The Evolution of Time

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2 years

Gavin Wince is Millie Weaver's husband, who does a lot of the heavy lifting in the couple's documentaries, which include ShadowGate and PSYOP the Steal, two of the most important films of the past year, in my opinion.

This is a video he made in 2014 about "Quantum Mechanics rewritten in terms of applying a 3D-time metric to account for then-unobserved phenomena and now-observed predicted experimental results."

He tweeted last night, "It's now been 7 years and hasn't been falsified. I highly recommend going to 1:26:20 min into the video Enjoy. 😎"

As a theoretical physics buff myself, having written a book that summarizes the theories of several quantum physicists, I found it to be incredibly engaging and instructive – and a welcome break from the Unrestricted Warfare that has occupied so much of his, mine and your awareness in recent years.

The opening statements and the simple, yet very illustrative animation in just the first two minutes are so approachable, they drew me right in:

"It appears that there are extra aspects to relativity that subtlely show up in quantum physics as extra dimensions of time.

"The conceptual point of origin, where space and time appear to have begun is known as the Big Bang Singularity. Here, specetime is reduced to a single point.

"On the other hand, when viewed through the lens of three-dimensional time, it becomes nothing more than a temporal vanishing point.

"It can be argued that modern cosmology is a collection of artifacts resulting from limiting time to a single dimension. We are left with the possibility that half the visible matter is actually anti-particles.

"How can this be, given that these anti-particles are supposed to be missing? Where are they?

"Well, apparently, right here – everywhere – but going backwards in time, relative to the rest of matter.

"Matter, then is composed of particles and anti-particles, as an alternating standing wave or a superposition within a time loop.

"Besides the characteristics of mass and energy, these loops take on the additional characteristics of charge and spin. Using temporal mechanics, cross-conjugation unveils an innovative form of symmetry that appears to be showing up in new physics experiments through a variety of newfangled anomalies.

"We're now fully prepared to examine the mechanism of cross-conjugation, and how it corresponds with both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics."

It appears that there are extra aspects to relativity that suddenly show up in quantum mechanics as extra dimensions of time. The conceptual point of origin, where space and time appear to have begun is known as the Big Bang singularity, here, space time is reduced to a single point. On the other hand, when viewed through the lens of three dimensional time, he becomes nothing more than a temporal vanishing point. It can be argued that modern cosmology is a collection of artifacts resulting from limiting time to a single dimension. We are left with the possibility that half the visible matter is actually anti particles. How can this be given that these anti particles are supposed to be missing? Where are they? Well, apparently, right here, everywhere, but going backwards in time, relative to the rest of matter. matter then, is composed of particles and anti particles as an alternating standing wave or a superposition within a time loop. Besides the characteristics of mass and energy, these loops take on the additional characteristics of charge and spin. Using tempo mechanics, cross conjugation unveils an innovative form of symmetry that appears to be showing up in new physics experiments through a variety of new fangled anomalies. We are now fully prepared to examine the mechanism of cross conjugation, and how it corresponds with both general relativity and quantum mechanics.


We are all time travelers drifting through time at a steady pace, one moment at a time. In what direction? Are we moving through time? Or does it move through us? How many dimensions of time are other? Let's begin with a single dimension of time. An ordinary clock ticking off regular time is extension along a single direction of time. Likewise, in nearby locations, clocks tick off time in sync with our clock. One could argue that all these clocks are in the same temporal frame of reference undergoing the same time period during the same present moment. This concept is similar to a spatial dimension, but in a direction of time instead. Each time the clock ticks, we extend further along some direction of time. However, it's an established fact that the rate of the passage of time can dilate or contract under special circumstances. According to Einstein's theory of special relativity, time slows down relative to accelerations near the speed of light. While according to his theory of general relativity, time slows down relative to gravitational fields.


What's interesting is time travel relative to other people. To do that, start walking, and you'll travel through time relative to someone standing still, we've known for over a century that time and space are really just two components of a single space time and the faster you move, the slower time will pass for you.


Let's apply the concept of time dilation to our scenario.


If you want A reference frame which moving along it's been V, it turns out that your clocks move more slowly than things that are stationary relative to you. So in fact, if you were to just watch the speed at which the time was ticking away on a clock in something that's moving at some velocity V, it actually moves more slowly than the clocks that are stationary. And the factor by which it moves more slowly is one over the square root of one minus v squared over c squared, where v is the speed at which the reference frame is moving and sees the speed of light. This idea that the rate at which time progresses depends on what reference frame you're in is, is pretty bizarre, but there's very strong experimental evidence that he actually really work.


Assume that the second wave has no time dilation associated with


more gravity makes time slow down to if you stand up for a minute, your feet will aged less than your head. On the other hand, GPS satellites high in orbit experience less of Earth's gravity and thus travel noticeably faster through time than we do.


