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Something gigantic has happened this week, at least I think it is. And you can decide for yourself as we weigh into this to begin with. There is a world renowned vaccine creator that went on his LinkedIn and put out a letter to every single professional in the world, essentially telling them we must stop the vaccination program immediately. Here's just a couple of excerpts from his letters. Take a look at this. As a dedicated biologist and vaccine expert, I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health. Most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call as the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the covid 19 pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call can out sound loudly enough. He goes on sufficient scientific evidence has been brought to the table. Unfortunately, it remains untouched by those who have the power to act. How long can one ignore the problem, when there is at present massive evidence that viral immune Escape is now threatening humanity? We can hardly say we didn't know or were not warned. In this agonizing letter, I put all of my reputation and credibility at stake I expect from you, guardians of mankind, at least the same, it is of utmost urgency, do open the debate, by all means, turn the tide. And then he goes on and has this statement to make the form of a disclaimer I suppose for those who may have had some difficulty in understanding how mass vaccination drives viral immune escape, it will suffice to watch infectivity and morbidity rates in those countries who have now succeeded in vaccinating millions of people in just a few weeks, Eg UK, Israel, USA, whereas these countries are now enjoying declining infectivity rates, they will undoubtedly start to suffer from a steep incline in COVID-19 cases in the weeks to come. The steep decline we're seeing right now may be followed by a short lived plateau, but a subsequent steep incline of severe disease cases is inevitable. These are shocking statements. And to be clear, just so you recognize this man could not be more pro vaccine. In fact, he may be one of the most highly, highly ranked and talented vaccine creators in the world. Let's take a look at the resume of the man that is screaming at the top of the mountain right now. This is geared vandenbosch PhD, he was at GSK biologicals. He was a senior project leader of adolescent vaccine projects, new biotech vaccine development and QC QA manager, head of Agilent Technologies in alternative deliveries and r&d at Novartis vaccines and diagnostics. He was the director, research program leader and head of Agilent solve a biologic goals, global project director of the influenza vaccines for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He was the Senior Program Officer global health vaccine discovery for Global Alliance for vaccine immunization, which we refer to as GAVI. He was the program manager. And at UNIVAC. He was the chief innovation and Scientific Officer. He's also at the German center for infectious research head of the vaccine development office. And at barraco. He is was the managing director, okay, this guy is anything but an anti vaxxer. He is as pro vaccine as you can get. Yet there is something that has got him terrified. Now that letter really only speaks to the professionals in his field. But luckily for us, he did an interview, I believe it was last week. And normally, you know, we would love to bring gear on. But I think this interview is so perfect, that I'm going to do something we rarely do here on the high wire. We're going to go through the interview as it appeared. So I want to make sure that you recognize that all the credit needs to go to the doctor that created this YouTube video and does this interview. But let us walk through what I believe may prove to be the most important interview in the history of mankind. Let's get started. Here's how the video starts out.


I have the pleasure of having with me. Kurt vandenbosch from Belgium the differences that girl is truly an international vaccine developer. And he's here to share some very important and unique perspectives on where we are now in terms of the COVID pandemic. So, pleasure to have you here with me, Garrett, how are you?


I'm fine. Thanks for having me. Phillip.


Wonderful, wonderful. Listen, I mean, I think the first thing that we have to clarify is that we have to explain you are someone who is in the vaccine development business, so to speak, what has that background been like?


Well, I have a background essentially, in as far as vaccines are concerned in industry, as well as in the non for profit sector. So I have been working with Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, guard Gaffey, especially concentrating on vaccines for global health. And I've also been working with several different companies, vaccine companies developing Of course, essentially, prophylactic vaccines. And my main focus of interest has always been infected the design of vaccines. So the concept How can we educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines?


Right. And so any effect this is the area of work, you've been in, you develop vaccines, you are as well working with the Ebola vaccine, as well, one of the really, really dangerous viruses we have out there in the world. How does that work? Is it is that easy to do? Well, I


was not, let's be very clear. I was a coordinator of the Ebola program at GAVI. So we were interacting with several different vaccine companies that were developing Ebola vaccines, because it was important for GAVI, to make the right choice, the right vaccine, in order, you know, for this vaccine to be rolled out in the western African countries that had the severe Ebola crisis back a number of years ago. So that was not, let's say, operational, practical work. This was more a role of coordination, but of course, was also a role of assessing what would be the impact of using some of these vaccines in larger populations. And in an area where an epidemic is really is going on, because that's a very particular and peculiar situation. Alright, so


obviously, he starts out by, you know, getting into the credentials of geared vandenbosch here, and I think there's a couple of things that I found striking right away. What he says is really his specialty is on the design of vaccines. He understands the design of all the vaccines being made in the world. He's worked for GAVI, in that case, he oversaw the Ebola vaccine program, and his area of specialty is understanding the effect of using vaccines and choosing the specific vaccines and its impact in mass vaccination programs. Okay, have we established that if some guy is going to have an issue with a mass vaccination campaign, this is the guy we all thought was supposed to be in charge, right. But for some reason, he's not. Let's hear what he goes on to say,


if we have 2020 vision, at the moment, when we look back at the pandemic, and where we started from. And I've always said that, at the time when the pandemic started, when it got from China, into Italy, into Europe into the UK, I thought that the only way that we could manage this is to lock down and to prevent the spread of this about this very dangerous virus. We do have to stand back and see whether or not those decisions were correct. But as we said that hindsight is 2020. What would you say now, as we look back at the decisions we made, then where we are both on the right track, did we make any mistakes?


