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Millie Weaver's stunning new documentary about the January 6th Capitol Riot has just been released, showing how what happened on January 6, 2021 was part of a well-prepared contingency plan to prevent the contesting and the overturning the fraudulent election results by any means necessary.

On January 6th, both houses of Congress were just about to deliberate the objections to certifying the Electoral College vote, when as if on cue, the Capitol building was breached and Congress moved to recess, disrupting one of the most historic moments in election history.

When they reconvened after the "storming", the volumes of election fraud no longer mattered. Representatives who had publicly stated that they would contest the Electoral College results had magically changed their minds. Everything now became about the "siege" and the fake impeachment that followed, in what Weaver describes as "Wag the dog on steroids."

Many members of the Soros-backed radical environmentalist group, the Sunrise Movement are employed within the US Government's bureaucracy. In a Zoom meeting recorded by an operative who infiltrated them, we see several Federal employees from places like the Department of Labor and the Department of Energy plotting an Election Day coup and "100 Days of Unrest", with the help of the Democrat Party and intelligence contractors.

Their stated plan was to shut down and take over Washington DC, starting November 4th to force Trump out of the White House. Democrat members of Congress, like AOC and Chuck Schumer also attended these Sunrise Zoom meetings.

All were part of the coalition celebrated by Time magazine: The "Shadow Campaign" to "fortify" the election involved "a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information."

One key figure who subverted President Trump's rally was Ali "Akbar" Alexander, a political dirty trickster, blackmailer, agent provocateur and associate of the Lincoln Project, who makes frequent appearances on InfoWars. Intelligence contractor, Tore Maras claims Alexander has compromising footage of himself having sex with Republican strategist, Karl Rove.

Pretending to be a Trump supporter, Alexander proceeded to hijack events organized by 'Women For America First' and to mislead donors into giving him money for January 6th, while dragging in innocent participants as fodder for eventual accusations.

As Millie says, "You become the face of your enemy, so that when the media demonizes you, they're actually demonizing your enemy. Slick!"

Another prominent organizer was Antifa militant John Sullivan, who impersonated a Trump supporter while storming the building and was paid $70,000 by CNN and NBC, for his video of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt. He had previously been voted out of the Utah chapter of Black Lives Matter, because they viewed him to be violent and dangerous.

John's brother, James Sullivan claims to be a "Patriot" Conservative activist and their father is retired US Air Force Major General Kevin J. Sullivan. In 2008, the latter was caught in a shady deal transferring nuclear fuses via Taiwan, which was hushed-up and sent him into early retirement from the military. He now has a lucrative job brokering military contracts.

Kevin Sullivan is exactly the kind of person who Catherine Austin Fitts saw as being contracted to organize the BLM/Antifa riots we saw over the past year. These riots were so incredibly illegal, the fact that they weren't shut down suggested to her that those weren't street revolts, they were an operation.

Fitts says that when Trump wanted to send in troops to Minnesota, the DoD went ballistic. "They behaved like people who had negotiated contracts with private firms for all of this and...had priced it on a very tight Scope of Work [which] did not include doing this in the face of soldiers with guns trying to stop them. That would have blown the price a hundred times and called for a different army...If you look at how Esper reacted, he looked to me like a man who was in on the deal."

Millie Weaver validated these suspicions when she confirmed three sources who were able to separately identify Kevin Sullivan and claims of his involvement in psychological operations.

Private security contractor, Jason Funes was willing to go on the record to say that the brothers are working both sides of the Conservative a Liberal movements "For their own private agenda," and that their father, Kevin Sullivan had been in charge of getting Antifa members trained by Syrian rebels and Kurds to commit militant-style attacks on domestic soil.

Another source who chose to remain anonymous said that Kevin wanted to integrate a PSYOP team into his son's political rallies. A third source recorded a conversation, played here, in which he confronted John, telling him he believes that he was an agent provocateur on January 6th *because* of the fact that his father was involved in psychological operations.

John and James Sullivan are reportedly working on a Netflix movie directed by Bryan Fogel about two brothers on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

Seasoned war correspondent, Michael Yon then analyzes John Sullivan's video and shows how one agent provocateur, Zachary Alam changed clothes right after Ashli Babbitt was shot. He has since been criminally charged.

Yon analyzes footage taken outside of the Capitol, clearly showing a cell of agent provocateurs using what he calls "Hong Kong tactics", walkie-talkies and earpieces to coordinate. He calls the people seen at the Capitol the "A-Team of Antifa", as opposed to the meth heads one normally sees being rounded up in Portland.

Things got even more confusing, when Proud Boy Chairman, Enrique Tarrio instructed his members to dress up like Antifa. After his arrest in DC for transporting two high-capacity magazines, it emerged that he is a "prolific cooperator" with the FBI.

Assets and informants from both sides of the political spectrum, as well as a well-known Ukrainian provocateurs who participated in the 2014 Euromaidan collaborated to create chaos at the Capitol.

Weaver asks, "What are Ukrainians, that participated in an armed revolution in Ukraine doing inside the United States Capitol? You have to ask yourself, is it because the same people that were behind the Ukrainian Revolution are ALSO behind the 'storming' of the Capitol?"

Patrick Bergy, a PSYOP veteran of the War in Iraq and a developer of Social Media Psychological Warfare micro-targeting weapon called ShadowNet gives a rundown of what he saw on the ground on January 6th, where saw members of the 91st Cyber Brigade – the same unit with which he was deployed in Iraq and which developed ShadowNet – deployed throughout the area surrounding the Capitol.

