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3 years

Robert.F .Kennedy writes about what Gates is up to....
Helped orchestrate and cheerlead lockdowns which have bankrupted more than 100,000 businesses in the U.S. alone and plunged a billion people into poverty and deadly food insecurity, that, among other devastating harms, kill 10,000 African children monthly — while increasing Gates’ wealth by $20 billion.
Quietly made himself the largest owner of farmland in the United States. Gates’ portfolio now comprises about 242,000 acres of American farmland and nearly 27,000 acres of other land across Louisiana, Arkansas, Nebraska, Arizona, Florida, Washington and 18 other states.
Made hefty investments in GMO crops, seed patents, synthetic foods, artificial intelligence including robotic farm workers, and commanding positions in food behemoths including Coca-Cola, Unilever, Philip Morris (Kraft, General Foods), Kellogg’s, Procter & Gamble and Amazon (Whole Foods), and in multinationals like Monsanto and Bayer that market chemical pesticides and petrochemical fertilizers.
Forced a failed system of GMO, chemical and fossil fuel-based agriculture on poor African farmers, decimating biodiversity and ensuring soils grew more acidic with every application of petrochemical fertilizers. A study found that extreme hunger has increased by 30 percent in the 18 countries that Gates targeted. Rural poverty has metastasized dramatically, and the number of hungry people in these nations has risen to 131 million.