Lin Wood Allegations about Justice Roberts

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2 years

This is true news on brick walls. Atlanta lawyer, Lin Wood filed an affidavit in federal court on Tuesday affirming allegations he made about US Supreme Court Chief Justice john roberts and former Vice President Mike Pence. Mr. Woods submitted the affidavit in US District Court in Brooklyn, New York as part of his response to a libel case to a case to oust him from litigating a libel lawsuit he filed in the Brooklyn court in 2018. On behalf of a California woman, who claimed that Ms. NBC News commentator joy Reid, defamed her in social media post. The Georgia attorney told the federal court that he was in possession of credible evidence of serious wrongdoing by high ranking government officials, including potentially serious crimes perpetrated by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Linwood also stated in the court document, that he had evidence to support his accusation that former Vice President Mike Pence is a traitor. He said the evidence was given to the US Secret Service. Your true news team is ready to jump in to this salacious news story on the second day of the impeachment trial of Donald Trump currently underway in the United States Senate. We're starting with Lin Wood's, allegations rather than going to the Senate trial. A senate trial is going to go on for quite some time. But what Linwood has done this week, is stunning. Because you have have an attorney who has filed in federal court before a federal judge. allegations that the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court was involved in some type of sex trafficking crimes, because that's what's in these documents. Yes. To me, that's the biggest story in the world today.


How significant is, you know, this release this week, as opposed to I mean, he's made the accusations in the past what's different now, Rick?


Yes, he's put it in a federal court. Yeah, he's


more on this.


You and me as citizens, if we, if we filed a document in a federal court, alleging that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was involved in some type of, of child sex crime, that in itself would be a a major development, because you have to have the evidence to back it up or you're you're liable for the court to take action against you


punish you for lying for wasting the court's time for injury, when we say punishment, how how far can that punishment? Well,


in? Yes. And in Lin Woods case, he is an officer of the court as a lawyer. That's right.


It can be hard, he has a different status. He's an officer of a court. And and so the the bar is much higher. For an attorney or a judge, somebody who makes these types of statements in a federal court is he just shot off his mouth and a trial and said something that he shouldn't he wrote this down, he fought he signed it. This is a sworn affidavit given to a federal judge, that he's in possession of evidence that could lead to the arrest of the Chief Justice of the United States. And furthermore, that he gave the United States Secret Service, some type of information that he says proves that Mike Pence is a traitor.


The trial wasn't even about Lyn Wood, right is representing someone and they wanted to get him off the case because they're saying, look, this guy's crazy. Look at his tweets. And so that's really what it boils down to. So he goes Oh, yeah. Oh, those tweets. Yeah, I'm gonna back that up. exactly what happened. Yeah, go ahead and


say for people who who aren't aware of the tweets, these are the tweets that Lyn Wood put out last year which we covered at the time as shocking were these are the subjects of this attempted to remove him from out of practice in New York. First treats I believe Chief Justice john roberts and a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed. In a horrendous scheme involving rape and murder of children captured on videotape, I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information goes on to say the blackmail targets are approached with a gun, a child and a camera. The target is ordered to rape the children on video and before I read more this if you have children, obviously in the room, this gets pretty graphic that the target is then ordered to shoot the child on video. The target is then owned and controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail evidence loses its value. This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of the world's most well known and elite intelligence agencies. One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape and murder were obtained by this group and copy was provided to Isaac Cappy I ns. The last tweet of note here is this tweet was an insurance policy. The evil forces behind this blackmail scheme of child rape and murder need to know that others have encryption key. I have a procedure in place if I die and near term or any member of my family is harmed or threatened, key will be released. This was posted before his Twitter account was banned. And this was in the really the midst of President Trump's challenge the election.


Can we put in perspective who Lyn Wood is. This is not some fly by the night like no name. This guy, prominent prominent attorney represented Richard jewel, got him off from the EU, whether you the Olympic bombings, the kids from Sam and Sam and the kids who were coming in kids won


both of these against CNN.


This is I mean, this guy is a heavy hitter when it's in the area of law. And of


course, the news media is paying him as a crackpot that he's lost his mind. Like he used to be smart. Oh used to be credible. But he's gone crazy. He's smart. Yes. But now he's crazy. That's that's the way the media because in all the articles that will say, you know, Lyn Wood continues to make outrageous claims of conspiracy theories involving Trump mobile pedophile rings, and


so in the Trump election was stolen, so they threw him in with that,


or that was the pedophile rings that really bother them.


Imagine that being said in public and not being covered, like 20 years ago, right. 30 years ago, if you would have saw that have been put out there. How would that have been top page stories? Now? It's not even covered? Oh,


it would be a senate trial over 30 years ago.


I mean, you think about a Senator Frank church would have would have held held Yeah, the church is Senate investigations on this. He's alleging that members of 10 e lead intelligence agencies, the five I've said, I've said for years, Jeffrey Epstein worked for Mossad if Lyn Wood is correct, Mossad was just one of nine other intelligence organizations that cooperated on this scheme.


And the name Isaac Cappy was in there and a lot of people don't know who he was. Isaac Cappy was a former child actor. And he hadn't been working for a while and all the sudden it comes out on YouTube, exposing all these high level celebrities as pedophiles, as in this rain legend. And guess what happened to Mr. Cappy, he actually jumped off a bridge. That's what happened him his last post and I've seen I've seen the videos out there and he's like, I'm scared. I don't know what's going on. A lot of things are happening. I hope I'll make another video, which he never did.