He says in 2019, members of this same unit were deployed throughout all of the same states where we saw the worst riots and election fraud in 2020. "This is the exact same weapon I helped develop to destroy the integrity of elections through social media psychological warfare and hacking the voting machines – the exact same capabilities [Robert Mueller] indicted the 13 Russians for, I pioneered and sold commercially for General James Jones, Obama's National Security Adviser."

Bergy describes how ShadowNet was used to coordinate assets at the Capitol: "On the 6th, you have a lot of assets that are on the ground and what this does is it provides a common operational picture, allowing you to control the narrative that's going out to the media – because media are also assets – and it allows you to time out everything on the ground, from the anarchists that are running around, which you are stirring-up, using your social media posts.

"People that you've already formed predictive behavior models on, you got them there, they've been predictively selected, based on their profiles and their social media, their criminal backgrounds, their medical, their financial – all of those go into making the profiles, where they pick out the particular people on the ground that they want to target and then they just manipulate them in whatever way is necessary. It's called 'Reflexive Control.'

"So, you have eyes on the ground, and that information is also being fed into the ShadowNet and instructions can be pushed out, through the ShadowNet, to the people down below...

"They took the Taxpayer-funded weapon I helped develop, that was designed to destroy the integrity of an election and then commercialized it, they trademarked it under the name ShadowNet and sold it in the US to influence US elections.

Being interviewed at a hotel in DC on January 6th, Bergy says, "My background's in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, also. Everything that I'm seeing here are operatives from multiple different countries. They're looking at this as being huge exposure for us, a vulnerability for us right now that I feel they've largely helped create, along with threat actors from our own country...

"So, this whole thing right now, it's just a big intelligence operation, there's no two ways about it. Pretty sure that 91st Cyber's involved with this, which if POTUS hasn't got that message yet, that's gonna be a big problem...

According to Bergy, Ali Alexander and the Lincoln Project are assets of the same psychological warfare operation, recognized through their tactics, personas and deconfliction.Had the storming of the Capitol not occurred, this second impeachment would have not happened and evidence of a legend election fraud would have been presented. What happened on January 6 was planned well in advance as part of a contingency intent on ruining President Trump's chances for staying in office. Remember my report election night coup d'etat? the thumbnail shows the US Capitol on fire. Back in October, I'd leaked a tactical map that was obtained from inside these leftist organizations and protest groups and recorded zoom chats talking about taking over buildings in Washington DC to prevent President Trump from remaining president under any circumstances. group number five, that's capital disruption, you are going to have two minutes to tell us what your plans are,


could be gathering outside the perimeter, perhaps taking mass direct action to physically challenged that perimeter or across barriers or defy the curfew and mass, providing physical defense of threats of proud boys right when I was filming and documenting, making sure that whatever is happening in DC is being shared with the world and we say the world is watching, we can actually be literal.


All of this prior to the election. Some of the stuff that shut down DC is doing some of the ways we're thinking about this. That could be replicated in cities across the country, we've been working on a target map and a framework for scenario, you can actually see they have the capital lined out as a target zone for activities.


I think we don't have a lot of experience taking over government buildings, we might need to think about that. And I know, as I you know, I've said earlier how, you know, we may find ourselves in the streets with people with different tactics than ours. But like, there may be some people that are willing to break the windows to get into the government buildings. Like if that's what we need to do that we shouldn't fight about that. Let's do that. Over the


summer predictive program models like the transition integrity project laid out four possible outcomes of the 2020 election. All four possible outcomes had one of the other candidates winning with neither candidate conceding, the model leaned towards how to secure a Biden win, given any one of the four scenarios. All in the name of defending democracy, this same predictive model was used by leftist organizations to roleplay out the various scenarios through simulation exercises.


I think we're going to start with




election simulation timeline to a meltdown today, everybody ready, we're going to read out a brief scenario and then develop a plan based on that scenario.


So the teams are based on loosely based on


you know, similar organizations in real world, we have Liberty City and Tifa. We have capital disruption.


Lincoln project, Senior Advisor, Michael Steele, was a leading figure in the transitional integrity project, the source of the predictive models used to wargame out how to secure a Biden win. group number two, the Nixon project or your The floor is yours,


our strategic point of intervention, because we are prominent Republicans, we are first going to approach the mainstream media and to also lean into our networks that we will use positions of corporate prominence to lock out all republicans including those on the Trump team from future corporate jobs, media interviews, etc.


They practice with participants ranging from activists, federal employees, in senior executive services positions, to protest agitators, everything from choose democracy to hold the line


to shut down.


We count on us I listed a few of those in the slides earlier. But you know, they're the ones who are really in the vanguard of helping people think about interpret red lines, and think about different actions that can be taken well beyond kind of street protests and demonstrations. I'm going to go in thinking and Tifa is going to be in coalition but doing its thing and being on the radical end, but part of the package making sure that we're naming what is happening is a coup. Totally agreed in the NBC conversations that I've been having. And that's not on the federal side. We also are often saying, call it a coup. It's


Don't let anyone


tell you it's not from bureaucratic slowdown tactics to agent provocateur tactics. They were working together in unison towards a common goal. A Biden win regard List of any one of the four possible scenarios we should be clear like


gotta go friends gotta go


throughout the fall of 2020 predictive headlines about Trump staging a coup during the election started circulating headlines were predicting Trump plans a white supremacy coup against a Biden when


what the President is doing here is the most explicit


that he has been about his plans for this election. He's plotting in open and public repeatedly,


a coup. leftists organizers were planning their so called counter coup against President Trump. How were they able to plan against a coup that hadn't happened yet? based off of an election result that no one would have predicted? yet? miraculously, they knew which states were going to be contested. How Wow. How amazing. How did they get the precise election results they needed to match their predictive election response that they've been planning, practicing and role playing? As I've mentioned before AFL CIO, whistleblowers provided sworn statements that union leadership mobilized union members at polling locations for the purpose of election working, is there. Why were they sending it? What's


its election for?


