstanding of any of the stains that I've tried to use and I have tested and checked through all the flatulence friends it was ever built. And this particular stain is made from an ink that we produce from alfalfa hay, the material is taken in a very small test tube and agitated slowly with one or two cc's of mercury. And we presume that mercury has the same effect as a tuning of a wire when you wish to solder. And you take this ink, Distilled or extracted rather from the alfalfa hay and put in there and move it back and forth, very slowly in an agitation not shaking it or anything of that sort. And there you will put your material out. Of course they are dead, they're no longer multihull because the state will kill them. And there we see the beautiful flagellates. We developed this particular stain For this reason, because in many cases of typhoid, we have a high contamination of Columba Silla. And by staining the mass material, we can take an under the microscope, we can determine by our accounting chamber, the number of chorion a number of typhoid we have in a certain series of squares in the counting chamber is just the same as the staining of these organisms. It's a delicate technique that we stain them with they monochromatic light, and certain blood organisms, we can stain with a monochromatic light, even a larger ones that cannot be stained with any acid or annalynne dye stains. So, as we go through with this thing on a long period of research, we find that the staining method in certain phases of this is of vital importance.

disrupt a caucus of poliomyelitis, which it may be that I will not contradict, because he has worked for many years on streptococcus organism these isolated from the brain or motion of patients susceptible to polio, but we do not find that they are animals will take it. Only the albino rabbit would all accrue symptoms. And those organisms can be changed around as we stated before viral metabolism. 


There's been much controversy about the different types and the Association of different types of tumors, malignant than what we classify as non malignant tumors, such as a sarcoma and so on. We have done little or no work on the true sarcoma. As to relative association with the true malignant tumor. We have worked some with the sarcoma of the barred rock, which is known as a rock star coma, yet is an interesting organism, it is not a truly a filterable form. It can be seen readily with a research microscope, on sections of the tumor, but it's interesting in one particular phase that it is a transmissible disease. It can be transmitted from one chicken to the other, and, incidentally, they only fall known to science that is susceptible to this route. shakaama is the barred rock chicken. They have when they get in, in a flock and they all have experimental work that we did was that was attained most of our tumors from the zoo Hospital in San Diego at one time back in round 28 or 29, somewhere in there. 


They gave me some of those tumors and I experimented with them. We never attempted to transmit them back by inoculation or transplanting of an alligator way into the chickens. But we did do some work on a man we can see by the section on a real high power of a good research microscope with a proper staining method. Incidentally, the staining method that we use on that is very similar to the staining method that we use as a flagella. Now I developed a number of years ago stain for flagellated organisms such as the bhikkhu, Lyanna, typhoid and many others. That is the most outstanding of any of the stains that I've tried to use and I have tested and checked through all the flatulence friends it was ever built. 


And this particular stain is made from an ink that we produce from alfalfa hay, the material is taken in a very small test tube and agitated slowly with one or two cc's of mercury. And we presume that mercury has the same effect as a tuning of a wire when you wish to solder. And you take this ink, Distilled or extracted rather from the alfalfa hay and put in there and move it back and forth, very slowly in an agitation not shaking it or anything of that sort. And there you will put your material out. Of course they are dead, they're no longer multihull because the state will kill them. And there we see the beautiful flagellates. 


We developed this particular stain For this reason, because in many cases of typhoid, we have a high contamination of Columba Silla. And by staining the mass material, we can take an under the microscope, we can determine by our accounting chamber, the number of chorion a number of typhoid we have in a certain series of squares in the counting chamber is just the same as the staining of these organisms. It's a delicate technique that we stain them with they monochromatic light, and certain blood organisms, we can stain with a monochromatic light, even a larger ones that cannot be stained with any acid or annalynne dye stains. So, as we go through with this thing on a long period of research, we find that the staining method in certain phases of this is of vital importance.