Well, frankly, speaking from the very beginning, and I mean, there is many people who can witness this or testify this. I always say that it was a bad idea to do lock downs that would also affect the other people that we would prevent young people from having contact from being exposed. Because remember, the big difference back then, was of course, that we had a viral strain COVID strain that was circulating dominance rate. And that was not highly infectious as those that we are seeing right now. Of course, when a new virus gets into a population, it immediately gets to the folks that have, you know, weak immunity. And we know, we know this people, this is a large majority, of course, elderly people, people that have underlying diseases or otherwise immune suppressed, etc. And, of course, I mean, it was certainly the right thing to do to protect these people, and for them also to isolate. But we have to distinguish, frankly split and that is what we have not been doing between those people that have strong innate immunity. I mean, it's not you cannot see when you see a person you don't know this, but we know that young people have quite decent, innate immune response and therefore, they are naturally protected. And even more, I mean, if they get in contact with Coronavirus, it will boost their natural immunity. So, therefore, from the very beginning, I don't I was I disapproved you know, the fact that schools got to close and and universities and that youngsters were preventing evil from having contact with each other that situation is of course, completely different. If you look at vulnerable people, the virus is comes in the population there is no new you know, humoral immunity, there is no immunity at all, in fact, so nobody has been in contact. So the answers, they can rely on good innate immunity, elderly people, I mean, the innate immunity is waning, it gets increasingly replaced by antigen specific by specific immunity as people get older. So these people very, very clearly needed to be protected. But it has taken a lot of time before we understood, in fact, what how we how exactly the new response and the virus were interacting. So there has been a lot of confusion, a lot of mistakes made about mistakes, I mean, retrospectively, and that has also led to, you know, bet control right from the beginning, I would say.


Alright, so I think there's some important points to be made here. And by the way, if you're watching the high wire for the first time, as it turns out, we actually geek out on the science that if you're a person who say, I wonder what's going on here, but what you want is a bumper sticker slogan about to make you feel better than go watch some other network, what we're going to get into and where he's about to go, is so deep and profound and powerful, that you're going to have to actually care about science. What we're going to get into is the science here with geared but let's be specific, what he's pointing out when there's any time there's a pandemic, when there's a virus that starts spreading. The first people that really we see it affect are those that don't have waning immune systems, the elderly, those that are sick, it's exactly what we saw over the age of 65, with other comorbidities. And we talked about the Great Barrington declaration, there's now over 50,000, scientists and experts and doctors that have all said exactly what Garrett is saying here. He is saying that there's that there's the actually those are the new numbers. There we go. So we're over 50,000 over 750,000 concerned citizens, if you haven't signed the Great Barrington declaration, you better check it out online and get your signature in there because these things matter. But what he's telling us is that we should have protected that, you know, extremely vulnerable population, something that high wire has supported from day one, it's what we've been saying. But he what also the highway has been saying is those that are young, they're healthy, they need to get out, and they need to go catch this illness. And as he pointed out, they're only going to just enhance their immune system is going to be made even stronger. He gets into a detail I hadn't really thought about and didn't really fully understand that once you get older, once you become you know, when you're in those later years of your life, you no longer have humoral immunity or otherwise known as your innate immune system, which is sort of this initial sort of general immune system that just attacks and kicks but you're stuck with antigen immunity, meaning that things that you've caught through your life, the memory is going to be looking for those things, but it doesn't have the ability to take on a brand new virus or some variant we haven't seen, but our children, they've got that in spades and college students and healthy people. It's just rock and we've just got, you know, Mike Tyson's in there ready to go and take out any brand new virus. So we should have been out in the population dealing with it while the elderly that don't have that innate immune system that we do. They should have been secured exactly what the Great Barrington declaration has been discussing. And obviously, the scientists and biologists agree around the world right now. Let's start getting into more details. Here we go.


There's still a rise in cases, countries had to try and lock down mass mandates and so on. But we all had the hope that vaccines would come and break the cycle. This is where clearly now from your expertise, you seem to have a different thought about how we should have been thinking about vaccines then and even now, what what is your perspective?