The Shadow campaign was so bold, they couldn't help but brag about it in a Time magazine article, The Secret History of the shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election. Actually, they probably saved it on a hard drive months ahead of time. A well funded cabal of powerful people ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws steer media coverage and control flow of information. They were not rigging the election. They were fortifying it. They even referenced data driven strategies. And the AFL CIO is involvement in mobilization at polling centers. More people voted than were even registered to vote. More people voted than our even adults in the US of A but we're supposed to believe that right? right up until opportunists started storming the Capitol. Trump was well within the Constitution, there was time and plenty of legal remedies available to justify not conceding we had the moral high ground, the cyber and legal teams announced having watched in live time, the expected techniques of hacking election machines and use of counterfeit ballots during the Georgia runoff election,


as we caught it live last time in real time, how the machines contributed to that fraud. They put those ballots in a secret folder in the machines sitting there waiting until they know how many they need. And then the machine after the close of polls, we now know who's voted and we know who hasn't. And I can now in that machine match those uncoated ballots with an uncoated voter and put them together in the machine. We saw it happen in real time last night. And it happened on November 3, as




enough data expert testimony and witnesses had surfaced that an increasing number of representatives were willing to have the evidence presented over the next few days.


Over the next 10 days. We get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots


that are fraudulent, and if we're wrong, we will be made fools of but if we're right, a lot of them will go to jail.


There were states legislatures, who were already sending letters, saying that they wanted the slates to be sent back that now after they had reviewed the evidence after they had occurred the witness testimonies regarding election fraud and meddling, they were actually requesting the slates back so that they could then do a new hearing. But all of that got wrecked. They were able to use this new data to corroborate their initial data from the November 3 election. The Senate and House joint session to certify the election had just started to hear objections.


Are there any objections to counting the certificate of vote, I rise up both for myself and 60 of my colleagues to


object to the Counting of the


electoral ballots from Arizona and objection presented in writing and signed by both a representative and a senator complies with the law. Chapter One of title three of the United States Code. The clerk will report the objection, the two houses will withdraw from joint session. Each house will deliberate separately on the pending objection and report its decision back to the joint session.


When all of the sudden right on cue, they had to go into recess due to the storming of the Capitol.


Without objection, the chair declares the house in recess Pursuant to Clause 12 v a roll one.


While everyone was focused on the storming of the US Capitol, the then director of national security john Ratcliffe wrote his views on intelligence community election security analysis, raising concerns about the intelligence community downplaying China having interfered in the 2020 election had the riot not taken place. rockcliffe had the political momentum and opportunity to show how China interfered in the 2020 election to the benefit of Biden and Harris, while evidence would have been presented in the house basically Radcliffe's report says that a bunch of the CIA analysts were so biased against Trump, that even though they saw all the evidence of China election interference, they chose to just downplay it and ignore it and write it off. Let that sink in. who benefited from the violence of January 6. Clearly, not President Trump nor his supporters,


house managers, nine of them will walk the article of impeachment, charging President Trump with incitement of insurrection,


Donald john Trump engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors by inciting violence against the government of the United States in that on January 6 2021. President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day,


there is no future. With trumpism


the rhinos and Neo con establishment Republicans who wanted to get rid of their party of trumpism benefited in not having to support Trump by contesting the vote. January 6, gave them an excuse to accept the election results that they wanted. For instance, Marsha Blackburn first said, I cannot in good conscience turn a blind eye to the countless allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. On January 6, I will vote in favor of objecting to the certification of the electoral college results. Then on January six after the storming of the Capitol. She said I will vote in support of certifying the electoral college result. Wow, as though countless allegations of voter fraud magically disappeared because some idiots decided to storm the Capitol and disrupt her ability to object to the certification of the electoral college results. The Democrats benefited the most because they after all, were in a position to seize ultimate power. All they needed was an excuse to attack Trump for not conceding the election because at the end of the day, the establishment controls people within both parties. And they make sure of that, and they're not going to allow a non establishment president. It's that simple. So now, after the riot conveniently interrupted one of the most historic moments in election history, the volumes of evidence of alleged election fraud, no longer mattered. Everything is now about the so called insurrection on the sixth and the impeachment that resulted. I mean, that right there. That's some prize winning narrative control right there. That I mean, they really get one there as far as like psyops and I gotta hand it to the ones that did this one. Flip that narrative around, wag the dog on steroids, they accomplish that goal. Let's take a look at those being blamed for organizing the storming of the Capitol. Apparently the FBI needs your help identifying people even though they have some of the most advanced facial recognition technology. The Capitol grounds has state of the art surveillance equipment, but we need low resolution images taken from social media and you too figure out who's who


this is an FBI


folotyn seeking information on these people. They're probably looking for the people that they have already faced. I need to know that they're just regular Americans. So


I go through


your channel, but watch the next one that comes through. This guy's a freaking contraries