Yours. The news media just passes it off as well. He was depressed he was despondent. He wasn't. He wasn't his right mind. That's why he jumped off the bridge who made these crazy statements? And then he went and jumped off the bridge.


Well, who is in the right mind jumping off a bridge and so you don't do that? Right. So you get pushed off the bridge? Yes.


To me, this is the biggest story of the day. Do we have more quotes from Lyn Wood?


Yes, so the the actual filing what I did is I pulled specific quotes from it of what Lyn Wood has said. So he said, I have also exercise As my right of free speech to advocate for protection of the Bill of Rights, honest elections and against pedophilia, and child sex trafficking. I've also received credible evidence of serious wrongdoing by high ranking government officials, which I have brought to the attention of the public and to federal law enforcement officials. The evidence of wrongdoing includes evidence of potentially serious crimes perpetrated by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. That was a direct quote from the filing the affidavit, what he was responding to records, there was a filing by the lawyers for joy read that said joy


read the msnbc smbc


commentate. What he's responded was this he, Mr. Wood has accused the Chief Justice of arranging an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein. And saying during a telephone call that former President Trump is a expletive who could not be allowed another term. And that's what is also suggested that the Chief Justice is a murderous pedophile was mixed up with Jeffrey Epstein and involved in the death of Justice Scalia was being blackmailed, almost trafficking.


Lyn Wood


you said three things in that sentence. Lyn Wood suggested that Chief Justice john roberts is a murderous pedophile. Not just a pedophile but a pedophile who has murdered children


as murders chosen that actually that was quoting from tweets that Lin was the attorney for Leah joy re was quoting for them. tweets which said you are recording recorded discussing Justice Scalia's successor before date of his Southern death. How did you know Scalia was going to die? That's something that Lyn Wood had tweeted, also Lyn Wood and tweeted, Are you a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as initiation fee? My information was from reliable sources that Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from wells through Jeffrey Epstein. I think we can all agree that Epstein knows pedophilia. I know I have linked Robert so legal adoption Jeffrey Epstein had to flee and prior knowledge of squeezed death. So that's what the joy read lawyer was respond to and quoting in their own filing. Again, this is also a filing in federal court under the same punishment as Lyn Wood which he just read is that in that's part of the filing,


what I just read is what Lyn Wood has tweeted. And what I read there with what wood was responding to that is in the filing. It's what Lyn Wood was filing against. He was basically filing a response to the filing of joy reads lawyer in federal court


would said you are recorded discussing Justice Scalia's successor


Yeah, for that we


did that before the date of this sudden death, who was discussing squarely a successor.


This tweet was directed at justice Chief Justice john roberts. This was a tweet that Lyn Wood had posted on Twitter prior to removal. Is he saying


that john roberts was talking about who would replace Justice Scalia, before Scalia died


that day, just days before he died? It


was an incredible claim, because you don't just remove or replace, you can't. You can't remove or die. You have to be impeached and removed. I mean, there's a specific process, but it's no small thing for the chief justice to be conspiring. That's what he's alleging conspiring to remove a fellow conservative justice.


Did Scalia know something about Roberts?


You have to wonder if Antonin Scalia questioned over the years why Justice Roberts kept voting against the conservative majority.


He also said are you is he talking to Roberts


that the tweet was directed to john roberts? Yes.


So Lyn Wood tweeted a question two Chief Justice Roberts. Are you a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as initiation fee? My information from reliable sources that Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from whales through Jeffrey Epstein. I have linked Roberts to illegal adoption Jeffrey Epstein, pedophilia and prior knowledge of Scalia's death. Oh,


sounds like an episode of true news there. It sounds like


it's all the stuff we've covered for years. pm and Stan Lee was murdered.


He was a sitting chief justice or justice. Yeah, Associate Justice. With no autopsy. There was no autopsy. He woke up dead with a pillow with this pillow


over his face. At a a hunting lodge that was owned and controlled by a secret society. That's why Lyn Wood is saying, Are you a member of a club, or cabal? That requires an initiation involving your initiation fee, you have to bring a child to be initiated. How satanic kidness be


the most satanic? I can't think of anything more satanic other than eating the children.


The thing is, how long has Lyn Wood been sitting on this information? And and what is he doing? Like? Why aren't you getting this out by any means necessary? I mean, I would be fit. If I had this stuff. I'll be scared that I'm in possession of it.


It is very odd. I checked one of the only social media platforms that Lyn Wood has access to it's a telegram account. Certainly I even mentioned this lawsuit filing. If you think about your you've just found this in federal court. It's not I found one posting about the lawsuit, but nothing about the specifics that I found reading the actual lawsuit.


So what's he waiting for?


Maybe his day, and maybe this is how it plays out. And he's in court, and he's gonna let it out. And he kind of back door and his way into it. I don't know, it's but what is what he is saying, is it crazy sounding, but he's saying it under penalty of going to jail getting disbarred? I mean, there's a lot of things that can happen to him.