Well, my perspective was, and still is that if you if you go to war, you better make sure that you have the right weapon. And the weapon itself can be an excellent weapon. And now this is what I'm saying really about the current vaccines. I mean, it just brilliant people who have been making these vaccines in no time and with regulatory approval and everything. So the weapon in itself is excellent question is, is this the right weapon for the kinds of war that is going on right now? And there? My answer is definitely no, because these are prophylactic vaccines. And prophylactic vaccines should typically not be administered to people who are exposed to high infectious pressure. So don't forget, we are administering these vaccines in the heat of a pandemic. So in other words, while we are preparing our weapon, we are fully attacked by the virus, the virus is everywhere. So that is a very different scenario, from using such vaccines in a setting where the vaccine he is barely or not exposed to the virus. And I'm saying this because if you have a high infectious pressure, it's so easy for the virus to jump from one person to the other. So if your immune response, however, is just mounting, as we see right now, with a number of people who get their first dose together, first those antibodies are not fully matured titers are maybe not very high. So their immune response is suboptimal. But they are in the midst of these wars, while they are mounting an immune response, you're fully attacked by by the virus. And every single time, I mean, this is textbook knowledge every single time, you have an immune response that is suboptimal. In the presence of an infection in the presence of a virus, that infected person, you are at risk for immune escape. So that means that the virus can escape to the immune response. And that is why I'm saying that these vaccines are mean in their own right, or, of course, excellent, but to use them in the midst of in the midst of a pandemic, and do mass vaccination, because then you provide within a very short period of time, the population with high antibody titers, so the virus comes under enormous pressure. I mean, that that wouldn't matter if you can eradicate the device, if you can prevent infection with these vaccines don't prevent infection, they protect against disease, because we are just unfortunately, we look no further than the end of our nose, in a sense that hospitalization that's all what counts, you know, getting people away from the hospital. But in the meantime, we are not realizing that we give all the time during this pandemic, by our interventions, the opportunity to escape to the immune to the immune system. And that is, of course, a very, very, very dangerous thing, especially if we realize that these guys, they only need 10 hours to replicate. So if you think that by making new vaccines and you new vaccines against the new infectious strains, we are going to catch up, it's impossible to catch up. I mean, virus is not going to wait till we have those vaccines ready. I mean, this thing continues. And as I was saying, the thing is, I mean, if if you do this in the midst of a pandemic, that is that is an enormous problem. These vaccines are are excellent, but they are not made for administration, to millions of people in the midst in the heat of a pandemic.


I hope that all of you will go back when we you know, get done with this and go back and watch just that section. There's so much to get out of that. But let's make it clear. One of the kings of vaccines, one of the greatest vaccine developers and oversee seizure of most of our programs around the world, the important ones is telling you, as someone describes, I, you know, I study how the vaccine works. And he tells you, this vaccine is not designed to stop infection. Personally, I think the discussion may be over there. So when Fauci says we're waiting for data to come in, I've been thinking, you know, I think the data would have been here by now this guy's telling you gear it says I know for a fact I've been in all these laboratories. He knows what this is. He's been around over the last 20 years of studying mRNA vaccines and viral vector vaccines. This guy has been in all those laboratories, in fact, running most of them. So when he tells you, this vaccine is not designed to stop the infection, and therefore transmission, I would take him for his word. And so what he's saying, Look, he's doing his job, he believes in vaccines, he's telling you, this is an excellent, an excellent product, I would challenge him on that, but it doesn't matter. He's saying this is an excellent project product, but it's the wrong weapon is the wrong weapon. For the war, we're in a prophylactic vaccine cannot be used wondering once the war is upon you once they're already under assault. He talks about something we have already talked with you a lot about, we are very concerned about people that get that first shot. And then we see the news reports that after their first shot, they got the natural infection. That is the worst case scenario, for some reasons we haven't even talked about, we brought up antibody dependent enhancement that somehow that could backfire on you and make the virus more deadly. But what he's saying is you are creating, you know, you're creating a worst case scenario where you're mounting what he calls a sub optimal response, it's not the optimum response by the vaccine, your body's trying to create the antibodies, and it's only gotten started after the first shot, or right when you get the second shot, and already you're under attack. And so the virus is going to win. And I when I was thinking about him describing it, it reminded me of a self defense class that I was in at one point where the teacher was talking about, you know, look, if you have a safe under your bed that has a handgun, you probably shouldn't have, you know, the magazine and the handgun all together, I guess in case your kids get in there, whatever he said. So you're gonna have a handgun and you know, a safe, you want to open it, then you'll have you put the magazine in your gun, and then you're ready to handle it. So let's be clear, this is a perfect weapon and perfect scenario, shoot, your dogs start barking and you hear that someone's outside your house, and you're worried that somebody might be casing your house, you open up you save, you grab your gun, you pop in your magazine, you're ready to go to defend your house. But let's be clear, if you wake up in your bedroom, and you see across the room, there's an assailant standing there, by the time you reach over and try and get into your safe, your magazine, the gun that is stealing is on you. And now you are in trouble, you will not that gun will be useless to you. And I think about what good saying that's what he's telling you, this would have been great. If the virus was coming from time and you had time to prepare for it. And they still got to get through your front door, it's already attacking you. At that point, the gun is no longer the appropriate weapon. In this case, natural immunity would be in this case, hand to hand combat, they're charging at your bed, you're just set up in bed, you got to jump up and handle that person with your hands as best you can. That's your best case scenario, doesn't matter that you have a perfectly designed weapon that could do something, it can't do it under this scenario, it will be just developing, you'll just be loading this gun, you'll just be developing antibodies, and you will be caught by surprise. And that is the worst case scenario. And now we're teaching the virus how to get around this vaccine. It's now learning because it's not a full mounted defense. And now it's understanding how the vaccine is working. And it's going to start creating other problems which he's going to get deeper into. And then when we think about this people like Well, I mean, you know, it, you know, it stops the variance for the whole discussion, he says something that I found so shocking, he says you must understand, this virus mutates within 10 hours. So if somebody is having a sub optimal response, it is going to mutate around that sub optimal response and become stronger and more powerful within 10 hours. And so he's saying we're trying to catch up with we're getting this race we're gonna What are we gonna keep making vaccines for all the variants as they appear? Or as you henio very well put out, if you're making a third shot, doesn't that mean you're not trusting the two shots is gonna work? You're done, right? This guy's telling you, they're not gonna work, but it's not gonna be a third shot our fourth shot, this tweet came to my look at this tweet, this is this guy. figure below shows 1000s of COVID mutations so far, each point denotes a mutation. Now Stop panicking every time you hear of a new mutation with a country or city brand name. Look at all of those dots, folks. This is the reality 1000s this thing new tastes like crazy with us, are we going to take that many vaccines to handle all the variants. This is the wrong weapon for the wrong war. It couldn't be better said but he's going to get into some really, really Stark details. Take a look at this.