Yeah, we're just, we're gonna go check the video right now, let's have a look at some of the never before seen footage and evidence put together by witness testimony and expert analysis. From back in mid January. I'm Millie Weaver. I'm an investigative journalists and we're going to be going over john Solomon, the BLM and Tifa agent provocateur that was inside the Capitol on January 6, not by himself, but with his friends. Now, this is an article dating back to July 10 2020, from out of Utah, which shows john Sullivan was arrested at a protest in Provo accused of writing and making threats. JOHN Sullivan was one of the organizers of this protest in Utah. During the course of the protest, two handguns were brandished and two shots fired toward a motorist traveling vehicles were damaged by protesters as well by john Solomon. JOHN Sullivan has three Twitter accounts that we've identified. He runs a website called insurgents, USA as well and he also has a YouTube account. On January 1, he posts an image screenshot of Trump tweeting about his protest rally on the sixth. He says chot alert shot is a derogatory term directed at Trump supporters, typically used by an Tifa. He says Trump is like the official organizer of J. fascism, fascism rally, when he told PVS to stand down and stand by he really wasn't kidding. We need numbers. So he's calling others to show up to show up. No fascists in DC march against fascism spread the word comrades. Here you can see that john Sullivan again promoted everyone meeting up with him that he knows at his event that he has located at the Washington Monument where they're meeting up at 11am. He says time to kick this fascists out of DC on January 6 2020. Trump is not our president dump him for good location, Washington Monument 11am. So that's a meeting location. He then promotes his website, insurgents USA for more information. Now we take you to john Sullivan's website, insurgents Now this is a screen capture that we were able to obtain from the web archive, because not long after the capital disruption that happened that john Sullivan participated in. He actually took down this event off of his website, but we have it using the web archive. There you see the same event for January 6 at 11am. on his website, it also says here that you can click here to register. It's interesting to note that he has a planned event at the Utah State Capitol on January 23 coming up as well. Now we're going to show you a video that john Sullivan posted on social media where he is showing and training others how to dress in Black Bloc, which is a clothing style that an Tifa typically wear. He also is advertising that he sells riot gear on his website and referring people to purchase the right gear sold on his website.


So properly dress black blog, pretty simple, all black, but a lot of people get the misconception. Maybe you can wear a black t shirt that has a logo on the sleeve or on the chest. No, you cannot no logos guys, zero none. You cannot have anything that would they would be able to come back and identify you. At the end of the day. I have listed all the items that I have on right now that I've purchased that I've worn on the website on my website. I've gone through the liberty of putting them on there. So you guys can buy them author for the same price as that you will get in the store. All you comrades out there know what I'm talking about. Alright,


here we can see another final promotional ad promoting his event. On the sixth. He says meet us and be there 11am sharp. He also says frontline must have tactical gear bulletproof vests bring first aid kits and water. He's clearly advertising this event multiple times. So it's clear to see that he's not just someone attending. He is advertising it. JOHN Sullivan was arrested only then to later have been released. I filmed him outside the Hilton Garden Inn the night he was released. Where are you at the Capitol?


I'm on the phone


okay. He was staying at a hotel that many other Trump supporters, including myself were staying at. So he just said on the phone that he is not being charged with anything. Did you say you weren't being charged with anything? I thought I heard you say that.


Are you Black Lives Matter john?


People were shocked and outraged that john Sullivan was so quickly released after there was video evidence of him inside the Capitol breaking and entering breaking windows and telling everyone that they needed to burn the place down.


We gotta we got to burn them.


Oh my God, we did this shit. We took this shit. What's up bro?


Fucking Yeah, fuck yeah. Get the shit.


Hey guys, I have a nice


night. I got it. I got the night.


JOHN Sullivan was arrested again and is being criminally charged with three felonies. This is a Facebook page managed by James Sullivan. JOHN Sullivan's brother he posts on January 6 following the Capitol disruption. This is James Sullivan, founder of civilized awakening. Looks like my brother john and an Tifa were the in quotes patriots who stormed the US Capitol today. And he decided it was smart to jump in front of the camera with laughing emojis. Here we can see private messages over Instagram that were given to us by some of the campaign organizers at women for America first, because they noticed that James Sullivan had actually reached out to them even as far back as November, attempting to try to get them to give himself and some of the other people he associates with a their own stage and a permanent area during the march for Trump of his speakers that he actually hand some over a paper he lists Ali Akbar or Ali Alexander as he goes by. With a long standing reputation as a political dirty trickster and agent provocateur Ali Alexander hijack the woman for America first events


I saw power I thought power and influence if we did not fill the gap, I'm convinced that Trump would have already conceded that's alley Alexander Alexander has launched a stop the steel website seeking donations and claiming he doesn't have time to start a stupid nonprofit or LLC.


So just send him the money here is the official site stolen so this is from Kylie Jain Kraemer who works with the campaign she's for women. For Trump, She's incredible. The actual


event organizers were women for America first. They were the ones who had the permits.


I don't want any permits for a First Amendment movement.


According to Alexander, if it weren't for the movement, there would have been a huge disconnect between the American people and the issue of election fraud. All he and his associates would piggyback their events and try to claim ownership. He's taking all her events, like where they're going, what


they're doing, hijack the hashtag, created a website of the hashtag, so that you can go to stop this and pay them money. And when you click donate, it goes straight to him to his cash shop, to his Bitcoin to his PayPal. It's not going to the president it's going to him he's a fraud.


I'm not making money from this. I'm not making money from this.


This guy is a thief.


How much money are you making?