On the other hand, the SU the third wave undergoes to fear time traction, instead.


juxtaposing all three paths together, we can see that I would undergo the same time period at different present moments based on relative rates of the passage of time, whether I go to the first, second or a third path. Time can evolve from one instance to another through varying present moments or time periods, or varying time periods her present moments in this way, relative time suggests at least two time dimensions, namely, present moments of time, and periods of time. There isn't any characteristic that distinguishes present moments from time periods per se, other than being set perpendicular relative to one another. Similar to the relationship between x and y coordinates. Notice the passage of time can be sped up or slowed down independent the ratio between time periods to present moments or vice versa. Furthermore, the passage of time can run backwards. These varying rates of the passage of time, separate from time periods and present moments imply a third dimension of time. passage. Given the mathematical stability of three dimensional space, the same idea can also be applied to time. A slightly allegorical at first, three dimensional time offers physics new parameters, accounting for conventional and exotic physical phenomena, while maintaining the conservation of energy and symmetry groups found in physical law. When I was in my late teenage years, I asked my great grandmother if time seemed to go by faster for her as she got older, she laughed and said, it seemed like she could just sit on her porch and watch the grass grow. astounded by the possibility, my mind began to wander, I remembered anticipating my fifth birthday, it seemed like an eternity, whereas at the time, week didn't seem so long. And according to my great grandmother, when you're old, you're seem to fly on by assuming this to be true. If two people experienced the same event, like a conversation at different rates of the passage of time, what is actually happening during the conversation? Are they sharing the same moment, in some weird way? Or are they actually in two different moments relative to one another. As we sat and talked, I wonder this shoe is further in the future relative to me, experiencing the time at a faster rate, and whether or not I was in the past relative to her experiencing time at a slower rate. This would mean we were not experiencing the exact same moment at the same time relative to one another. Relative to my great grandmother, she would experienced this conversation before I would and relative to me, I've experienced this conversation after she did. But this could only be possible to separate conversations were happening simultaneously, but skewed relative to one another. The quicker variation, the conversation relative to my great grandmother, would be slightly ahead of the slower variation of the conversation relative to me. However, this implied that the great grandmother relative to herself, exists distinctly separate from the great Grandmother relative to me. This would also mean that there exists a me relative to great grandmother that wasn't me, me distinctly separate from me. As I contemplated, I wondered, how many hers and me's could there possibly be. There would have to be a different great grandmother and a different knee, relative to each and every other variation. In other words, there appeared to be infinite variations of everything spread out over infinitude of dimensions. Can we ever be able to measure and distinguish different rates of the passage of time, and work out whether or not these bizarre implications were real? consumed, I began to work on calculations to solve this riddle, unfamiliar with Lorentz transformations point carry groups or geodesics. At the time, I had no suspicion that the calculation I was working on would have any implication on physics, it seemed at the time to be nothing more than a mind puzzle, or insight into our perceptions of time at best.


Later, during a physics course at the university, I could see exactly how this calculation could be applied to physics. But instead of corresponding to subjective experiences of different rates of the passage of time, I saw how the calculation could be applied to relative frames of reference in a way that apparently hadn't been tried out yet, which seemed very odd to me.


Imagine that at some point in the near future, we have the technology to perform the twin paradox experiment with a set of real life fraternal twins, and a spaceship that can travel near the speed of light. Let's assume that these twins initially experience the same rate of the passage of time. As soon as the traveling brother Bob begins to accelerate towards relativistic speeds, Bob's rate of the passage of time begins to slow relative to Alice is more stationary sister, whose rate of the passage of time begins to increase relative to Bob. Since Bob is in an accelerated frame of reference, and traveling at relativistic speeds, their Lorentz transformation calculations can be used to account for the relative time dilation between Alice and Bob asuw, Bob travels at 80% the speed of light. If we calculate relative time between Alice and Bob, at the midpoint of Bob's journey, Alice will have experienced 10 units of time, while Bob will have experienced only six units of time.


This device is a light clock, two mirrors that face each other with a particle of light or photons bouncing between them. Such a clock shows directly how time has changed by speed, the motion of it


will affect the rate of ticking.


You'll notice that the clock is ticking more slowly, as I move it. Why is that?


Well, the photon is making a zigzag path to reach one mirror and then the other.


That's a longer path that the photon has to take. And that means that it takes more time to make that path.


When clocks fly, they run more slowly in relativity.


It says that the faster you travel through space, the slower you move through time, this concept of time dilation provides the basis for our global positioning


system. By the time Bob completes his trip, Alice will have experienced 20 units of time, and Bob will have experienced 12 units of time. The paradox arises from Alice and Bob measuring different rates of the passage of time when comparing clocks. The clock Alice had with her and the clock Bob took with him, their timelines no longer match up linearly. Thus, between paradox. The message of the story is things that travel extraordinarily fast through space, travel a tad bit slower through time. However, there is an unaccounted for aspect to this paradox, given that Alice and Bob exists in mutually exclusive relative frames of reference, undergoing different rates of the passage of time. Since Alice and Bob measured different rates of the passage of time, the rate was slightly faster, relative to Alice, and slightly slower relative to Bob. Unbeknownst to Alice and Bob, Alice exists slightly into the future relative to Bob, and Bob exists slightly into the past relative to Alice. while in transit, Bob's rate of the passage of time decreases relative to Alice, though Bob eventually decelerates returning to his original temporal frame of reference. Contemporary with Alice, Alice and Bob still exists along separate timelines running parallel, but staggered in relation to one another. Allison Bob interact through supernumerary propagations of Alice relative to Bob, and Bob relative to Alice, for all Bob's and all Alice's such that each Alice and each Bob exists separately in mutually exclusive timelines relative to one another. This shift in timelines between Alice and Bob is unaccounted for by the Lorenz transformation, using the Lorenz transformation for his calculated arrival time. When Bob returns he apologizes saying,


Sorry, I'm


late. However, using the Lorenz transformation in her calculation for Bob's arrival time, Alice looks at Bob with astonishment and says, Oh, you've arrived early. Yet if we applied the basic existence equations to the Rennes transformations, this slight variation in relative time can be accounted for. Hence, the adjusted twin paradox. Since Lorenz transformations use only one time dimension, if time is multi dimensional, anomalies like the ones mentioned above should arise experimentally.