You mentioned this in your paper it is equivalent to using either a partial dose of antibiotics in an anti microbial or in a bacterial infection where you then Produce super books is this the kind of example that you're alluding to?


Well, that is a very good parallel, it's also the parallel, I'm using actually in the paper we just posted on LinkedIn, which, you know, should be so open for everybody. I mean, it's pure science, because as you were pointing out, the thing is, the rule is very simple. I mean, same with antibiotics. Either the antibiotics do not match very well, with a bird. That's not good. That's why we are making anti bio grams, you know, to first identify which, which is this germ, and then we choose the antibiotics, we need to have a very good match, otherwise, there could be resistance. So when I compare this to the current situation, do we have a good match with our antibodies? No, at this point in time, we don't have a good match anymore, because we have this kind of like, almost heterologous variants. So that differs from the original strain. So the match isn't very good anymore. And hence, we see people are still protected, but they are already shedding the virus. So that is one thing. The other thing is the quantity, of course, you tell people, you know, you take your antibiotics, according to the prescription, please don't. As soon as you feel well, that doesn't mean that that you you can stop the antibiotics saying here, and I get just one example. If you know give people just like one dose, I mean, they are in the process of mounting the antibodies, the antibodies still need to fully mature, etc. So this is an suboptimal situation, we are putting them in simple demo situation with regard to their immune protection. And on the other end, they are in the midst of the war, they are fully attacked by all, you know, by all these kinds of highly infectious variants. So I mean, it's very clear that this is driving in unescape. And we ultimately drive resistance to the vaccines. So my point is, yes, flip is very similar. There is one difference, the virus needs living cells. I mean, if you're driving immune escape, but the guy has no chance to gentle somebody else, who cares? This is no different. Because we are in the midst of a war, we there is a high infectious pressure. So the likelihood that the immune escape immediately finds another living cell, that means another host is very, very high. It's per definition, it's the definition of most of a pandemic.


I mean, he says what I've been saying, you know, we may look back and say Louis pastori. Now, biotics, I used to say, you know, vaccines aren't the greatest invention of the 20th century antibiotics are, but now we're looking at the end of the antibiotic age. And if it turns out, we only made it like 100 years, we're able to stop infection. But by giving antibiotics, we were teaching bacteria how to get smarter and more powerful. And now they're getting around the antibiotics. We've all seen this, right? The overuse of it, and cattle the over prescription and people so many scientists and doctors are panicked about it. And most pharmaceutical companies have stopped making all antibiotics, because they're saying that the bacteria are mutating so fast now than any product they go into development on. By the time they get it out in the market, the bacteria is already figuring its way around it. Well, how do you avoid that you got to kill it dead, you got to win the battle, if you got the right weapons, got to kill it dead immediately. But what he's saying just like not taking all of your prescription, all of that antibiotics, which I never really understood that why do I got to keep taking it, I'm feeling better. Now I recognize because you don't want your body to turn into a mutation factory that is going to turn this what was just, you know, benign bacteria or just mildly infectious into a deadly killer. Like we now see SIRs mersa and CRS and these different things that are killing hundreds of 1000s of people in our hospitals. Now all the time, this vaccine could do that, because it's having a sub optimal response, just like, you know, an unmatched antibiotic. And what he's saying in the vaccine is matched up directly with this virus, and you've gotten both your shots, you've mounted defense, it'll do a good job of beating it, but most of you aren't going to have gotten to the full effect of the vaccine by the time you're already under attack. And so therefore, you're going to have this sub optimal response. And now you are going to be responsible for turning this point 4% death rate virus, which is a nothing burger, essentially, except for those that are really high risk category. Now you're going to start raising the risk for everybody and turning it into a deadly killer. Let's get deeper into it.