00 I'm dedicating my time and my companies to what do we know that with all the money


that's going to your




They're not doing it we're here. Since Alexander's money is going to him he doesn't have to report how he spends it organized and motivated by lies is turning out real protesters. The potential beginning of a new, powerful and


easily manipulated political movement


with other known agitators alley had been organizing protests inside Capitol buildings in other states. It was apparent that he was planning to do a siege on the US Capitol on January 6. using other state capitals for practice dry runs


in a couple of minutes. We're all actors, but I want to direct and act He says


he's a Trump supporter. Right?


Trump, Would you shut


up? Would you shut up?


rhetorically Trump was retarded, Trump was just annoying.


Well, that's exactly how you would do it. Think about it,


stop the feel. It's not just a political movement. It's not just a it's not even a Trump movement. It's not a Trump movement.


You become the face of your enemy, so that when the media demonizes you, they're actually demonizing your enemy. Slick shadowgate 2.0 called out Ali Akbar months ago, prior to January 6,


and I go shopping for money from billionaires. And a lot of times these billionaires give me money to go do what I want to do to find out information. They call me the hammer sometimes. And you have to find out why did I leave plays behind the curtain?


posting videos titled stop the steel takes over Georgia Capitol? Isn't that cryptic? It became obvious that all he was leading people to storm the Capitol on January 6,


I want to say something I don't do valgus I do not denounce this. This is completely peaceful looks like so far. And there are a couple of agitators that I obviously don't endorse. But this is completely peaceful.


But although he wasn't the only one involved in subverting the President's rally, we have three different sources that were able to separately identify the father of john and James Solomon, and that he claims to have been involved in psychological operations.


Let's not be mistaken.


psychological warfare uses manipulation. Lying in order to irrefutably brand your enemy is evil and deserving of destruction is always been tempting. But the primary mission of psychological warfare specialists is to lower them around and decrease the efficiency of the enemy soldier on the immediate, tactical battlefield.


My name is Jason Nunez. I'm a former Trump campaign staffer and 16 to 20 administration staffer and working formerly and still in private armed security. I'm a witness to a collaborator between john and James Sullivan, who they're both working both sides of the conservative liberal movements for their own private agenda. My contact has made facial contact with their assumed father, who is a older white gentleman, former military army, who was admittedly in charge of psychological operations. And we have to evidence to believe that this gentleman is also the head of bringing Americans to Syria to train troops for an Tifa and militant style attacks here domestic soil,


jerk the country. Oh, Solomon, the adoptive father. My concerns with Mr. Sullivan, his being involved in the military and specifically what he does in admittedly solely and psychological operations was his involvement with possibly bringing in, you know, anti fur types for his son john, both from the outside of the continental United States and from the interior briefly discussed in the time that I was with him. His sons, James and john, were nasty from john Sullivan was, you know, trained. Specifically that was a family secret


monument whenever I was there, yes. Why were you there at the monument? Jenkins says that I was there because of James.


You've seen me I just kind of learned.


I remember you.


I'm very close to john and James. I just filmed James's engagement. Again, this happens in DC I'm like, you know, john wants to be there. James wants to be there for this event. Yeah, he


said the intelli mafia paid for for everybody to fly out there. Yeah, yeah, I've covered this shit for Jay too, because James said, Yeah, the Italian Mafia she's telling me the ship Italian Mafia paid for everybody's a play out there. I'm of the opinion that what we saw yesterday plugin was very much by design, that we did have agent provocateurs. And I'm of the opinion that you're one of them.




Really interesting. Why do you think I'm one of them? Because you're your father is your father psyops man. So you remember my dad? Okay. So, I mean, your dad referred to your alleged trips to Syria, what your father said was, it's a family secret. We have you been in Syria? That makes sense. Now I can I can understand where you Okay. Oh, interesting. So he said, I've been to Syria. a straight answer was no. Okay. Okay. Okay. Then the question was asked, Well, why is this accusation floating around, and he said it's a family secret. Kind of fucking further alive. Rates My point is explained to you because maybe it's, that's a misunderstanding in words as well. Because I know people are gonna assume that. And I'm on chats, I'm on underground chats. Like, I have my resources, I have my resources, there's not me, but are people, right? And I'm not saying some fucking pop type shit. I'm saying, My people in my organization surgeons USA was a civil rights group that just black lives matter. Or if you want to label it, either because Trump was labeled as evil, but I don't label myself as a surgeon today, but for people's contacts, right? Um, yeah, they, they, they're in chat, they can, they can easily give me information on what's going on. And same with everybody else, but it's a collective of people. You can disassociate yourself. I have john Sullivan, I have Jaden x, that separates Ivan surgeons, USA civil rights organization sued separates my I separate my identity based on the specific role that I'm playing, right?


Is there really a separation, there's a separation, there's a separation for sure. Because


I can't, I can't be in a crowd full of Trump supporters and say fuck the police or, or, or say the things that I would during my regular activism.


Here we can see video footage of James Sullivan inside the rotunda. This is him filming, he has the camera right now pointed towards who we believe to be his girlfriend. And they're inside the rotunda and they're just amazed at what they've been able to accomplish. You're gonna hear him say we did it, and the girls gonna come up to him and be like, wow, we did it. I can't believe it. You are right. And he's gonna say something along the lines of I couldn't tell you too much at the time, you know. So let's go ahead and listen to this.


Dude, I was trying to tell you, I couldn't say much.


You just have to watch my channel.


Is this not going


to be the best film you've ever made in your life? Now you got to give me real




But I didn't record you remember,


here we can see Jaden X's YouTube page where he uploaded a new version of the video that he had originally had, they got pulled. And he also edited a piece of the footage out right here, where he and what appears to be his girlfriend have that hot mic moment, which shows that they had pre planned the events that took place at the Capitol.