Now I stated before we cannot see or stain the virus, because the particles of the virus are much more minute. Then the chemical granules of the stain that we attempt to stain them with the old saying the mousy cannot swallow the elephant. So as we go on with the different types of tumors, you take, for instance, the Except the silly oma, which is a true type of skin cancer, we have isolated from epithelium was not numerous times, but a few times our identical Bx, we have isolated from the tumors of the pyloric, orifices, stomach, and so on, we get the identical BX from the true cancer, anything that we can get through pathology from on our section and staining method under the regular microscope, we can isolate from that particular organism A B x, almost 100%. 


As we examine a blood of a carcinomatous individual, we find little or no real action, we know that in the monocytes of the white cells of the blood, we find these small monochord granular organisms, but we have yet to find any effect on the red cells that malignancy has, the white cells will come to any combat to any infected area. And they will attempt to live our virus, which they do to an extent, but the growth of malignancy is so much more rapid. And I can come up with that it's just almost difficult. And the monocytes, as we stated before are the only ones, we run our blood counts who are hemocytometer, who are actual blood counts of the cells before and after the treatment of these cases, or before and after removal of the tumor, and we find a change in the blood count the normal count of cells, any laboratory technician or for the average individual is around about 5 million per cubic millimeter. 


Well, that will rise or lower. And in case of a severe case of malignancy of the liver, or the lung, the count will ramp down to Sri, the three and a half million on the individual and a female much more, the white count will generally arrive. But we can't go ahead, Mr. Tamura, we use an ordinary scanning system and we use a pipette that is calibrated for red cells on a white cell is on a certain amount of dilution. 


And it's a waste of time, of course to explain this method and principle of this thing because any laboratory technician does it hundreds of times a day. But as we run our accounts, we find that it is a gentle lowering of the count. In the case of malignancy over normal and a generally a rise in the white count of the blood. The lymphatic system can absorb a certain amount of toxins, it's thrown off. 


And beyond that, why then it is produced and it comes back again into the bloodstream. But as far as any deterioration that we have ever seen, they call a claim in some cases of myelogenous leukemia, they call cancer of the blood, or possibly So, but it's a deterioration of the blood, especially the white white cells count rises up into triple and quadruple their normal amount. And the red count generally deteriorates down to as low as 2 million. But it does not signify anything because we find in that particular type of malignancies of the bladder is termed myelogenous leukemia, we find the bass cells the synovial cells apart are more for new killers and so on and morphology has changed greatly. But it is only the disease that has changed the blood and not the blood that has changed the disease.



We consider as this particular stage as we call him on our cockeyed form of this VX enters into the bloodstream through the lymphatic system is carried through basically by the human and the blood serum which we classify as hemoglobin Of course, there in reality is no such thing as a red cell or a white cell, they are merely classified as that particular type to differentiate. So in the field of hematology, we go through and we study this blood in all stages in form. And I stated before we find that the only type that we can actually distinguish that is associated with malignancy is found in the monocytes of the blood. 


And as a monocyte, as stated before, are they only have the white cells which have no phagocytosis there is much controversy as to The pH of the individual and also of the test tube in a laboratory. And we have found experimenting with the different types of so called malignant bacteria, that some are susceptible to an acid and some to a different types of base their positive or negative, alkaline or acid. Some bacteria are susceptible to the acid type and some truly reverse. But we believe that an individual that has an absolute neutral metabolism is susceptible to notice. 


Because we can take and we have repeated this experiment, not once but hundreds of times in the laboratory with very careful and positive techniques that we place three tests to one acid, one alkaline, the center tube is a new co PA, there is not an organism and the whole category of so called pathogens will grow on that neutral pH. And as I say, it depends entirely upon the acidity or alkalinity of the organism of which we wish to grow. To make a pure culture of these organisms, especially the virus. It is a very technical, long drawn out process. 


Some of them are so called anaerobic and some of them are acceptable, some of them require oxygen, such as the bx requires oxygen. In one stage you would form the role to take the poliomyelitis is strictly anaerobic that has to be developed in the media there is absolutely free from air. The best media that we have found so far is what's known as a chicken fusion broth we take chicks just unhatched use the brain and make an emotion and that we wrote a pojo on that because it is associated and has almost the same affinity as the smile Florida, the human brain. With results of that. As stated before, we believe that the metabolism of the human body is absolutely normal. And an appropriation is susceptible to no disease darkwood you mentioned the polarity that you encountered with these virus under the microscope.