The last time I was invited to be a guest on the Alan comb show, the late Alan combs, Alan passed away. I hope he will lead on the name of Jesus Christ before he died. I I personally witnessed Alan combs. And you know, Alan was a good guy I liked Alan,


the Lord used you for that.


He was a good guy, I hope he got saved. And only God knows his his credit. I'll never never ever try to figure out where somebody is at right now after they passed away this. We're not qualified to do that. But Alan called me or his producer called. And this is shortly after Justice Scalia died. And we had made some shows news programs here about Justice Scalia. And so the fox radio news network called man's who would you go? On Alan's show today? He wants to talk to you about Justice Scalia. We happen to be in Nashville at the time. I agreed to do it. We were only three, four minutes. No more than five minutes into the interview. Allen said, You believe Justice Scalia was murdered? Yes, I do. Who killed him? I said, the same group that killed john F. Kennedy.


That interview in


the interview ended in it done. They told me to prepare to be on the radio for about 20 minutes, right? It was more like three or four minutes is done over


you touch those third rails that you can't talk about.


And, you know, he just said, Well, thank you, Rick. We appreciate your give. I've got to take a break. And it I'm still on break. I'm still waiting. He hasn't. He never called back, you know, but there are topics that you are not allowed to talk about. And john F. Kennedy's assassination is one of them. You cannot talk about the JFK assassination. It is still off limits. Unless you want to talk about if you want to say the official narrative that you're allowed to talk about. But Edward, I don't know if maybe you plan to bring this up later, and I don't want to get out of sequence. But what do you recall about the secret society that was involved in that hunting lodge in Texas?


So the Order of St Hubertus


is the Order of St. Hubertus. Hubertus participates and who is Hubertus St. Hubert.


The figure that is based on as a Christian figure from Austria claims he he fell over in a wood wooded area and had a vision come to him and a large stag came out of the wilderness and it told him to respect nature Jagermeister the alcohol uses that imagery for their drink. It's has a lot of pagan undertones to it. A lot of other pagan themes use this very imagery, but it comes from the order of staying here with us. Now that Ostrow had just gone through a holy war, a war between Protestants and Catholics, so hunters in that country, a lot of them actually were employed to hunt Christians that were sharpshooters, people could hunt, you could fire a rifle.


they hunted humans


onto humans to the people that went to form this order. It doesn't really have these these wonderful magical beings like the society's current page would like to believe they were likely the descendant of the groups that killed fellow believers. This order formed a chapter in America through the Bohemian Grove society, the very group that hosts the cremation of care of his satanic ritual every year, a horned owl,


the horned brain paid prostitutes this Pete people,


every major male and female, or every major Republican leader, it tends to be we've


spoken with a person who's attended to that multiple times. He McCloskey representative, he said, yeah, it gets a little strange there. So I got my cup of tea. So what he said,


he said, very silver close with Richard Nixon about that place. That society hosted them, and they've since flourished in America. And as you noted, one of the leaders of this group in America, the chapter here is john Poindexter now under the Presidio Ranch, where a jantan Scalia met his untimely death without his security deed.


I you know, I remember just tossing out the idea the possibility that when you told me what do you hear was that 2015 1616? Because when we debuted praise is when when when Scalia died, as it was in February is when this when I was on Ellen Coleman show I remember sometime February. I remember just speculating. Is it is it out of the realm of possibility that this secret hunting lodge in Texas, if it's that st Hubertus order and that order has a history of hunting humans was the wild game on that hunting lodge where the illegal immigrants coming across the border and we're are the elite going to Texas to that secret society lodge to shoot humans?


It is not a crazy proposition. But what is a fact is that if you talk to any ranchers along the border they find skeletons illegal immigrants all the time bodies and if they just chalk it up all they collapse


don't don't don't don't I know people out there know that. So while I'm crazy well, already hammer eating humans. I think it's kind of weird.


The real story is 2021


Baal worship all this this from the beginning of time this has happened. You know, one thing that we noticed when we were in New Mexico and we went to go see get a response from Jeffrey Epstein's place we went to his his his Zorro ranch. Well, we just needed to get a response from the see if any had family members because he we were there the day he supposedly killed himself, right? We found a mistake we're looking was a plaque or some kind of thing that dated back to that time period.


It was the crest of New Mexico. Special stone tablet. Yeah. Along with the fertility statues. Yes.


That's right. The footer fertility statues on on Epstein's house in New Mexico. Okay, we're gonna get back to Lyn Wood. What else have we have him? responding? Mr. Wood has accused the Chief Justice of arranging an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein. What is the what's the basis of this allegation?


So this the show when Lyn Wood said on record, I affirmed everything and I have evidence. He was saying he had evidence of this directly. I know that because this was the filing. Lyn Wood was responding to the filing status on January 19. Mr. Wood posted that Chief Justice john roberts must resign. His joy reads attorney same as Jeffrey Epstein arranged the adoption of Robert says children, Roberts use the children to gain entry into the Cabal of power and influence. Roberts use the children to gain entry into the Cabal of power and influence. That is what Lyn Wood is affirming to that's what he's saying he has has evidence to war, but also we're saying he's willing to go to jail over. Now, there was a few other things in it, I'll simply go over them as he did say that his tweets about Vice President Mike Pence, holding him accountable, referring to firing squads, but that was protected rhetorical and political hyperbole. It's an interesting term. So this is something that he did try to back away from a little bit in the official court finds that protected, rhetorical and political hyperbole and as a renowned defamation lawyer, he knows that term means that he believes he was simply proposing something without ever wanting to take action is defined in defense for First Amendment,


but he also stated in the court document that he gave evidence to the US Secret Service to support his allegation that Mike Pence is a traitor m claiming that the vice president knighted states former vice president is a traitor. Okay. a traitor to whom? a traitor to Republican Party a traitor to the United States of America a traitor to Donald Trump. You know, I mean, a traitor, even you using that kind of term against the vice president i Stacy, you would, you would assume that he's referring to treasonous behavior that undermines the national security of the United States of America. Is that what he's alleging?