So there you have it. You can see a clear cut right there in the footage where they made an edit to edit out that conversation that he had had with his girlfriend and that hot mic moment where he then says, I'll delete this later, our sources provided information about the Sullivan brothers working on a Netflix documentary about two brothers being on opposite sides of the political spectrum. Did you ever meet James Sullivan or john Sullivan?


James Sullivan on multiple occasions. I do know that he, every brother are engaged in a documentary being filmed and the documentary is supposed to be kind of filming the two brothers on the opposite sides of the political spectrum. James being a patriot leader, john being more or less anarchist and Tifa type of, of leader left wing violence. And from what I can tell, and others in my group that are aware of this documentary that a lot of the scenes Steve, john always seems to know where James is. JOHN always seems to show up weird changes. This is what James told me. The time Fogle was directing


it. Jade sacker a documentary photographer, the girl in the hot mic moment with john Sullivan inside the Capitol is alleged to have been there filming for the brothers documentary. Now what can you tell us about their father


psyops tactical types of rebar I guess, I guess tactics to advance an agenda ease of use. It all sounds like military trained. I'm not sure if he serves. But if he did, I would imagine something to do with Intel.


What did you find out about the documentary


The general idea that it seemed like this documentary being staged and we're going to work with somebody who keeps bringing as an artist revolutionist brother, around our people. We don't want people to be put in harm's way to you know, to pitch a movie to nests.


I know you mentioned you said he talked kind of about political strategy or tactical. Okay, what did he say when he was talking about tactical strategy?


Almost like military level psychological operations, almost, you know to manipulate. I don't want to I don't want to use words he didn't use it was it was very gray areas. She was very young. On the start a clandestine secret operation, mess with the mind kind of manipulative mind type of things are actually very deceptive and devious.


Was it ever talking about kind of painting a narrative in the media, essentially?


Thinking that No, it isn't. And it was about basically a strategy where we take down like rival groups, you know, how do we get them? How do we know we flip the script on that these plans? Because he was talking about David involve some sort of infiltration of these groups, making contact with people in these groups and the conversation was about making contact with people in these groups and kind of getting them to flip that's not all we do. Like I'm not I'm not wanting a sting operation on the railing someone else, you know what I'm do their thing. That's what the conversation was about. It was about basically, infiltrating all the group's ironically, this is what his son john,


I will say, on this documentary between those two gentlemen, that that's definitely is what that is, that I can say that the former anoint my table. And the guy was telling me everything. He was telling me his background, his background, nine years ago was telephonic, he worked in Farmingdale and Director of Business Development, competitive intelligence and CRM, and work in Fairfax, Virginia, airborne radar. TV, that was for October 2009 to 17. oversee the five year strategic forecast plans, develop and execute capture plans coordinate international TV and program management teams. Did you


ever talk to you about psychological warfare or psyops?


You know, he did bring up this conversation that he was


wanted to bring in the psyop team to help


us with those rallies because


I remember that for you.


He said that he was able to bring people in to do things and help out or whatever was the documentarian Her name is CJ. Okay, Jade says that James and john were coordinating the entire time. That was there within rigging. We got the call that there was possibly a BLM builder, we started marching towards a monument. And then we changed direction because we got to where they were coming from the opposite direction. We went across the field, in ranks. And then then when we were crossing, I saw Shawn so we know that this could play out and there's key dates, the December dates, January dates Electoral College. But if Biden overwhelmingly wins, and Trump doesn't concede, and he's calling out the white, you know, the proud boys etc. Will we be able to get our Tunisian moment our Arab Spring? Because it is in that place of chaos and crisis when there's uncertainty. That is that place of emergence was something new is going to come through?


I'm Michael Yon, I am America's most experienced living war correspondent spent years Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines, Nepal, been probably 500 major protests. Many are very violent, far more violent than this one. So I spend a lot of time going in looking for cells, looking for agent provocateurs. I call them a piece. So when you hear me say AP, I'm talking about agent provocateurs. And so I'm very familiar with them, I can tell them apart. I'm from Florida, telling the difference between you know, antifa and magga. People to me is like telling the difference between an alligator and a turtle. And so it's quite quite simple. These obviously aren't magga people despite the hat This is the helmet hole man cell right. This is when Ashley Babbitt the Air Force veteran gets shot going through this window. This guy with a bear hat or whatever it is, is working with this fellow here who is working with somebody else. Hands him up the helmet, some nice guys probably Kevlar helmet smashes through. He's like a Matador here. You know the officer with a weapon comes out right here with a pistol etc. aiming the pistol and the ball which is Amy Babbitt, the Air Force veteran. She takes the bait goes for the cape. Agent. This guy's a clear agent provocateur. He's clearing the way and bang, she's shot and dead. It appears that Ashley Babbitt may have been micro targeted. And notice these two gentlemen appear to push her through the window, the moment she was shot, one covered his ears and the other began to duck down prior to the shot as if they anticipated the shot. Now, this guy immediately goes downstairs, the guy that made the hole with this helmet, he's going to go downstairs, there he is, and change clothes. So he goes downstairs. This is typical agent provocateur activity, but he is incredibly good at it. And so there he is about to change. Something we noticed later, because we continue to look at these videos over and over this fellow this is this is helmet Hall man. He had three hats. He had a red magga hat and he had that, you know, bear hat, whatever it was, and he was switching hats. And he could so he could instantly change his appearance. When he goes down the stairs. He puts that same helmet on that he was using to smash the window and and it was a perfect movie take for Antica. This was exactly what a very skilled team of APS can do.