Moreover, a similar paradox has been pointed out, but with the emphasis on space contraction instead,


bell spaceship inequality, two spaceships connected by a string, they both accelerate. What happens to the string? Does that string break? Or does it not? So there's three things spring will droop


the string will break or will just remain the same, these spaceships are going in a straight line, are they going to break their strings or not? The answer is controversial. And it actually gets sometimes, paradoxes especially relativity don't have simple clean solutions. This one depends on one simultaneity in which spaceship actually begins accelerating first and what the exact magnitude of the acceleration of each spaceship is,


you can get them to accelerate such that the springs always remain taut and never droop and never break. However, due to some ways of making this up, and this has been debated in literature, they will they will break if you accept or expand ships in some way, and they'll even Drupal seven or eight spaceships and other ways.


In 2004, I began looking for signs of particles, quote, arriving early, or something mathematically equivalent. I was not exactly sure where and how the existence equations would completely apply to relativity and quantum mechanics. I began playing with the idea that all of physics could be reduced to just interactions between spatial and temporal coordinates. A wondered if inertia and momentum might be composed strictly of temporal coordinates. This would require extra time dimensions, could inertia or momentum be used as indicators of multi dimensional time? What about charge spin and other properties of matter? answers to some of these questions appear to reside in neutrino research specifically neutrino flavor oscillation, do neutrinos have mass or not? The basic existence equations should correspond with neutrino mass and or flavor oscillation.


But how


they knew there were three different types of neutrinos. But the none of the experiments could detect all three.


There are three flavors of neutrinos that neutrinos might change from one type of flavor into another type of flight for this is called neutrino oscillations.


In this theory, you torinos would be continuously changing from Type to type as they travel through space.


And in fact, it can change back and forth and back and forth, back and forth, and that's why it's called a neutrino oscillation. The problem with that is that in the Standard Model neutrinos are massless and massless. neutrinos can't do this. They can't change from one type of neutrino to the other. It was all to do with time.


For anything to change, time must pass. And according to Einstein, if you're traveling at the speed of light, there is no time.


And therefore,


no change.


neutrino oscillation


is a time dependent phenomenon. It requires a neutrino clock that requires that the neutrino


travels slower than light that requires that the neutrino


have a mass. If you don't believe neutrinos have mass, then they can oscillate.


In the fall of 2011, physicists at CERN working on neutrino research made headline news that caught the world's attention.


Although technical issues seem to have been the cause of the speedy neutrino results, both opera and its sister experiment Icarus are scheduled to rerun the neutrino experiment that they did this month. Though most experts expect the particles to obey the speed limit. This time,


it is as if everyone was so concerned about negating the superluminal opera results that the subtle anomaly with Icarus, when I noticed the Icarus results were consistent with the Manos results of 2007, where the neutrino began to exhibit slightly superluminal speed. The real issue here is still glaring right at us. Why does the neutrino appear to travel slightly faster than light on average, though we know it doesn't, you see that the place where they overlap is pretty much in the margin of the statistical error


number there are several different neutrinos electron neutrinos you on the tree knows very small. Within experimental error, they move with the speed of light.


Even that is slightly superluminal. So really, and truly, the only justification for saying that the neutrino travels at the speed of light is this area here where we barely have any overlap at all. And it's within the statistical margin of error of two different types of testing.


What I have here are


three dimensions of time. In this period, the neutrino is slightly into the future relative to this, and this neutrino is slightly over the past. relative to this,


we have to know exactly what time the collision happened, and exactly when we caught the corresponding neutrino. And because the scientists in Switzerland are hundreds of kilometers away, we have to use timing signals from GPS satellites in order to synchronize our clocks. If we're off by even a microsecond, we'll get the speed wrong by a million kilometers per hour.


So what happens is and what is not accounted for in general and special relativity is a what is meant as neutrino is going to descend in the dimension of the passage of time down to a slower rate and the passage of time will be the one that hits this detector. And so that neutrino goes down. And then this one up here, comes down and arrives here. This becomes the neutrino relative to CERN. So notice that the neutrino relative to cern is slightly into the future. So it coming from a faster passage of the rate of time arrives at CERN. Early


what actually happens to neutrino was really curious. What happens with the neutrino, their left hand and neutrinos and of course, they go along with right handed anti neutrinos for the neutrinos left handed, and the anti neutrino is right handed. And one way of having a mass for the neutrino is to have a left handed neutrino make transitions to right handed antineutrinos mass is always for fermions. It's always left hand turns into right hand turns into the left hand turns at the right hand processes which involve that, for neutrinos. Curiously, the right handed particle which the neutrino can make a transition two is the anti particle of the left hand, left hand. particle which gets masked by mixing in this way with its anti particle is called a myeloma particle.