Well, some of these particular organisms not only the virus, but many of the antigenic organisms have an individual polarity. And we have tested those out. And we find that the positive organism will not associate with the negative organism, we show that where we use a 1,000,000th of a volt under the slide and are hanging drop and somebody organisms will come to one side and some there. Now for instance, in this case, we get back to the bx that is a bipolar organism, it is susceptible partial to one pole and some to the other, we showed a negative pole and many of the model organisms will come to that pole, we showed a positive pole and the rest of them are mortal and swimming will go to the other pole. 


When we go in with the micromanipulator with our micropipette and we draw off from this graph, the negative side we transmit that into the animal and we have no malignant role. We draw off the positive side we put that into the experimental animal and we have no growth. But if we take the material from both the positive and negative pole, there we produce the true malignancy of neoplastic tissue.



Now, the thing that I would like you to explain briefly, is somewhat of the technique that was conquest and making the photo micrograph that appeared on the Journal of the Franklin Institute. First though issue and tell us a little bit about the sectioning of the tetanus bacteria.



Well, this particular organism on Mr. Crane speaks more of a tetanus this was not section. This was merely the sport of the bacteria in an unfiltered Ball State that was placed between a coverslip and the slide and then photograph that was photographed over the big universal microscope. The one is appeared in there with a very high magnification and all sorts of bacillus type forces was photographed over the large microscope, nose was stained. 


By staining that they have were stained with the monochromatic beam of light, there was no acid rattle and dye stains used upon them whatsoever and that way we succeed Again getting a photograph now that was taken on the stop motion. I was photographing the life cycle and life development which we have photographed are practically all a pathogenic bacteria from the cradle to the grave, and it were. And on stop motion, the same as the pictures of the blooming of flowers are made with a device that we had at that time in the laboratory aerial photograph, and anywhere from 32 in one second down to five hours duration between each exposure, and it's grown with an electrically heated, incubating stage under the microscope, and it is carried on through and through the film, where we work three cameras simultaneously over at one steel, one motion, and one that was used as an emergency camera. And those were photographed some of them over a universal and some over the number three microscope. 


Mr. Korean wanted me to speak about the particular typhoid Michelle, in an article published in the Franklin Institute was also published in Smithsonian's magazine also, that is grown on k media. And we photograph that one in particular, because it's a very, very rare case that we find a vacuole, or a virus in Iran of the bacteria that was acquired that one was particularly photographed. We have photographs of others, but that one there, we made a special effort to photograph that. 


Now, this came media, as stated before, has the faculty of transforming these organisms in the what we termed the translational state. So they will shed these virus and then we sorted them, only the virus will come through the porcelain little color. And that is just in the transitional state, that particular bacillus type forces, it does not show the flag do it on there, because the flagella will not show the monochromatic light to any degree of intensity whatsoever, not enough to photograph. So that was how that one was made. That was merely in a in a fluid mount. And as it slowed down, its motion getting ready to shed the virus we photograph. And that is where that came from there.



Now, the so called incubation period of these pathogenic organisms, as long as we have a little tape, we might as well finish this out here, there's part of these so called pathogenic organisms and their incubation period, we consider not an incubation period at all, but merely a cycle of reversion, waiting until that organism becomes in a transitional state. Now those organisms that we find associated with a disease, we do not believe cause of disease in the form in which we find them associated with the disease, but they are caused to be in that particular form by the disease. Now, as an example, I've stated many times before, we will take as an example of bacillus of tuberculosis, which has an extremely long, long so called incubation period, we are now created that particular pure culture Laboratory Tested over bacillus of tuberculosis in the world guinea pigs. And over a period of weeks, we develop endolymphatic chain of that animal, the symptoms of the tubercles, from which we did again, we covered tuberculosis. 