I believe so because this is his direct quote is Mr. Wood told this follows this direct quote from his Twitter lock up trader Mike Pence, for allegedly conspiring with rod Rosenstein to overthrow our government.


And in the court documents, he states I have credible whistleblower evidence to support the Truth of My statements. I have not received a retraction demand from Justice Roberts, or his counsel. And he has not made any claim to date that my posts are false and defamatory. Former Vice President Mike Pence or rod Rosenstein have not sent retraction demands or claims that my post have and concerning them are false and defamatory. This of this


is important. Yes. This is very important. As an attorney, he's fully aware of the the legal ramifications of what he has done of what could come against him. If If his allegations were false, against the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, the Chief Justice would file legal documents to have Lyn Wood disbarred


correct just that's a minor the that's that's the first thing


and that's what he's saying. Neither john roberts, Mike Pence or rod Rosenstein How have taken any actions to retract his statements or or charge him with defaming their name and reputation.


So you have to ask the question, why haven't they? Alright, so what are the alternatives is they consider the accusation so crazy, so wild. They just ignore it. Or there's truth to it, and they can't respond to it. Right? I would think of it's just crazy wild, they would come out. We we feel for Mr. Wood, and we hope that he recovers from his mental breakdown, something like that. But there's not


even that if Lyn Wood were just an average citizen or even a country lawyer out in some rural town, they would ignore it. But he's been in the news, not just this election. He's been in the news numerous times and particularly this election alleging widespread voter fraud.


He's cheered linworth they both Mike Pence, absolutely talked about the Covington kid scandal and talking about attack on those boys this they allege he cheered the defense carried out by Lyn Wood in the past. And Lyn Wood is not mincing words. He actually said that Mike Pence is a traitor, a communist sympathizer and a child molester. That was a tweet posted as his final tweet before January seventh when his account what is


he his Mike Pence, the


a trader, a communist sympathizer and date childless. And again, this is not Edwards all's opinion. This is what joy reads attorney documented and placed into federal evidence in the filing


throughout the Trump administration, as the shadow government attempted to remove Donald Trump through one fake investigation after another, I never, I never fully trusted Mike Pence. I certainly didn't trust rod Rosenstein Rosenstein was up to his eyeballs on it. The reason I didn't trust Mike Pence is because Mr. Trump continued to appoint swamp snakes to his administration. I mean, you point one or two and you get bit, okay, you learn your lesson. But he just continued to appoint the entire nest have a guest and so we kept asking who is whispering in Donald Trump's ear? You should appoint this person well at the beginning of the administration. In the transition, who was in charge of the Trump administration transition team in vetting, the people who would be appointed who was the person in charge, Vice President Mike Pence


is part of the Tiger team as they call


who took down General Michael Flynn,


Vice President Mike Pence whispered in the ear of the President, I can no longer trust Michael Flynn.


So Mike Pence was at the top of this. And then we also the allegation that came out that in the fall of 2016, that there was a secret plan by the Republican National Committee to replace Donald Trump as the Republican nominee and to appoint Michael pence as the presidential candidate. And that Mike Pence secretly agreed to the plan,


but the bush tape, right,


yes, it was never carried out. So that's, but those things are far, far removed from what Lin Wood has said, tame compared to allege that his political treachery


and he's backing up saying,


look, I


got evidence. I'm a whistleblower. So he's bringing other people into it. He's not just by himself on an island next Agata and he says he scription key got videos he's got. He's not backing down is the big point about this. He is just stepping on the pedal. So yeah, you want to go? I got stuff. But


an affidavit even as even if he says he has evidence is not evidence itself.


Yeah, but he's putting himself on a ledge that he can lose a lot. So I understand. But isn't this crazy, then?


Are we boxing ourselves in again here, you know, and saying, well, he said this and he's got everything on the line. But well, the


reason we're talking about a doc is because Lyn Wood is a credible attorney, who has been in the news numerous times in his career has been in a high profile during the 2020 election. You can't ignore the fact that he's saying that he has the evidence in court it


he's doing it in court. Yes. Is he doing it in federal court? Twitter's one thing. Yeah, I saw some tweets and like all mash, and I said there are no he's like, okay, I mean, federal courts, real repercussions.


So we, we said, In the aftermath of the election, we said to Lyn Wood, over this program, come on the program, we've invited you,


we said in person


an offer to join. You personally talked to him and asked him to come on True, true news. And we've never got a response. We said, if you have this kind of evidence, we'll hear you out. We'll give you time Come on true news and present the evidence


at the beginning of the show. I said, hey, look, what are you waiting for? You have he's had this for a while now. He didn't just acquire this one. This is released three months old.