Other predictions stemmed from applying the basic existence equations to physics, but now in quantum mechanics, in 2003, while attempting to apply the basic existence equations to relativity, a got lost in the Lorentz transformations space contraction, time dilation, time contractions, space dilation, and so on so forth. I thought about how they exist six equations might be applied to the twin paradox but in reverse, while trying to remember which way went with the contraction or dilation of space time coordinates. I imagine the application and fall And reverse time simultaneously, then all at once three distinct concepts converged into a single principle. symmetries between beta decay like and reversed anti beta decay like phenomena could oscillate in a time loop as a temporal superposition of a hydrogen atom like structure. These diagonal symmetries appeared to take into account charge parity violation. A forward and reverse time loop model resembles aspects of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, incorporating a new principle into quantum entanglement. The inclusion principle, the inclusion principle and the Pauli exclusion principle work together to account for quantum entanglement, but in a new way, through identity crises. At a certain phase in a time loop, the distinction between forward moving particles and reverse moving anti particles becomes indistinguishable,




when two identical particles are in close enough proximity, that the distinction between the two particle states becomes impossible to distinguish. Interestingly, physicists Daniel Klempner applied the term identity crisis slightly different but in such a way that it exemplifies the inclusion principle as an additional aspect of quantum entanglement.


In 1925, a young Indian physicist Satyendra Bose sent Einstein a paper he'd been unable to publish. Those had attempted to apply the mathematics of how light particles behave to hole atoms. Einstein realized the importance of this concept and did some further calculations. He predicted that on reaching extremely low temperatures just a hair above absolute zero, it might be possible to produce a new state of matter that followed quantum rules, it would not be a solid or liquid or gas, a Bose Einstein condensate.


matter can exist in various states. Atoms at high temperature always form gases. If you cool the gas, it becomes a liquid. If you pool the liquid, it becomes a solid. But under certain circumstances, if you cool atoms far enough to extremely low temperatures, they undergo an identity crisis. When you go to low temperatures, the quantum mechanical properties of the atoms become important. Each one of these atoms starts to display wave like properties. So instead of points like that, you have a little wave packets like that. Now, as you go to very low temperatures, the size of these packets gets longer and longer. If you get them cold enough, they start overlapping. And when they overlap, the system behaves not like individual particles, but particles which have lost their identity, this little wave packet over here can tell whether it's this one, or that one, or that one, or that one, or that one over there, and it's there. They're all in one great big quantum state. They're all overlapping. But on the Bose condensate, I'm everywhere at once I've lost my identity, I don't know who I am anymore. I'm at rest, and all the other atoms around at rest, but they're not other atoms around we're all just one great big quantum system


thought of as just one time dimension, that distinct time dimensions of period and present time appear noticed regularly in physics in the units for acceleration, or time squared. Furthermore, it can be argued that the concept of time dilation found in relativity implies that there are at least two time dimensions using a three dimensional time model. inertial mass and momentum can also be expressed in terms of temporal components. Acceleration can be treated as a displacement in the rate of the passage of time. There is an inversely proportional relationship between the passage of time and linear time relative to inertial mass and relativistic momentum. This is easier to understand when examining the expressions of thermodynamics and how they relate to temporal mechanics. The relativistic effect of an increase temperature on the internal motions of atoms within a substance is very subtle if not impossible to actually measure. However, an increase in the temperature is tantamount to a slight increase in effective mass. Technically speaking, inertial mass is Lorentz invariant and does not change while undergoing relativistic transformations. Nevertheless, there is a link between thermodynamics and the temporal mechanical expression for inertial mass and relativistic momentum. We will see that this particular subtlety is extremely significant.


The temperature of the average molecule in the bucket is 50 degrees. And the temperature of the average molecule in the cup is 100 degrees. The bucket obviously contains many, many more water molecules than the cup does. The degree of hotness is higher in the cup, but the quantity of hotness is greater in the bucket. We know that it's the speed of the molecule that determines the degree of hotness of something. degree of hotness only depends on speed. It has nothing to do with how many molecules there are. Although the molecules in the bucket aren't going as fast as in the cup, there are more of them so they more than make up in mass what they lack in speed, and its mass combined with speed that determines quantity of hotness, the word for degree of hotness is temperature. The other word for quantity of hotness is heat. The big difference between temperature and heat is that temperature depends on speed only, whereas heat depends on both mass and speed. The water in the cup has got a high temperature, but very little heat, and the water in the bucket has got a much lower temperature, but a great deal of heat.


In a closed loop thermal system such as an idealized heat engine, the inversely proportional relationship between temperature and the change in entropy can be used to set the heat engine into motion analogously. The inversely proportional relationship between the passage of time and the linear time can be used as a mechanism for the evolution of time.


If you're like most high school science students, you were probably taught that absolute temperature is the measure of how much atoms vibrate. As you get colder and colder, they vibrate less and less until they come to a standstill at absolute zero. That's not quite the whole story, a more accurate description of temperature would represent a loop anything beyond absolute zero or infinite temperature would be in the negative. Assuming that a time loop and a temperature loop are isomorphic absolute temperature needs to be reexamined in terms of the passage of time,


the specific heat of liquid helium rises astonishingly, as we approach 2.17 degrees, the lambda point as we approach 2.17 degrees, boiling becomes increasingly violent. Suddenly, it stops. This was the transition. Remember that this great change in heat conductivity occurs at a single a fixed transition temperature, no matter the point, we do indeed, deal with the change in phase only here, it is a change from one liquid to another liquid. As we've told you before, the specific heat of liquid helium is very large at the lambda point. This discontinuity in specific heat is another reflection of the fact that we are dealing with a change in the face of the substance.


quick look at the concept of absolute zero temperature might cause one to consider the idea of a maximally high temperature.