It raises a simple question that somebody has put in front of us here, which is this perfectly common sense. What do we do?


That question is very easy. I mean, we need we need to do a better job when we are confronted With situations that seem very dramatic, like, you know, an epidemic, our generation has not, you know, been living in times where there are epidemics or pandemics. And so we immediately take action and and jump on the beast, with the tools we have, instead of analyzing what is really going on. And one thing that I thought was extremely interesting was any something that was not really understood, we know that the number of people or asymptomatically infected, so they are infected. But they don't develop severe symptoms, of course, they can have some mild symptoms of respiratory disease, whatever. So the question is, what exactly happens with those folks that they can eliminate the virus, they eliminate the virus, they will transmit it, they will, they will share it for like a week or so. And then they eliminate this. Or you could say, of course, we know that antibodies eliminate, oh, wait a minute, the antibodies come later, you have first the search of, you know, shedding of the virus. And it's only afterwards that you see, you know, a moderate, and shortly if the raise of antibodies, so the antibodies cannot be responsible for elimination of the virus. So what is responsible for elimination of the virus? Luckily enough, we have a number of brilliant scientists, independent brilliant scientists that have now increasingly been showing, and there is increasing evidence that what in fact is happening is that NK cells are taking care of buyers. So So NK cells that the virus gets into into these epithelial cells and start to replicate that NK cells get activated, and they will kill, they will kill the cell in which the virus tries to replicate. So I was saying that the virus needs to rely on a living cell. So you kill that cell, it's gone, it's all over. So emotion, we have the solution in in the pathogenesis, because some people eliminate it.


Alright, so this is really, it's amazing, because what he's talking about is something that we've been discussing, one of the things that we keep hearing is the vaccine creates more antibodies than the natural infection does. Therefore, this is the first vaccine ever that's better than natural infection. It's simply not true because of what he's describing to you here. The innate immune system you have has got something that that vaccine is not doing that vaccine is making antibodies, which he says is the after effect. That's the last part like that's the cleanup crew, the real bug Kickers, the first line of defense is already in your natural immune system is called NK cells, natural killer cells. Now, what these are, essentially, and there's a lot of science, now looking at this, are these sort of cells that float around, we now believe it's about 10% of your white blood cells are these lymphocytes, and they're always monitoring your blood, they're bumping against all the other cells and making sure Oh, yeah, that's a healthy cell, just checking it out. They're just walking around. They're like armed guards, making sure that everything's okay. But as soon as a cell is infected with cancer, or with a virus, it knows it. And then it has this amazing ability to, you know, get in there and discover, you know, through the interaction with interferons, but it says, oh, wait a minute, this is an infected cell. So it goes in, grabs a hold of that cell and immediately puts out some like deadly goo that penetrates the cell and kills it dead. This is what has been happening for everybody. That's not it not vaccinated. That is out there. All of our children, our babies, and our children have amazing natural killer cells, young people, this is that humoral immunity that the elderly no longer have this is your innate immune system. It's running in coursing through every vein in your body. So if you're terrified of this virus, just know you have this amazing natural killer, these power warriors, they're gonna go in and just kill the cells dead. Only after that, then does your body now get into an antibody production space to just finally clean up the last little bit but science things a device with the greatest part of this, they're dead wrong. That is the weakest part of the immune response, especially to this Coronavirus. They are not inspiring your NK cells. They're coming in for the after effects. They see we got more of the cleanup crew than you did. I don't want a bunch of maids and plumbers. I want the Warriors fighting for me. But this vaccine doesn't do that. And now it starts getting really, really scary. Get ready. I hope you're ready for this. But if you're like me, you must be sitting there right now and saying, oh my god. It's now all starting to make some sense by the end of this show. I am telling you, you are going to be ready to have a conversation you've never been able to have, you are going to be able to say I now know what happened this pandemic, and I know what we're going to do if we keep vaccinating, get ready, strap yourself in this ride is about to get really rough.


Here we go. Race is the point that I've always been saying is that we haven't spent enough time understanding how the virus impacts the body, and understanding how the pandemic then will impact the world. We've spent all of our time just going for solutions. Has that been a mistake?


Of course, this has been the, you know, the most. The most important mistake I think, I'm not sure many people and I was part of them, I was just explaining, we don't understand our weapon, because we don't understand that prophylactic vaccines should not be used in the midst of an epidemic. And we don't understand exactly what the virus is doing. So we go to a war. And we don't know, our enemy. We don't understand the strategy of our enemy. And we don't know how our weapon works. I mean, how is how is that gonna go? fundamental problem to begin with?


