Jeffrey Prather: Link Up!

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2 years
This is Jeffrey Prather's Chaplaincy with a healthy helping of profound insights.

Referring to how the Chinese and other enemies of the United States have exploited our open systems, Prather says, "The sins we committed to the native tribes, who welcomed everyone initially is the same thing that is being done to us now; that karmic sin is coming around...Russell Means talked about that greatly and his stuff is still up on YouTube for that."

He says, "I talk to old folks, including my World War Two dad, 'Wow, how did we get here?'

"So, we got here because our culture got infiltrated slowly, gradually. [Andrew] Breitbart...He talked about this; how a lot of the disaffected intellectuals – and a lot of Jewish intellectuals – came over here from Hitler's Germany and a lot of them went to the East Coast for the Harvard-Yale stuff and that's why you see all the CIA guys and State Department guys – and the officers of the military; Annapolis and West Point – those are – that's Blue stuff. They have bought into it.

"But the Working Class, the soldiers, marines and sailors, they guys and gals that make it happen; that's Red Team, that is classic Americana; people who build the roads and fight the wars.
"And, so all three branches of our government have finally become infiltrated, as well.

"The Presidency – Biden can't walk up the stairs without falling down. The Judiciary won't even hear the evidence, the news media; the FBI is a joke – all of that.

"That is because we have been infiltrated by our culture and our culture – the most important part of our culture is our ethics and our ethics come from our morals and our morals come from our spiritual center.

"This is actually what I'm going to be talking Tulsa, which is restoring spiritual resiliency in America...I can talk about that in detail – not in generalities, not in symbology – but actually what that is about.

"And so, what is happening, once they've diminished all the branches of government is first, they begin to diminish all of our protectors, our local protectors, which are the police and the police are totally diminished.

"And now, I told you – I predicted, if you look back at my stuff – they're going to diminish the military next and that is well under way. The National Guard's still deployed when they're not poisoning them and they're going to make them take all kinds of new loyalty oaths and the focus of the new civilian defense minister is LGBTQR – wharever it is – rights, as opposed to winning wars, which is why we don't win wars anymore.

"Trump won the war against ISIS, because he unleashed us. But as soon as World War Two was ended, we started losing. As soon as the CIA coms on the scene, Korea is a stalemate and then Vietnam is a loss.

"And until Trump comes around, the military lets us win, because war is terrible. It is cruelty, as General Tecumseh Sherman said.
"So, the next thing to diminish is God..."