I mean, we know that there is an absolute zero. But is there an absolute


hot, a point


at which something is so hot, it can't get any hotter. any object over absolute zero emits some form of electromagnetic radiation, we can calculate the expected wavelength of radiation coming off of an object because of its temperature. And that wavelength gets smaller and smaller, the hotter and hotter the object gets. It goes from radio waves to microwaves up through infrared, visible all the way to x rays and gamma rays, which are created in the middle of our sun at temperatures as hot as the sun Mater exists in a fourth state, not solid, not liquid, not gas, but instead a state where the electrons wander away from the nuclei. Plasma at one Tara Kelvin, things get weird. At one Tara Kelvin, the electrons aren't the only thing that wander away the Hadrian's themselves. The protons and neutrons in the nucleus melt into corks and gluons a sort of soup. If an object were to reach a temperature of 1.41 times 10 to the 32 Kelvin, the radiation it would admit would have a wavelength of 1.616 times 10 to the negative 26 nanometers. It actually has a special name. It is the Planck distance, which according to quantum mechanics, is the shortest distance possible in our universe. Okay, well, what if we added even more energy Wouldn't the wavelength gets smaller it's supposed to, but yet it can't. This is where we've got a problem above 1.41 times 10 to the 32 Kelvin, the Planck temperature, our theories don't work, the object would become hotter than temperature, it would be so hot that what it is would not be considered a temperature.


Assume that the thermal property of each substance has a maximum and minimum temperature range that we can place in a temperature loop. This idea is consistent with blackbody radiation such that only so much energy can be put into a loop before the cycle repeats phase. The absolute value for temperature represents the maximum range of values for temperature taking into account both positive and negative temperature, the left and right side of the loop can account for the maximum and minimum change in entropy proportional to change in heat content and inversely proportional to temperature. Substituting the passage of time for temperature, and substituting linear time for changes in entropy, the thermodynamic expressions for a car no heat engine can be used to describe a mechanism for the evolution of time in three dimensions. Ignoring the Kelvin temperature scale for a moment, assume negative temperatures correspond with temperatures below the transition point for supercooled substances, or above the transition point for superheated substances. transition points become places where the change in temperature or the change in entropy reverses. Conversely, at the transition points in the time loop, the direction of time flips or reverses, the properties of negative temperature are synonymous with the properties of motion in reverse time, just as the properties of positive temperatures are synonymous with the properties of motion in forward time. Consequently, we should observe a similar type of behavior at high temperatures.


So how do you take quarks in a proton and a neutron and separate them? Actually, we could separate quarks from one another. If we were to supply enough heat, and enough density, actually, we'll check had something to do with that. Maybe if I smash a bunch of protons together, and I produce matter that has enough temperature and density maybe I can actually produce quarks that are separable or separated and we say the confined This is at Brookhaven National Lab on girl in New York, this is a not just an accelerator, it's actually two accelerators in one and the beams collide, you ever been one going one way of the beam and going another way, and I had four spots, and they actually cross and collide. Gold nuclei beams. And these beams were traveling at 99.999% of the speed of light. So you have two nuclei, traveling nearly the speed of light. they collide in as they penetrate one another, they nearly stopped and all that energy of motion, all that kinetic energy is almost instantly transformed into making 1000s of particles. The model assumes that this stuff that we made, the stuff that last for about 10 to the minus 22 seconds. Is is like a liquid, a liquid of quarks and gluons. This is something which is amazingly hard the trillion degrees and it flows like there's nothing to slow it down. This liquid is really really viscous, almost viscous. So it's a it's a cool liquid.


It's a cool liquid.


When the temperature loop is maximally hot, the entropy is zero. This restricts maximum absolute temperature to finite temperatures and becomes a parameter or a limit of a temperature loop. When temperature is zero, the change in entropy is at the maximum range finite or infinite. In this example, he conduction can operate in one of two ways as a reversible closed loop system or as an indefinitely open irreversible system. In either case, this idealized mechanism is in continuous action.


In car knows ideal engine, the ratio of the heat taken in to the heat wasted was the same as the ratio of the two absolute temperatures needed to drive the engine In other words, and this was the idea that stemmed from carnivals imagination. Something that goes in is the same when it comes out. If it's not the heat, and if it's not the temperature, what is it? It's the heat divided by the temperature at which it flows. And according to classes, that's entropy. In a car no engine, some entropy flows in at high temperature does its job and the same amount of entropy flows out at low temperature. So when ideal engine conserves energy


This brings us to a question. Are these time loops perpetual or can they have a beginning and an end? in thermodynamics, a heat engine acts like an idealized reversible engine, until it runs out of having a source of heat, or the engine breaks down, etc. In a similar way, time loops continue to cycle until they run out of or break down from what exactly a better way to understand this temperature loop model is to see through the action of ordinary everyday motion, such as with the air conditioner, or refrigerator. Inside fan circulate air across the tubular network containing coolant, the inside air temperature decreases as the court absorbs heat through the tubing.


Let's diagram the compression refrigeration loop. We'll start with a closed loop tube. And we'll fill it with coolant that in this case has a boiling point somewhere near room temperature. Let's insert a pump. At the other side of our diagram opposite the pump will insert a valve letting just a bit of fluid through but keeping most of it back. Building up pressure on the upstream side of the valve will see that we have most of the fluid on one side of the loop, high pressure side downstream of the pump an upstream of the valve. The other low pressure side has less fluid because the pump is busy trying to move the fluid around faster than the valve is letting it through. On the high pressure side we are pushing squeezing the gas molecules forcing them into a liquid state. And on the low pressure side, we are ripping the molecules out of their liquid state and into a gaseous state. We're condensing on the high pressure side and evaporating or boiling on the low pressure side. So by boiling on one side, and condensing on the other, we're creating a cold side and a warm side of our pipe. Let's position the cold side on the inside of our building and the warm side on the outside of our building. We might then draw in room air at room temperature, run it over a cold pipe and supplied back to the room. On the outside hot loop. We will utilize a fan to draw outside air across a hot pipe and deposited back to the outside air.