Zachary Allen aka the helmet whole man has now been arrested and criminally charged. All right,


this is lucky charm cell we call it Lucky Charms because this guy looks like the Irish dude on Lucky Charms cereal. This is part of the cell is these are clear. Clearly, a team of APS agent provocateurs, you'll see him actually welcome up another member of the cell. Okay, watch him waving people forward. Now there's another one appears to be in the same cell. We call him orange gloves. He's got what appears to be a walkie talkie. Okay, here's arched lady, megaphone, arched lady's got a megaphone. She's using Hong Kong tactics. pass up masks.


Yeah, you can hear her calling about you know, save our Trumpy bear. As you know that's a left wing call out


to take away our trophy bear. Building. What are you doing? Give me


the APS here. They had taken down a barrier. They turn those sideways and they were using those as little ladders to get over a wall. And you can see some of the APS down there, go on, come forward, come forward. And they're helping people up over the wall. Oh, they had comms. They had, you know, radios. So I'm always watching for the radios. Of course, here's classic black box. He's got a radio. One mistake he's making as he's showing is showing some of his face in his hands. Now let's talk about classes of antipa for a moment, some of the antipathy if you hear me on interviews, I might say that they're a bunch of meth addled drug addicts. And that's your street level. And tiffa certainly are like that. They're the purple haired people that you know, often have meth mouth and that sort of thing. The guys that hit here and the women who hit here, that's they're a team that's their special forces of antipa. However,


if proud boy leadership is calling upon the proud boys to show up dressed as an Tifa, then the whole situation starts to turn on its head, proud boys leader Enrique Toro, the one instructing the proud boys to show up in DC dressed as an Tifa turned out to be an FBI informant,


a federal prosecutor,


and tereos old lawyer and an FBI agent said it helped law enforcement and federal law enforcement, they


said had repeatedly gone undercover. So it raised a lot of questions, and it talked about him as a as a cooperator and extensive cooperator. And the transcript is, his lawyer calls him a prolific cooperator.


Did you hear that? Let me just say it again. He turned out to be an FBI informant.


He's been somebody has been on law enforcement radar for a long time, but apparently, is quite the cooperator and informant. Yes, sir.


Sounds like it cointelpro much.


Not many people know that the Panthers


got some of their first weapons from a man named Richard Aoki.


And nobody knew


that a oak he was an informant for the FBI.


I was told in my research, that during this period of time, you actually worked for the FBI.


They tell you that


an informer would report on the inner workings of an organization. They can keep you up to date on the thinking of the leadership of the organization whether it's going this way, that way, someone like Aoki is perfect to be in a Black Panther Party.


He's in the Black Panther Party. Nobody's gonna guess it. He might be an informant.


Here he is explaining how we shouldn't read into him having been outed as an FBI informant.


an informant is somebody that does it.


By their own freewill. They're not facing any charges or anything. And I did so that the story is semi true. The story's been blown out of proportion. Why didn't this


story come out two years ago, this


is something that I've been incredibly transparent about throughout the whole process.


Obviously, I didn't go into details because that's nobody's business.


They probably brought it up now because the prosecutor needed to know about tario being an informant in relation to his current charges.


The only time


that I've ever and again, I'm open about this the only time I'm ever in communications with law enforcement is when we're going to have these big rallies DC metro picked them up for carrying to high capacity rifle magazines, into Washington DC of all places, and admitting to a sale. What are you kidding me? Like gun gun owners? No one you don't bring guns into DC and to what you're admitting that you're going to sell it to someone? Are you kidding me? That sounds like a cover story to me. Maybe he was gonna set someone up for an illegal sell and turn them into an informant. According to the criminal complaint, which was written a day before the January 6 riot. They asked him about posts he had made on parlor instructing proud boys in large numbers to dress incognito like an Tifa. So let me get this straight. tario an informant is caught transporting with intent to sell felonious possession of an illegal firearm accessory in the most anti gun anti Second Amendment area in America, where there's a historically large gathering of people with a high potential for civil unrest, not like the riots in DC haven't been a theme throughout 2020 and tario is planning in advance with a large number of guys known for getting into street brawls to wear disguises so their political opponents can't recognize them. Not to mention the media was already reporting that proud boys were planning to trust like an Tifa on January 6, but the whole thing's Trump's fault, right. President Trump disavowed the proud boys several times.


I don't know who the proud boys are. I mean, you have to give me a definition because I really don't know who they are. I can only say they have to stand down. Let law enforcement do their work. I condemn the proud boys. I don't know much about the proud boys almost nothing but I condemned that


no matter how many times he disavowed them. The mainstream media still miss reports that he hadn't. Meanwhile, Biden was campaigning on it.


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden sent this message. My message


to the proud boys and every other white supremacist group is cease and desist.


Almost as if the media and Biden's campaign were in on a little secret. So why on earth Didn't they barricade the place? What did they expect


is plotting and open and public repeatedly? a coup? Oh,


that's right. expected them to do is because it was part of the plan.


This was bait,


right? Because there


was no plan here.


There was no plan here. They're like okay.


Just like Charlottesville, we see far left and far right groups working together. But this time storming the Capitol in a concerted effort.


Hey, is this Jason


This is Millie Weaver. We ran into each other at the rally yesterday, the March. What happened at the Capitol Building seemed somewhat similar to what happened at Charlottesville.


Yeah, did


some weird stuff there. And


I do think that there may be something to the idea that the police let the people


in. But I think that I mean, they basically let them in to set them up.