I understand and I completely accept that. But at the same time, I am still thinking that if the government's don't respond in some way, because they have to be seen to be doing something. What if they seem to be in a lose lose situation, if they don't do anything, they're going to be criticized? And if they do do something, they're going to be criticized? Is that a fair statement to make?


I don't think so. What was this all of was the name of the guy, Hippocrates? You know,


the first do no harm.


Okay. Well, I mean, it wouldn't matter if you if you start vaccinating people, and even it doesn't work. The problem is that we induce a long left antibody response. And as a matter of fact, we know I mean, that is not my knowledge, it's all published problem is that we we fail to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Fact is, that is long lived antibodies, which have high specificity. Of course, for the for the for the virus, they outcompete our natural antibodies, because they're natural antibodies, they have a very broad spectrum, but they have low affinity, right. And so by doing this, even if your antibodies don't work anymore, because there is resistance or the you know, the strains or too different from the original strain, we still this antibody specific antibody will still continue to outcompete your natural antibodies. And that is a huge problem because I was saying just a few minutes ago, these natural antibodies, they provide you with broad protection. This protection is yes, it is variant nonspecific, doesn't matter what variant you get, it doesn't even matter what type of Coronavirus is coming in, they will protect you. Unless of course, you suppress this level of innate immunity. Or it is, for example, out competed by long left specific antibodies. And so it's not like okay, you know, yo, yo, you missed it. Okay, let's try again. No, you did some harm. I mean, this is different from drugs. immunizing somebody is installing a new software on your computer. Don't forget, I mean, these antibodies, they will be recalled every single time you're encountering a Coronavirus, right. I mean, you cannot just erase this. So this is very serious.


This is not like the drug. This is very serious. This is he uses the term, long lived antibodies, I want to I'm going to use sort of a football way to describe now I think this video is pretty clear. But I really want to make sure that we all get this because I actually learned something this week that I wasn't fully aware of. And now it is crystal clear. But let me see if I can help make it clear, crystal clear for anybody that sort of thinking about what he said. Now, here's what he is describing. And this is sort of if you've ever played any sport, soccer, football, hopefully this makes some sense to you. But on our team on our in our immune system, we have what are called non specific antibodies. They have he called it broad spectrum. It's broad spectrum. Low affinity they don't care who is coming across. In this case. Let's look at the other team. These are let's say these are all variants of Coronavirus. We got the A variant f TRLY x. Okay, now it doesn't matter who gets the ball in this case, when we have nonspecific anyone that comes across. So let's say x gets the ball running back gets the ball comes running over here, boom right here. nonspecific anybody's boom, tackle dead not going anywhere. But let's say it's a different play. Let's say they decide they know we're gonna run Why? So they run right on around about coming through here but it doesn't matter. nonspecific we see the why to it doesn't matter. We're going to go after anything because it's nonspecific, it's brilliant. These are brilliant antibodies you have as your natural immune system. What if it's a trick pet play? What do they toss it to a and over here tries to get through doesn't matter, bam nonspecific is going to go after the a barian. To this is how your immune system works in this fantastic. Now let's talk about what happens when we're given a vaccine. All right, here we go. Go the next one. So in this case,


in this case, we're not going to move into vaccine vaccine induced antibodies. As he said, they're long lived, they don't go away. This isn't a drug that's gonna wear off two days from now we say, you know what, you had an allergic reaction, we're not going to do that drug anymore. It is in you forever. There's no getting this thing out. And what it it just do. It created what he called specific antibodies, specific antibodies is now what we're going to discuss. So now in this scenario scenario playing football, essentially, everyone on the team has been told you're looking for x, the antibody created in this case for the spike protein, the spike protein of SARS COBie two that we first saw, at the very beginning, before there's any barians are vaccines gonna make you fight that really well? So how does it work? Well, it's great, the coach basically said, I know for a fact that x the runningback, back there is going to get the ball. So everyone on the team Qian x. Great, so x gets the ball, boom comes through. It doesn't matter, man, they're all gonna jump in there. Yeah, yeah, the fact is awesome. It totally didn't stop the virus. Okay. But now here is the problem he's talking about. This entire team can only respond to x, it only understands it has a specific, it's an antibody specific to the virus it's looking for. So what happens if y gets the ball, one of the team they know doesn't matter. The coach said it was going to be X, it doesn't matter. Y gets the ball, y comes around, boom goes through here, it can go anywhere they want. x does nothing. But when we're in the end zone, we just one virus wins the whole game. Because no one on the team was waiting for X was planned for x. In fact, they were told, don't go near. I mean, don't know go Don't go near y. Okay. All right. But here's something that I didn't understand. I understood that. And we've talked about that based on the show, not in this way. But it goes one step further. And this is what I think, Oh, I did it wrong. Hold on one second, boom, bam. There we go. All right. Here's what I did not understand about the immune system last week that I do. Now, when he says that the vaccine induced antibodies are long lived, it means they're going to be there forever. He also basically explains that they are more robust, the virus specific antibodies, the specific ones, they're more robust and they outcompete your nonspecific natural immune antibodies. So in this case, you do have some natural, nonspecific antibodies in there that could handle any one of the variants. But the problem is, these guys are bullies, they're bigger, they're stronger. They, they're more, you know, specific, and they're ready to do their job. So if y gets the ball and starts coming around, are not specific antibodies gonna want to jump in there. Unfortunately, our vaccine induced is going to push this out of the way and become a blocker to make sure that that antibody or that that virus gets all the way in and wins and gets the touchdown and could possibly leave you dead. This vaccine is bullying away your remaining natural immune system. You do have these, but they're never going to work again. Do you realize how horrifying This is? now thinking about the hundreds of millions of people that are lining up around the world that are lined up outside of stadiums right now because CNN and Tony Fauci just said, I love this vaccine. Well geared here, one of the leading scientists in vaccine and Immunology in the world is telling you, everybody getting the vaccine is destroying their innate immune system, those immune antibodies that were nonspecific that could have handled any of those 1000s of viruses. But Marius, we just saw you there designed for it by being vaccinated, you just assured yourself that there are no antibodies inside of you to fight the variants. So if we have strayed far enough away from the vaccine induced variant that we were looking at the original spike protein, everyone that is vaccinated is now in horrible, horrible trouble. They are going to be attacked by variants in their bodies will not mount a defense. We are talking about Carnage like we've never seen. He's going to get into more detail. Take a look at this,