But if we inoculate the filter by form of that, Bill silis tuberculosis, which heretofore has been known as a poison molecule avant, it is merely the chemical constituents of the organism, we produce the disease in 36 to 48 hours, we have eliminated nine stages of fungi from the bacillus form on up until it becomes a filterable virus or the premortal cell. We sincerely believe it is the chemical constituents of these organisms that produce the disease, a predominant chemical factor, which is a virus or the premortal cell. So we inoculate the primordial cell into the animal and we produce the disease in 1/10, the actual time that we produce by the inoculation of the organism. And we sincerely believe, as I stated before, that it is the chemical reaction of those viruses upon the unbalanced cell metabolism that produces a disease, because we can produce in most instances, all the symptoms of disease, chemically, with no bacteria.



Now as we take again, the resource of tetanus. We know of course, pathologist, all bacteriologist knows that it's caused by an infection or it causes infection, an organism that produces blood poisoning and locks jar. So it's associated with that particular disease. It comes to any type of infection. 


Same as your staphylococcus and streptococcus, they produce many different types of infection, but in most instances they are in a form in which we find them by the disease itself carried through by contaminations of air or what not. They are not as important of course, as tetanus. Any infection that is produced by anything that is ionized or by iron will produce a tetanus infection, such as stepping on a rusty nail or things of that nature is very prevalent in certain countries, of course, and it is transmissible in certain cases, especially with open stores and infection where they have leprosy, and all of that different type. But your streptococcus and staphylococcus are, in most cases, you find them with any infection. 


I stated before Dr. reesie, Rosenthal and I have worked together for a number of years, and he stresses practically everything on streptococcus. Now, as we isolated the virus, and in his publications, he still calls it the streptococcus poliomyelitis. And they get along certain lines, and they're they stick and they follow through. 


And that is their end. All of these different types of diseases that come through why they are caused many of them by the disease in question, with exceptions of your parasitic diseases and things of that sure. We have done over a period of years and we're going to work on the animal parasites so man, and the different types of blood diseases, and your animal parasites and mammals such as your types of trypanosomes of African sleeping sickness and your microfilaria Bancroft, I have elephantitis and things of that sort. Those are both transmitted by the taxi fly. And there are so many of these different types of ailments appertaining to human disease and animals that there are just absolutely to numerous dimension. 


And as we go through it, when we study them, and photograph them, study their life cycle or development, we know their incubation period or so called incubation period of the mall. So that is something that will have to be worked out further by other technicians, and other workers besides myself. Screen one on me to make a few remarks on leprosy. I worked over a period of time with Dr. Linwood Walker was connected with a Hooper foundation in San Francisco that a satellite might be from the University of Southern California in Berkeley. And he was very much interested in the Association of the different types of leprosy. Now we have three different types of leprosy. We



have the soil leprosy, the rat, leprosy and the human leprosy. And there was much controversy as to the difference in the morphology of those organisms, which, in their staining method, they were different. And in their morphology through the microscope, they were different. But we run through a series of those organisms in the filterable state. 


And we found definitely, that the wreck the soil and the human leprosy, the in the filterable stage was identical with one another. We never attempted to transmit any of these organisms, Dr. Walker had them there after we isolated them would we run them through and we found out over a period of a long series of research that they were identical in the filterable state. It's a very interesting organism. 


And we have devitalised under electrical application, the leprosy, the organism, both in Iraq and the filterable state, it is in the human form. Now we have gone through, as I say, I have worked with this work for over 50 years, I have worked sincerely and honestly, I have never attempted in any way to fool myself. It's a very easily thing to do. The full oneself only works a long time on a particular project. 


And he looks hours and hours a day, through the tube of a microscope. He didn't imagine a great many things that he does not say. But the work is encouraging and something that can be carried on with the improvement and advancement of scientific instruments that we have at the present time. They will carry us farther into the field and whenever and we hope sincerely that what little we have done thus far will be a stepping stone and endeavor for the great field of workers and scientists in the future.