In a reversible thermal process, the initial and final changes in entropy equals zero. The initial change in entropy corresponds with the coolant absorbing heat. The final change in entropy corresponds with the outside air absorbing heat from the heated coolant. In this example, the process is reversible indefinitely insofar as refrigerator continues to work with the same efficiency over an indefinite period of time. Consequently, a refrigerator does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. Heat can transfer from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir, but not the other way around. If a heat engine loses heat due to work or inefficiency, what is the mathematical equivalent for a time loop. If heat flows in only one direction, through a heat engine, what flows in only one direction through a timely, linear time. The arrow of time is the direction that linear time passes through a temporal loop at a true and steady rate, turning over like a temporal motor, the mechanism for the evolution of time, though a time loop can be sustained indefinitely. Eventually, a time loop can run out of time and stop cycling. We can define relative absolute temperatures using absolute value bars. Instead of a temperature loop, we'll use a temperature arch where the uppermost part of the arch corresponds with absolute maximum temperature, accounting for both positive and negative temperatures. We could also make an arch where the outermost part of the arch corresponds with absolute maximum change in entropy or change. in linear time, accounting for both forward and reverse time simultaneously with one direction of time, referring to the absolute temperature arch. What does the single maximum temperature state represent? What transitions from positive to negative or from negative to positive along the change in entropy or linear timeline coordinate. What this arch suggests is that plasma can be heated enough to display properties of a perfect liquid. Or Similarly, a super fluid may be cooled enough to phase transition into a gas. Referring to the sideways absolute entropy arch. What does this single maximum change in entropy or change in linear time represent? What do both states on opposite sides of the temperature or passage of time coordinate near zero represent the basis for absolute change in entropy, our maximum positive and maximum negative temperatures, the positive minimum temperature state could represent one side of a phase transition and the negative minimum temperature state could represent the other side of a phase transition. If the positive side of absolute zero is a state of condensed matter, what is on the negative side of absolute zero, on condensed matter,


I'd like to welcome you to the slac


National Accelerator Laboratory. The speaker is Aaron roodman, who is a faculty member, a professor at the laboratory. He's the discoverer of one of the very elusive and tricky decay channels of the beam as on today, he will tell you about matter


and anti matter, and what it is and where did it go. This is a picture from a cloud chamber taken by Carl Anderson and Caltech. In it he saw the track of what appeared to be an electron, however, an electron would have bent to the right. And what he observed was a particle that bent to the left, this mysterious object was the first sign of anti matter. more remarkable, perhaps, is that the existence of this particle was predicted to solve certain inconsistency in quantum mechanics by Paul Dirac only three years earlier, relativity and quantum mechanics come together in a unified form and this marvelous equation of direct the direct equation, and that marriage or relativity in quantum mechanics, gives us two children spin an anti matter which you're about to see just now, here, the beta matrix is one one, negative one, negative one and the E is multiplying the identity matrix and the Eigen vectors are simply going to be the column vectors with one in one slot and zeros and everything else. And when you put in, you know, the constants here, the Eigen value for the energy for this one's actually square MC squared minus MC squared minus MC squared. So you can see that the particle solutions split into two kinds of particles, one particle positive energy, one particle with negative energy, and that we're just going to point out here we have two kinds of solutions in terms of the energy eigenvalues here is one pair of solutions. And here's the other pair. So the first pairs are electron with two states spin up spin down, and the second pair will represent your positron with two states spin up spin down,


the particles can have spin along either axis that gives you two components up spin and down spin, and the particles can have positive or negative energy. Now we've learned over and over again, that the negative energy particles should be replaced by anti particles of positive energy. But in the mathematics, the Dirac field has four components up spin positive energy down spin positive energy, up spin negative energy down spin negative energy, or you can think of it as up spinning down spin of particle and antiparticle.


The anti proton was discovered at Berkeley, by Chamberlain to gray, all elementary particles, the electron, the proton and the neutron, they all have an anti matter version, these anti matter particles are exactly the same as their matter versions, except they have the opposite electric charge. If we look at the world around us, we see only map only protons, neutrons, and electrons, not their anti matter versions, except for a tiny residual of anti matter in certain radioactive processes in cosmic rays, and we can make anti matter in our accelerators. But as far as we can see, we do not see any signs of anti matter in the universe. And so we're left with the question. Where did the anti Mater go? Why is the whole universe made of just matter? So just after the Big Bang, the universe had to have equal parts of matter. Anything that matter and anti matter annihilate each other, and that's the blue and the red dots disappearing. Until eventually, you're left with just a tiny amount of matter. And that tiny amount of matter is everything we see in the world, a tiny excess of matter of the size one part and 10 billion was created. How was that tiny excess creating some interaction between particles must have been a little bit different between matter and anti matter.