when I was looking at some of the research around the challenges that they faced with the initial SARS, called the first epidemic. And they tried to develop the vaccines. One of the things they found certainly when they tested it on the ferrets was that when they expose them to a Coronavirus, again, they got a very severe response to it. Is this what you're saying that we're putting ourselves in a position where we can then have much more severe disease, even to viruses that should normally be quite benign?


Well, you know, you you see all my passion and my conviction. But I mean, I've been the last to criticize the vaccines, in terms of would they in some regard could in some regard be unsaved because you know, you would have even this exacerbation of disease due to antibodies that doesn't match very well with the Coronavirus are exposed to etc. I know there is three's report some days and there is a lot of, you know, serious thoughts about this. But I think what we are talking about right now, the really the the epidemic or the pandemic problem of having a population that is at no point during the pandemic. And to large extent due to our intervention has not a strong immune response. I mean, this is already serious enough this is this is more concerning than one or the other adverse event that could may be elicited. I'm not downplaying it. But that could maybe be elicited, because people have antibodies that do no longer match very well with the strain, they were or with the strain they are exposed to. And therefore, you know, they build a complex, they don't neutralize the virus, they build a complex and this complex could maybe even enhance viral entry into susceptible cells and hence lead to exacerbation of disease. I mean, this may be possible. But the problem I'm talking about is a global a global problem, it's not an individual getting an adverse event, it's a global problem of, you know, making this virus increasingly infectious because we leave it all the time, a chance, an opportunity to escape the immune system, and to drive it. So to wake this up, you know, up to a level where the virus is so infectious, that we can even no longer control it. Because I mean, these highly infectious strains, people, some people think, oh, the virus is going to calm down, and it will insert a number of mutations, you know, just to be gentle and kind with us. That's not gonna happen, I mean, this highly infectious range remain is it is not going to be spontaneous mutations that all of a sudden, would become, you know, what would make these fighters again harmless, because such a virus would have a competitive disadvantage could no longer could not be dominant anymore. So that's not going to happen. So we're talking about a very, very, very serious problem.


This video in about 40 minutes managed to encapsulate what we have been shouting from the top of our lungs about on the high wire for over a year, he's covering so many of the issues we brought up. In this case, the interviewer asked him about what we've been talking about an antibody dependent enhancement, immune enhancement, or also called pathogenic priming, where the underperformance of the vaccine actually works as a catalyst to make the virus more deadly when it comes in contact with the person. But what gear to saying is, I'm aware of that. And I recognize that there are a lot of scientists looking at that, which was news to me, is that news to you. I mean, we are giving this vaccine this has been the antibody dependent enhancement has probably been the number one thing that we've been worried about here at the informed consent Action Network and on the high wire. We've been trying to warn everybody he says sure that's a problem. And I know there's lots of scientists looking at it, which is, that's good to know. I don't know when they're going to do something about it. But he's saying I'm talking about a much bigger problem than that. Yeah, that might get someone killed. That might be an adverse event for somebody that their body ends up the backseat actually works against them their antibodies Help the virus enter the cells and they die. But that would be one person, I'm not worried about that he said, I am worried about a global event, what I'm talking about is a global issue, then the global issue is the fact that we are helping this virus gain function, we are turning it into a killer in every single body that is getting it because you know, it is underperforming and is not designed for the job. And this is how I now hear we all talked about is this lab created and these gain of function studies in laboratories where we take the virus and we put it in a pangolin. And then we put it in a bag, then we put it in the snake. And then we put it into some human cells to see if we can gain function, meaning Can we give it more deadly attributes? Well, now what this vaccine is doing is it's turning hundreds of millions of people around the world into a gigantic gain of function laboratory. And where I have told you before, that in nature, viruses tend to mutate to become less deadly, because if they kill their hosts, they don't move on, then the evolution they want to move on. So they stop killing their host. What he's saying is, this is an unnatural pandemic, we have inserted ourselves here, we are now inserting a mechanism that we're teaching it to actually go the opposite direction is getting more deadly, and the way we're doing it, the other one will not compete, it's not going to move in the direction that a natural virus does. Because we're not acting naturally, we are putting immense pressure on it with an underperforming vaccine that is going to turn it into a Hulk. And his concern is that it will become so violent and so deadly, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Now, listen to this.


