The Bitcoin PSYOP Dominion Proof: Theft of a Nation Green Screen Biden

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2 years
In case you don't know, I'm on the American Media Periscope's Making Sense of the Madness livestream every Thursday at 7PM and this video is last night's show with host, John Michael Chambers and journalist, James Grundvig, who starts off by sharing some very interesting background information about Bitcoin and the Nazi origins of the vaccine industry.

Then I go into the question that many started asking on Wednesday morning, after the release of some weird-looking videos of Joe Biden on the South Lawn: "Is the White House faking videos of Joe Biden?"

A clip of Joe Biden published by Bloomberg, the Hill, C-SPAN and other mainstream outlets purported to show Joe answering questions from random reporters outside the White House. It proceeded to go viral, due to its apparent video compositing failures.

It's an open secret that Joe Biden won't take spontaneous questions from the press, so the video served to fuel rumors that the White House was attempting to mitigate this problem with poorly-executed Hollywood special effects.

In Wednesday's video, the top of Joe's head disappeared, while his silhouette appeared to be popping starkly against the background, in what looked like a poorly-executed green screen chroma key effect. Any doubts that one may have had were dashed when his hands magically passed through the reporters' microphones.

Myself, as someone who worked in film and television production and post-production for many years, this video did have the appearance of a composite created from two separate sources; with the reporters and their microphone booms positioned at the exterior location and the footage of Joe Biden appearing to be piped-in from a remote studio with a green screen. I say this, because a green screen outline appears on the edges of Biden's suit jacket sleeves and there are green hue reflections in his white hair above his visible ear and around his hand, as it passes in front of the furry microphone windscreen, suggesting that Biden (or someone playing him) was actually filming in front of a green screen and that he was not actually at the location.

Of course, fact-checkers jumped all over these videos to debunk such questions and Mick West from Metabunk did a very good job of convincing me that what we saw was, indeed an optical illusion.

I have noticed that the more digital video develops as a medium, the more bizarre some of the visual "artifacts" become, as if to deliberately blur the lines and to facilitate Deep Fakes.

For me, the jury is still out and I ran West's video to provide all sides of this story, leaving it up to the viewers to decide what was going on.

The real point is that if Joe Biden were not crippled by neurodegenerative disease, such rumors would not even have come up in the first place but if we have a CGI president, I'd like to know how this could be happening and what this actually means!

The next story I covered was the release last Tuesday by the Office of National Intelligence of a declassified 15-page report, concluding that China did NOT interfere in the 2020 presidential election – but that Russia and Iran DID!

The new ODNI report, which was 180º at odds with the report issued by former DNI John Ratcliffe last December began by saying, "We have no indications that any foreign actor attempted to alter any technical aspect of the voting process in the 2020 elections, including voter registration, casting ballots, vote tabulation, or reporting results," which is a ridiculous, bald-faced lie!

This latest ODNI report was "declassified" by Avril Haines, the current Director of National Intelligence, who is a John Brennan protégée and was the Deputy Director of the CIA under President Obama.

Anyone who has seen the copious evidence reported by Mary Fanning and by Patrick Byrne (who spent $20 million dollars of his personal fortune investigating this matter) knows that this report's conclusions are flat-out lies!

Fanning's investigations documented the IP addresses of the cyberattack on the 2020 Election and how over 66% of the intrusions and alterations of the vote count on the Dominion voting machines in 2,995 US counties were done via IPs located in Communist China, as documented in Mike Lindell’s film, 'Absolute Proof', which needs to be seen by everyone. The film details the reports documented by Mary Fanning of the massive foreign cyberattack on the 2020 Election.

What this latest ODNI report on the 2020 Election does is absolve the US Military of retaliating against this monumental attack on the US' election infrastructure that was tantamount to a digital Pearl Harbor. This, while the current Defense Secretary leads a witch hunt against Constitutionalists and forces the military to descend into an abyss of Wokesterism.

Next, I talk about Tanzanian President John Magafuli and how it appears he may have been assassinated as a result of his rebellion against the COVID agenda. Viewers may recall how in May of 2020, President Magafuli, who was a trained chemist ordered COVID tests to be conducted on several animate and inanimate objects, including a Diesel fuel.

Samples taken from a goat, a quail and a papaya - or what he called a "paw-paw" - all tested positive for the virus, causing him to call for an investigation of the "sabotage" at Tanzania's national laboratory. Furthermore, he refused to order vaccines for his people. The result is that in a country of over 50 million people, there have only been 500 coronavirus deaths.

The Tanzanian president had reportedly not been seen in public for 17 days when his death was announced on the 17th of March. To me, he had looked to be quite healthy, so I think it's possible that this patriot leader of a sovereign nation was assassinated for his defiance against the Globalist banksters who were attempting to genocide his people and collapse his country's economy.

The way his death is now being used by the Globalist Mainstream Media to propagate claims that the "COVID-denying president died of COVID" is upsetting enough but my attention was very much piqued by the "number comms" in the official reports and how President Magafuli had been reported missing for "17 days" and "pronounced dead on the 17th".

In the past, Q followers have been told that news stories with the number 17 in them were coming from the "good guys" and how news stories featuring the number 33 were coming from the Cabal. I wonder if these reports about President Magafuli dying on the 17th are intended as a threat to those who defy the banksters and who understand the significance of the number 17?