What makes me I'm not I've got his credibility is on the line with this. Right. So and I understand that in a court, you can't release all your evidence until it's time to release evidence. Right. So, but there should be some way that we can backup some information. So let's take for instance, Justice Roberts, right. So he is he has accused Justice Roberts of child trafficking


and an association with Jeffrey


Wright. Is there evidence to that? I mean, is that something that we can go back and say, is there any, any information that's out there that we can go back and say, You know what, there's some there's meat on that boat?


Well, there's never been explained this. Yes. The the flight log.


Okay, that that is yes.


Alright, so there's the john roberts name on the flight log. This is I believe, if FLIGHT LOG from 2011


Jeffrey Epstein's flight law, right


and going from Palm Beach international to Teterboro airport up in New Jersey. Uh, john roberts was on that flight. Now was that Chief Justice john roberts. Well, who knows?


There are we've we've asked that question for what, two years now? to about two years, this we've had this information. Do you recall when


it came out in about 2000? After I say 1015 is when we really got this and we've asked, most of the media has asked, never has there been an answer?


Nobody social media is not asking.


I say some of the media in our spectrum. That's what I'm not I mean, established shills. I don't mean the propaganda outlets, I mean, other people that are wondering now what is with a fight log that has the Chief Justice the Supreme Court


we just know that it's a name Yeah. That is the same as the chief justice. It just doesn't it doesn't have a social security number right, then have a street address. But we've asked the Chief Justice through this program. Is it you?


Well, and that's a fair question to ask because aren't they're also being questions about other people that were on those flight logs? Edward.


Doug banned. Bill Clinton at what's true about these flight logs. His name was only ever placed. If it was a VIP, but he can hounds this more Why would you put someone who isn't important? named john roberts on the flight log from the manifest?


Why would you put somebody who was not important on a private jet? Oh, yeah. And unimportant. People don't get invitations to thrive private.


Never been on a private jet. Right? Then we have this article from this is from July of this past year. So here's somebody that was on the flight logs. Okay. Your names appear? All right, Epstein. Investigators want to talk to Guinness family aristocrat who flew on the infamous Lolita Express 32 times. So there's other people that want to talk to people that have been on the flight logs. I mean, wouldn't that therefore suggests that maybe there's other people worthy of investigation, especially a prominent name like john roberts, and it's just the


Guinness booze family or


the Eris heiress,


Claire Hazel, which is what she was known as when she worked with Jeffrey Epstein. This was before she married into one of the richest families in Ireland, you


know, house she purchased. She purchased a house used in Eyes Wide Shut.


That's right. That's correct. Maria Varma told me and I confirm the


movie that is about a sex cult that Stanley Kubrick was making and got killed or died mysteriously before it was in full post production. Because they said you got a little too closest one buddy, you're showing a little bit too much. And what


else? What else did Kubrick say at that time? Do you remember he said that he participated in the moon landings by a filming in a studio he made Space Odyssey 2001


if you look at that movie, that's almost better than stuff that has today was CG is beautifully done. But this guy was involved with the highest of that, you know, echelon of people. She bought the house, you needed that house and


they shot that that particular six Colt movie in it.


A Tom Cruise with Nicole Kidman,


they were they were shortly involved in that production to


him he might have funded I'm not sure about that. But no doubt that movies all about a sex cult. Like that's what it is about. It's the most crazy movie ominous soundtrack. They have a gorian or a Romanian soundtrack to it flipped backwards. Its backwards. And it sounds so insane. But that's the type of people we're dealing with there. She needed that. Why would you want to buy that house and be involved with galane as well? Wow.


That just shows you that there's other names that are involved that other investigators have looked at and so why not? john roberts.


Okay. There have going back to 2015 there were news media organizations that questioned Chief Justice john roberts flip flop on Obamacare he shocked everybody is especially Justice Scalia, who was angry. According to reports, he was angry at Roberts, he felt betrayed by Roberts, because all conservatives expected john roberts to vote no. against Obama, Bush appointee is like a Republican, and it was a big shock that he voted in favor of Obamacare. So this is a Washington Post article from 2015. Chief Justice Roberts quietly burns Scalia, in the Obamacare decision. Anything else in this ever that we should know?


The main point is that there was contention between people you think we're allies, and the both conservative justices, yet something was going on the year before his untimely death?


And so there was there was some type of there was hard feelings between Scalia and Roberts. Yes, it started there was a rift. But others started to ask questions. And let's let's go down to number eight. This is Esquire


so Esquire magazine, this is from June 2015. The blackmailing of john roberts now, Esquire isn't you know, some fly By night, you know, outlet out there. Normally the articles they produce are well researched down, right




Yeah. And so this was quite an eye opening article here, Rick, it's suggested that perhaps the reason why john roberts is voting, the way he has been rotating is that he was being blackmailed, basically, that they had something on him if you could just, if you could control just one or two key justices on the Supreme Court, most of the decisions on the Supreme Court, you know, the overwhelming majority are split right down the middle. So if you could just guide one or two, you could change the whole dynamics of the Supreme Court.