Ignoring issues with spin and parity violation for a moment, let the reverse time anti particles be indistinguishable from forward time particles, with the exception, that the forward time particles exists slightly ahead in linear time, relative to the reverse time anti particles, since they are slightly out of phase. If they were to approach being in the same quantum state simultaneously, an inherent issue with simultaneity would prevent collision. However, there is a probability for this near collision to loop in on itself forming a sequential identity crisis between forward time particles and reverse time anti particles. When a forward time particle is at the moment of near collision, the reverse time anti particle is not quite there yet. After the forward time particle has moved on the reverse time anti particle van is at the moment of near collision from the reverse anti particle frame of reference. If we move forward, everything is the same as with the forward moving particle with the exception of a minus sign. Notice that each is the cause of the other forward or reverse. This is a time loop. Consequently, to complete one cycle around a time loop, one must go both forward and reverse. But how the basic exist equations allow us to parameterize quantum mechanics with three dimensional time if A equals B, then a over b equals one and the identity constant is one meaning there is only one particle, physical state field, etc. Depending on the application, if a is greater than b, then a over b is greater than one. And there are at least two particles, states fields etc. When a over b is one, this corresponds with the inclusion principle, when a over b is greater than one, this corresponds with the exclusion principle. In quantum mechanics, it is impossible to know both the particles momentum and position simultaneously within an accuracy greater than h bar. This is known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle,


you cannot measure the position of a particle and its momentum at the same time. This principle is often expressed as the uncertainty in position multiplied by the uncertainty in momentum is greater than or equal to h bar over two. A postulate of quantum mechanics which is one we will come to shortly says that the probability of finding the electron at any given point in space is equal to the square of the wave function at that point.


Using three dimensional time, we can apply both the inclusion principle and the exclusion principle simultaneously and account for the uncertainty principle allowing for the basic exist equations to apply generally to quantum mechanics equivalences between temporal mechanics and quantum mechanics can be used to incorporate a temporal loop mechanism into the mathematics of atomic structures and the standard model. Since a temperature loop is isomorphic, with a time loop, we can introduce the concept of a plasma and a phone on into the temperature slash time loop and view them as cross conjugate pairs, or both the plasma and phone on separately act like self conjugate pairs.


Phone arms have no mass which means that a phone on with zero momentum has no energy. Now, supposing your crystal lattice was composed of particles, which themselves have both plus some plus charges and some minus charges. And supposing you did the following, you shifted all of the electrons to the left uniformly and all the photons to the right uniformly just a little bit, just a little separation between the electron cloud and the nuclei the plus particles this way the minus particles this way, what will happen next will start to vibrate. So moving everything simultaneously that's zero momentum phone on moving the plus charges relative to the minus charges, what does that call anybody know a plasma, a plasma, plasma is have mass phonons do not.


Plasma in most cases is a collection


of electrons oscillating within a material,


you can have these oscillations


in three dimensions. For simplicity, plasmons represent the high temperature phase of the cycle, and phonons represent the low temperature phase of the cycle. The plasma and phone on states represent moments of identity crises within the temperature slash time loop, the plasma ID crisis occurs relative to the t prime coordinate, and the phone on identity crisis occurs relative to the t squared coordinate, we can view the absolute temperature arch and the absolute change in entropy arch as two separate expressions of entropy.


What we want to do now is to count up the different ways that we can arrange the particles and arrive at these equivalent configurations. This number of equivalent microstates is a measure of the entropy in the 5050 configuration, we have many equivalent microstates. So we go from a situation with few microstates much lower entropy to a situation with many, many microstates much higher entropy, we're going from configurations which are less likely to occur to the configurations which are most likely to occur,


the absolute temperature arch becomes a probability distribution for finding the plasma. at maximum temperature positive and negative, the absolute change in entropy arch becomes a probability distribution for finding the phone on at zero degrees temperature. If we removed the absolute value bars from temperature, the left side of our temperature arch would consist of double negative components. Thus flipping the left side of the arch over into the third quadrant of our graph. Without absolute value bars, there is this continuity in the arch at t squared equals zero, between positive t prime and negative t prime. We can do a similar thing with the sideways absolute change in entropy arch, letting TB either positive or negative, the top section of the arch flops over into the second quadrant of the graph. Interestingly, both of these broken arches correspond with the transition points and slightly resemble the lambda point graph for phase change between liquid helium one and liquid helium two, it becomes evident that entropy plays an intimate role in the mechanism for the evolution of time. However, the broken continuity between entropy states and temperature states leads to a discontinuity in the mechanism for the evolution of time. So far, we have several physical properties we are trying to match up particles and anti particles, hot and cold temperatures forward and reverse time, change in entropy, and three dimensional time. However, this can all be simplified through the use of a spinner. To illustrate the symmetry of a spinner, we'll use a small plate with a wineglass placed on top while rotating my arm around in a circle in order to bring the plate and wineglass back to their original orientation, the plate and wine glass must undergo to complete rotations. The simple properties of the Mobius strip can demonically give you an idea of how the temporal loop spinner will be set up. It demonstrates a beta decay like and anti beta decay like process caught in a temporal loop. This loop represents a single hydrogen atom like structure trapped between forward and reverse time, but cycling in the direction of the arrow of time. And mobius strip strikingly has only one side with twice the length of a circle of the same radius. This is easily demonstrated by making a mobius strip. You simply make a loop with a twist. The bend or twist in the loop represents where the absolute values apply to our temperature and change in entropy are arches, which is an example of cross symmetry.