We literally have proud boys, Black Lives Matter grofers and an Tifa. Working together creating mayhem at the Capitol. It As a who's who of social media influencers known for instigating trouble? Notice the proud boys who are being criminally charged, organized on the other side of the Capitol having nothing to do with the save America March. Look at all of these guys, many of which are proud boys. Notice the orange beanies are what about the orange tape? Clearly they are using orange as an indication that they're on the orange team. Notice the orange team was instrumental in breaking through police barricades to get inside the capital for quite a while Ollie has been pushing the color orange. Everything from saying 2020 was the year of orange to selling orange shirts to calling himself the orange profit to wearing orange in association with the stop the steel movement. He even wore all orange on January 5 at the pregame rally so to speak for January 6 rally


this country down


tario when no one's leaving the army


our government should be afraid I didn't say I was gonna go Joker mode. I didn't say we I became an accelerationist


it was Ali Akbar Alexander who also started the website wild protests calm were the same list of speakers James Sullivan handed over to the women for America first organizers can be found. This website which was all in all these name has since conveniently been taken down only available on Notice it is the same location where the alleged proud boys with distinct orange markings also organized. This appears to be a setup a honeypot trap for those who showed up at this location for those on the speaking list. And for those who donated significant money to this event, so they could be blamed for storming the Capitol on January 6, Olli never had a stage nor held any of the speaking events. All he also made sure not to be anywhere near this location when the orange teams started busting through police barricades.


Even our whistleblowers were drawing attention to Ali and his associates on Twitter having an orange block next to their names in what appeared as a color revolution tactic Harkening to Ukraine's Orange Revolution. In this photo taken at the Capitol during the January 6 event, you can see Sergi dubbin in a Ukrainian protester and agitator that can also be seen in photographs taken during the second battle at Donetsk airport in Ukraine. What are Ukrainians that participated in an armed revolution in Ukraine doing inside the United States Capitol? You have to ask yourself, Is it because the same people that were behind the Ukrainian revolution are also behind the storming of the Capitol? rewind 15 years, Manafort was brought on to Ukraine's political scene as the country was still dealing with the fallout from the 2004 Orange Revolution.


Hundreds of 1000s of pro democracy Ukrainians in the streets today protested against the results of the presidential election.


The Orange Revolution in Ukraine resulted from a controversial presidential election, where there was alleged massive election fraud and corruption. Take a look at these color flags. Notice that yellow and black are colors used to indicate anarcho capitalism. And notice that black and red are colors used to indicate anarcho communism, which we often see an Tifa having flags that are red and black. Notice we also see the Prague boys running around wearing outfits that are yellow, and black. Enrique even mentions on his parlor posts that black and yellow are their colors. Notice the color for mutualism which is mutual anarchie. That is orange because orange is a mixture of red and yellow. So why then are we seeing this orange movement, where you see people wearing orange beanies and orange markings. And Ali Akbar, with his little orange squad.


This country down,


engaging in what some might say was an act of anarchy, I mean, down with the government, right? Not to mention Gavin McInnes, the founder of proud boys was a self proclaimed anarchist,


not a conservative on the same anarchist punk I was when I was 18. And he


co founded vise, the left wing media outlet that continuously does propaganda pieces against conservatives. So if you have proud boys, and and Tifa BLM people working mutually together towards a common goal,


I think that yes, there will be more violence.


We out there strapped, we out there ready to burn that shit down on fire.


I mean, isn't that mutualism? I mean, in in that case, orange wouldn't be their color.


psychological warfare specialists constantly hone their skills, developing messages with advanced computer graphics, reproducing them in high speed presses, or using satellite feeds or the internet to disseminate them around the world.


My name is Patrick burgie. From 2007 to 2010. I helped in pioneering what was then a new tech, new a new weapon capability for the for psychological operations group called IAA or interactive internet activities as its military nomenclature, basically, social media psychological warfare applications that are designed to micro target the assets that you have on the ground and provide a common operational picture for the mist or for the the Military Information guys on the ground, ended up massively expanding it as soon as President Obama took office in 2009. I worked for General James Jones, I answer directly to his son for the company called the analogy worked eight years for them from 2007 to 2015. And what we did is we took the application that we built overseas taxpayer funded, we kept the intellectual property rights for it. We trademarked it under the trademark name of the Chateau net. And then we made it commercially available to us in the United States, which I specifically spoke with Jim Jones general Jones's son. On the marketing of influencing us elections.


Bragg is investigating a psychological operations officer who led a group of people from North Carolina to the rally in DC this individual


from the for Psychological Operations Group, the same unit I worked with and deployed within Iraq is one and for her actions in the capital on the six, that was the same unit, I worked for developing the shadow while being in DC. I've observed members of the 91st cyber being deployed throughout this whole area. The 91st cyber is the same unit that deployed the shadow net enterprise nationwide in 2019. Across all the states that had the worst riots, and all of the election fraud, this is the exact same weapon I helped develop that was designed to destroy the integrity of elections through social media, psychological warfare, hacking the voting machines, the exact same capabilities. We indicted the 13 Russians for AI pioneered and sold commercially for General James Jones, Obama's national security adviser. Okay, so on the six you need, you have a lot of different assets that are on the ground. So what this does is it provides a common operational picture, allowing you to control the narrative that's going out to the media this next clip posted on YouTube by Jaden x captures the chaos and the seconds before one of the writers were shot and killed because media are also assets.


JOHN, you filmed this


moment on your phone, just keep describe what happened. That's Allie Alexander.