I can tell you at that time, the the rumors that were being circulated, which we never, we never promoted that because there was no evidence. It was just people were trying to come up with a reason to it. Yeah, they're speculating is, and so a lot of podcasters were saying that john roberts was gay. This was what this was the blackmail that they were using against. I can tell you, to my recollection, I don't recall one. alternative news podcaster suggesting that john roberts was involved in a pedophile ring. Most of the discussion was, Oh, yeah, he was younger, he was gay and they have evidence on it. And he does want this to come out. What Lyn Wood is suggesting is so dark.


Well, he's clarifying what blackmail manage. Yes. He's actually says, What is blackmail? Well, this is what blackmail is. involves a gun, a kid and a videotape.


I mean, yeah. What is this somebody, an intelligence agency agent put a gun to john roberts head and ordered him to rape and kill a child while it was video recording. That's what Lyn Wood said


that's exactly what's called a snuff film. Yes. I mean, that's what he said


snuff films do exist.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


But he's alleging that intelligence agencies do this, to have control of governments.


And then what do we find out what the Epstein case how prolific was? He they would brag about who they had on tape. They found his mansion in New York.


1000s of children.


Every room had videotapes in it. Maria


Paul was a Maria farmer. Your police said that there were 1000s of photographs. Yeah. in that in that home in New York. Where are the photographs? And where are the girls? If there were 1000s of girls? Where are they? They haven't come forward heavy. No. Most likely they were murdered.


Look, when we were out there in the in the Zorro ranch. It is in the middle of nowhere. Like there was no there's no security gates. There's no security cameras. It's in the middle of a desert.


You wouldn't know someone who's gotten shot when someone gotten attacked. Because as you said, it's in the middle of a desert.


You could scream as loud as you want. It goes into nowhere because there's nothing around


we now and route the former Libertarian Party presidential candidate writing for glenn beck's the Blaze? This is June 2015. He wrote an article was Supreme Court Justice john roberts blackmailed


Yes, it Esquire was a really they were responding to this article, right included quotes incredible statements made by Waylon root. And this thing about Wayne Allyn Root is he actually did bring up the prospect of assault of children.




He said that the just black man, one or two key conservative leaders to stop the GOP from blocking Obama's agenda. He's referring to john roberts saying just just find out the weak link of a key opposition leader or government official and hold it over their head.


Yeah, go


ahead. And he goes on to say, Well, if you go for Obamacare, the Trans Pacific Partnership massive tax increases amnesty for illegals. The list is long. But am I being too cynical? Really? Did anyone suspect former House Speaker Dennis Hastert was a child molester who committed crimes with underage boys?


Now, let me ask you that, Rick, I mean, when that story broke, about Hastert Okay, I know I was shocked. I mean, what what are you talking about that? You're talking about the former Speaker of the House here. I mean, that was so far removed from anything I you know, you could even do the math on at that time, what was your


was and then this story just disappeared right after is gone. Story disappears. No more discussion about a house speaker was a pedophile.


That's a real story that happened.


That's history. And it's interesting that we now brought that up in this particular article, because now as we move forward here and with the accusations we have from Lyn Wood. All the algebra starts fitting together a little bit more


it was go ahead


well, Jimmy savant we know with the royal family, the BBC President tator prolific I mean you talking about the worst of the worst, and that Jesus satanic


rituals involving children,


and necromancy. This is what we're talking about. That was covered up for how many years he used to have decades decades a knighted, he was knighted, he would go to work for the BBC and people the BBC knew this survival was a pedophile he had too far with Well, he had a like, kind of like these specials for kids like hospitals, always kids hospitals. Well, who's gonna miss a little kid here and there?


But how did that story in the investigation in Great Britain into the pedophile ring? It ended up with the the man who made this user the whistleblower was charged with defaming the the elite of Great Britain and he is in prison.


Yes, they went after that's how they've changed


how the that's how the elite deal with people who tell the truth or fly off a bridge.


Right now. You got two endings here.


I want to quickly go through every we have some stuff here involving the adopted children of the chief justice. Tell us why this is important that we should be discussing it.


So in the court affidavit Lyn Wood, alleged that Jeffrey Epstein helped justice Robinson his wife adopt jack and Rosie Roberts is an adoption that occurred in the year 2000. That was mentioned in the affidavit and is also mentioned by Wayne Allyn Root in 2015. Oddly enough weigh now route brought it up and said that Jeffrey Epstein participated in the adoption process. That's what Lyn Wood is alleging way now moot did not include Jeffrey Epstein, but did bring up that the kids may be the leverage. What he said was that Barack Obama has basically threatened and this is direct. I'll just read directly from Wayne Allyn Root. He's threatened to deport the adopted children said when he said there were some shenanigans getting the adoption paperwork done. The threat against him is actually against him against his adopted daughters again, this is Wayne Allyn Root in 2015. When people question What is the blackmail? What what's the leverage? Why does justice roberts vote the way he


votes route said that Obama was threatening to deport the Roberts children.


Yes. Incredible stem based again, what have now seen in Lin Woods affidavit because Lyn Wood is once again resurrecting this, but adding to it and and tying it to Jeffrey Epstein.


What Obama would not deport any children that came to America. No, he wouldn't put them in a cage. No, he


wouldn't do that either. He wouldn't give them 10 falls asleep under


2005 Matt Drudge announced that the New York Times was investigating that john roberts adopted kids, right. So


this was one justice or Roberts, not justice was go through a confirmation hearing. question came up because the New York Times had launched its own investigation into where these kids came from.