On one side of the loop, we have a phone on like state, and on the other side we have a plasma on like state, but notice they're actually two sides of the same state. In this analogy, the spin and orbital properties of our plasma and phone on are either complimentary, or supplementary, depending on the signs of t prime and t. This is a good analogy for how identity crisis plays a role in the mechanism of time evolution. So how does it work? When linear time passes through absolute zero, the temporal frame of reference appears to reverse time directions. When the rate of the passage of time passes through absolute zero, the temporal frame of reference appears to flip time directions. Since we use absolute t prime, t prime can be either negative or positive. Similar to frequency. Since we use t squared, t can be either negative or positive similar to wavelength, t prime and t squared can be oriented around the unit circle, when t prime equals negative one, or one, t squared equals zero, when t prime equals zero, t equals negative one, or one. When absolute values are used, t prime and T are inversely proportional. If there's a negative change in t prime or proportional if there is a positive change in t prime. However, without absolute values, where t prime and t can be either positive or negative, the inversely proportional relationship is maintained through opposing signs and the proportional relationship is maintained through equivalent signs. The cases where t prime and T are inversely proportional, and carry opposing signs can be configured into a loop or repeating circle. The cases where t prime and T are proportional and carry the same signs can be configured into the linear time in and out sections of the time loop. The plasma and phone on can be viewed as two distinct photon like phases within a temperature slash time loop, when t prime equals negative one, or positive one, and t squared equals zero, this represents the peak the peak amplitude of the absolute value of t prime, when t equals minus one or positive one, and t prime equals zero, this represents the peak to peak amplitude of t squared. The inversely proportional relationship between the absolute value of t prime and t squared is the fundamental principle behind entanglement action at a distance and the uncertainty principle,


our destination, the lab of Enrique Galvez, physics professor at


Colgate University, so what we're seeing is the fluorescing of the atoms and molecules in the card.


If you could look closely enough, you'd see that the light comes in discrete units called photons. This is the heart of the apparatus, every so often something special happens, an incoming photon gets split into the photons are polarized in either the horizontal or vertical direction,


the horizontal ones get created in one of the crystals, and the vertical pairs get created in the other crystal, we can not tell in which crystal the piers were born. And in that puts them in this quantum mechanical superposition,


their polarization is the same. They're either both vertical or both horizontal. But it's impossible to know which their polarization isn't determined until they're actually measured. The particles properties are linked, even though those properties haven't yet been determined.


If the photon is polarized see vertically, and it comes to a vertical polarizer. That photon will pass. If that vertical photon comes to a horizontal polarizer, it will not pass. If it comes to a polarizer that it is diagonal, and this is my vertical polarizer. I make it horizontal polarizer. But now if I put it at some diagonal angle, some of the light comes through. photons are indivisible. So it's not that half a photon comes through, but that half the time the photon goes. If we have polarizers that are parallel to each other, they will be transmitted through the polar races, and we'll get coincidences. But it's the polarizers are orthogonal to each other. We don't get a case where both photons get transmitted. Now when the photons are not entangled, then you have 50% chance for one and 50% chance for the other. So then if we measure coincidences, we'll get 25% of the time we'll get measured coincidences, whether these two are parallel or orthogonal. Doesn't matter where that polarizers are orthogonal, we still get 50% chance that they will go through and 25% chance that they will, that we will record coincidence.


If photons are quantum entangled, they line up 100% of the time. If they're not, they line up only 50% just by chance. It also really troubled Albert Einstein, he thought entanglement might be a sort of smoke and mirrors trick. It took nearly 40 years before Irish physicists john Bell devised a way to test both possibilities. And lo and behold, he found entanglement is real. This tells us reality is not defined by proximity, something physicists refer to as nonlocality. Non local


implies that the state of these two photons is joined. That is that both photons share the same state so that if we do a measurement on one photon, implicitly, we're doing a measurement on the other photon doing a measurement of one photon determines the state of both.


Since t prime corresponds with mass more than T squared, and since t squared corresponds with space more than t prime, t prime corresponds with a momentum reference frame, and t squared corresponds with a position reference frame. Therefore, we can express Planck's constant in the form of age in terms of temporal units. The doublet form of this expression which accounts for both directions of time, particles and anti particles, etc, is consistent with the modern expression of the uncertainty principle. Still, what initiates and sustains a time loop and which direction does a time loop rotate. To offset the natural symmetry of the unit circle found within the temperature slash time loop, we will apply the temporal mechanical expression for acceleration to the initial conditions of the cycle, any slight drift away from a slope of one and an offset can set a time loop in motion. Acceleration can be expressed as a ratio between varying degrees of the passage of time, a change in the passage of time and a change in the gradient of present moments per periods of time, are both inversely proportional. The new equivalence principle found in the basic existence equations can be applied to the expression for acceleration to get a gradient. Since the ratio between relative frames of reference has a slope equal to the ratio between initial frames of reference, this can give us a mechanism for time evolution, a singularity, where a over b equals one expressed in temporal coordinates indicates a shared temporal frame of reference, it does not indicate a beginning of time, if it turns out that there In fact, was a big bang. It may be the beginning of this space around us as we know it, but it cannot be the beginning of time, time has no beginning. And the expression a over b corresponds with a unit circle, not a single point. irreversible time loops may have a relative beginning, the time itself does not. How do we know which direction of time loop alternates relative to each flip and reversal while maintaining the arrow of time. Given we're dealing with the unit circle and negative numbers constructing a close timely, it is inevitable that we would use imaginary numbers numbers involving the square root of negative one. A similar ambiguity is found in the definition of the imaginary unit, the base unit for imaginary numbers, the following equation is used to define the imaginary unit. Since this equation has two solutions, it appears that the definition for the imaginary unit is not well defined. However, when using the imaginary unit in matrix equations, such as equations for our time loop, the ambiguity becomes a convention for choosing a direction around the unit circle clockwise or counterclockwise. Maintaining consistency in calculation.