This is one story. I don't remember i didn't i was when Edward told me about it today.


I was like, What are you talking about?


Remember this at all? It was a blip.


And again, the New York Times will not do a story today about Mr. Woods statements about justice roberts and the kids but they absolutely did do a full investigation in 2005, that Matt Drudge It was no for scooping them because they haven't sources in them in their organizations. He posted this in 2005 said the New York Times investigates adoption records of Supreme Court nominees children. New York Times is looking into the adoption records of the children. His Supreme Court nominee john G. Roberts, the judge report has learned times has investigated important Glen justice hot on the case to investigate the status of adoption records of Justice Roberts, Justice Roberts and his wife adopted the children when they were each infants. Both children were adopted from Latin America.


Whoa, wait


a minute there. I thought that I thought they were from Wales. Oh,


they're not you can tell they're not Latinos. That's right.


It's a very, very odd thing that we


have five adopted Latinos in our family. It's like I didn't recognize children adopted from Latin America. I can recognize those children. Not so highly unlikely that they came from Latin America. But unless it was a European family, living in Latin America that lost her children. Somehow those children were put into the adoption now was


that the National Enquirer that said that was that the you know, the star Tribune along with the alien stories what I mean? Who said that


was that was first Matt Drudge reporting on what the New York Times was looking into. And then later Associated Press asking the question, Where did the kids come from Latin America, or Ireland now officially, it is Ireland that the right now we look at the stories about the children. It's Ireland, they're adopted from Ireland, although Lyn Wood, or did they suffered or were they transported to


Latin America on the Epstein jet?


Why this is a question because Lyn Wood said in the affidavit, Wales, Wales is not Ireland as a z that separates Wales from Ireland. And unless Lyn Wood made a mistake, a clerical mistake in his lawsuit, and in speech, he tweeted, he wouldn't be inferring that the kids were trafficking from Wales to Ireland prior to adoption. That is the allegation. We don't have evidence porting that just reading again what Lyn Wood said, not drudge said, and the New York Times said, and was investigated.


Okay. I don't have any problem believing that one of the side enterprises had just learned Maxwell operated was selling children.


What did she have a captain or a submarine?




Well, that's easily.


She could Yes, she was a helicopter pilot. She could also pilot a submarine.


Yeah, I guess you have to have a submarine pilot's license to pilot a submarine. And so but she had one, why would you need one, you know, unless you're moving contraband. And someone that has a helicopters license and a submarine license


sounds like a spy sounds like a spy to me.


So that the question of adoption, it's very important to go back and look at those stories from 2005. The New York Times here, this is a story published for the feminists for life. It's an organization that runs an anti abortion advocacy group. In here, they said that an adopted daughter Josephine and son john, through what the sister of john roberts, his wife said it was done through a private foundation. Now, further reporting by the time Time magazine said that it was a very tough process. The former law partner, Ross's wife, jack McKay said that the adoption of the kids hadn't very quickly frequently happens when you go through the adoption process. They got very kind of depression as prospect happened. They got offered the kids through the private adoption directly with the family. And they took them without without blinking. took both babies without blinking. And it's looking at this before would have been denied this but


again, from personal experience. My daughter has adopted eight children in total, eight. Okay, so from row two from Russia, one Ukraine five from Latin America.


Did he know it? Did any of those adoptions occur in a blink? No.


No. The first two from from Russia were It took several years. Wow. Seldom doesn't adoption, just sail through that. That That in itself is unusual. So Lyn Wood may have something regarding john roberts. In It For Me, it's easy to connect dots between Jeffrey Epstein just Maxwell. pedophile rings selling children trafficking children around the world. That's what the Epstein Maxwell business model is all about? Yes. Okay. They were selling children using children kidnapping children. I believe they murdered children. And so for me, I can easily believe that. Chief Justice Roberts placed an order for two blond blue eyed children on their blue eyed from Latin America from Latin America. Yep, placed an order. And and Jeffrey Epstein said, Oh,


we've got them. And they just happened to find in here really fast.


Like long in the blink of an eye. You'll have them


yeah, maybe on his Lolita Express. It will try. Look, he's on Eb.


When did the Jew Oh, no, that was the wrong days. I was sorry. I was thinking was the john roberts flight on the plane at the same time the children were adopted. The john roberts on the flight log that was 2011. I'm loving children tabs. The first


one. was his name still same name is still on there that connects Yes. It might not be him.


The Guinness era worked in that time period 1998 2000 she was on at 132 times. So active, active. Yes. I mean that. This the interesting part about this is simply if all we get out of liquids cases that there is something to the adoption.


I would I would encourage every single I pray and intercede that Almighty God would reveal the ugly truth about the ruling elite of this world. Yes, pull back, blanket and let the entire world see the maggots. Let it all be exposed, bring down this cabal, bring it down, let it Let it be exposed. That's my prayer. Because this thing is so dark, so big. None of us individually can can bring this thing down. None of us can do it. It can only be brought down by a sovereign act of Almighty God, right? That's it. It's too dark, too wicked, too deep and too interconnected with powerful men and women around the world. Only God Himself could bring it down. We pray, pray. And because children are being sacrificed to bail


that's comes to happening.


It's not like children are being kidnapped. And be Look, the first time I became aware of this was the 1984. I was working as CBN. The Holy Spirit spoke to me. In 19, excuse me, 1985 1985 horsepower, spoke to me, and told me that children were being kidnapped and sacrificed to Satan. I had never thought about that. And, and from that time on, I became deeply concerned about the plight of missing children. And here we are now 2021. It's the topic that will get you the platform gets you shut down, then you start talking, you start talking about a pedophile network, and watch what happens to you. It is, the it is the one topic is beyond any other topic that are already prohibited. But man, you talk about a worldwide pedophile network, and watch what happens. I personally think Lyn Wood has something I really do I I want him to bring it forth. At four. I don't know what he's waiting on. I you know, he's smart lawyer. I don't know when he thinks he's going to get his day in court to present the evidence. But it would, to me be a smarter thing to just put it out there for the whole world to see it. That's why you're not going to get it in court.


That's why I have a little reservations. I mean, he said he wants to the Secret Service. What did they would do with it? FBI, we've heard case, and what are they gonna do with it? We have enough ability to just put it out there in the ethos of the internet, the internet, yeah. And just do it like,


you give it to the government, they're going to cover it up. If that service isn't going to reveal it, the FBI is not going to reveal it. And these networks have been around for a very long time.


And they've learned how to hide things very well. And there's a reason why.


And they have members


throughout the world, and they only reveal what wants to be revealed. That's the only reason why we know about Jerry Seville, is because he was he was basically being too open about it. And they were gonna he was basically on


everything. He became overconfident because he knew nothing was going to happen to it right until it did.


So well, I his own group. So


pray and ask the Lord to reveal this thing. I mean, at the core of what's happening to our country, at the core, that thing that we're all that invisible, shadow government that we're we despise, that we want to see it destroyed. At the core of it, is this sacrifice of children to bail? Yes. And it this thing is not going to be taken down with guns. It's not going to be taken down through politics. It can only be taken down through prayer, and an sovereign act of God to reveal to reveal the whole thing to the point that people vomit because they can't. They can't stand the truth. Have you ever heard that's where we have to move the world.


Have you ever heard of Martin Kilroy? Did you ever hear about that case in Texas is a congressman in Texas. He was abducted in Mexico and sacrificed. My wife who grew up in Mexico she's from Mexico. She was they were in fear of this because this would happen quite often of city called sacrifice sacrificing kids. This was like a no thing. But yeah, I was curious if you saw cuz a congressman, his son went down there and he got caught up in that group got him a sin his son. I mean this has been going on for a long time has


it 1000s of years,


it's in the Bible. It's in the Exactly.


It's in the Bible. Satan has been murdering children for a long time. We have a lot more that we can present. But I think we've said all that we really need to say the rest of it, we just be rehashing the political circus that's happening in Washington DC right now. And it's really not worth wasting an hour of your time to talk about it. We've covered the main thing today, the allegation that there is a worldwide pedophile network. And I encourage you to share this episode of true news with as many people as possible, encourage them to wash your nose. And for those of you who have ears, to hear, and eyes to see, and you hear the Holy Spirit, in your personal prayer life every day, I hope. I hope you hear his voice say, we must support true news and 2021. The work that we do is essential, it is dangerous. We do this, because we believe our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ desires us to do this, this is the only reason we do it. And we don't make a big effort. We don't make a big deal through this entire program every day, to raise money, we simply say once in a while, please support us. And if that resonates in your heart, that I pray that you will be obedient to the Holy Spirit and give a gift, I'm not going to tell you what to give. I'm just asking you to give something and I'm asking you to do it consistently, every month. Throughout 2021. We need a base of people who stand with us every single month, you have no idea how important that is. I can't stress it enough. A base of people who support us every month, when we have that base, it gives us great confidence, to make plans and to go forward for expansion, knowing hey, we've got these people who are with us, loyal, dedicated, dependable. That's what it means to us. And I hope you become one of those. Those supporters be faithful to the Lord. The Lord is coming. We know he's coming back. If you're not doing something for his kingdom. Tell me Where? At what point will you get involved? What does it take? Will you tell me for those of you who don't do anything, john, just I'm just curious. I'm not talking to the people who give. This really baffles me. For people who are Christians, and they don't do anything. What is it you're waiting for? Or you're waiting for things to get really weird.


with air Welcome to today.


Are you waiting for persecution?




Were they waiting for darkness to set in? What is the trigger event that will make you get involved with God's kingdom? What is it you're waiting on? That baffles me that they are I mean, we have hundreds of 1000s of people who watch true news every day. But only 10s of 1000s who support us I like what's the rest of the people? Do I know what you're doing?


And God bless those who do


yes, as they carry us. But I just wonder what everybody else is waiting on? Are you? Are you? Is there some sign some event that's got to happen that you go that's it. That proves to me. We're at the end of the age. Jesus is coming soon.


Is there some news item you're waiting for? Which news item is it? That's going to take you over to that point of saying, Man tree news got it right.


How dark does it have to get before you're ready for the light? Yeah. I'll let you think about that. In the meantime, we thank the people who do get it and support us and help us You mean everything to us to keep us going. God bless. We'll be back here tomorrow, God willing. God bless you.