I've seen the question many times and quite frankly, I get asked the questions. We're coming to a point where people are going to have to take these vaccines, that looks as though it's the reality either in the context of work, or in the context of travel. Based on what you're saying they're in a lose lose situation. What does what does this mean?


Well, what does this mean? It's very clear, it's very clear what this is gonna mean. So let's consider the consequences of this boats at a population level and at an individual level, because I would well understand it for the population is maybe not the best thing to do. But you know, on an individual level, it's still okay. Yeah, then it's not an easy, that's an easy question. But as a matter of fact, it's exactly the opposite. Well, it's not the opposite. It is detrimental boats on a population level, as on an individual level, and I'm telling you why I think the population level I explain you, we are increasingly facing highly infectious strains that already right now, we cannot control because basically what we are doing is that we are turning when we vaccinate somebody, we are turning this person in a potential asymptomatic carrier that is shedding the virus, but at an individual level, I just told you that if you have these antibodies, and at some point, and I'm sure this will if people can challenge me on this, but you know, reality will prove it. I think we are very close to vaccine resistance right now. And it's not for nothing that already people start developing you know, new vaccines against the strains etc. But what I was saying is that okay, if you miss the shoot, okay. You could say nothing has happened, no, you are at the same time losing the most precious part of your immune system that you could ever imagine. And that is your innate immune system, because the innate antibodies, the natural antibodies, the Secretory IgA ends will be out competed by this antigen specific antibodies for binding to the virus and there will be long left that is a loaded suppression and you lose every protection against any viral variant or Coronavirus variant etc. So, this means that you are left just with no single immune response with your you know, you it's not your immune immunity has become Neil, it's it's all gone. The antibodies don't work anymore. And your your innate immunity has been completely bypassed. And this and this while highly infectious strains are circulating. So, I mean, if that isn't clear enough, I really don't get it. And people please do read my my, you know what I posted because it's pure science, pure science. And as everybody knows, I'm a highly passionate vaccine guy. Right? And, and I've no criticism on the vaccines. But please use the right vaccine at the right place and don't use it in the heat of a pandemic, or millions of millions of people. We are going to pay a huge price for this. And I'm becoming emotional because I'm thinking of my children of the younger generation. I mean, it's just impossible what we are doing, we don't understand the pandemic. We have been, we have been turning it in an artificial pandemic, who can explain who can explain where all of a sudden, all these highly infectious rain come from. Nobody can explain this. I can explain it. But we have not been seen this year in previous pandemics. During natural pandemics. We have not been seen it because at every single time, there was the immunity was low enough so that the virus didn't need to escape. So back at the end of the pandemic, when things calm down, and it was here to immunity, it was still the same fire recirculating. What we are now doing is that we are really chasing this virus, and it becomes all you know, increasingly infectious. And I mean, this is just a situation that is completely completely, completely out of control.


I don't I really don't know what to say. As he said, I don't know what it's going to take to get people to listen. What he's telling us is he believes we are just moments away from reaching and creating a Coronavirus that is just purely vaccine resistant. And that may be a problem for one person, but he's talking about the global problem. Because once this virus is vaccine resistant, that is the only thing that people have gotten the vaccine can protect themselves from, and now it no longer works. And when a man who has made vaccines his whole life that has run most of our vaccine programs around the world, or many of them, when he tells you this vaccine is doing the worst thing of all, it is destroying your innate immune system. It's destroying your natural immune system that would not have any problem fighting variants would be very good at it. But in this case, it is turned it he says nil. It doesn't exist anymore. Your immune system is all gone. It's all gone. Meanwhile, it is been fighting a war with a now deadly pathogen that the vaccine forced to be deadly. Vokes this isn't in by the way, have you noticed that nowhere in here as a scientist, think about who he is Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, all the people he's worked for GAVI, you know, global outreach programs, vaccinations around the world, you have to know the moment he sits in his interview, the moment he posts that letter on LinkedIn, he recognizes I am about to destroy my legacy. In vaccinations, he's trying to tell you I still believe in vaccinations. But this is the wrong tool. You must listen to me now. And he isn't he's not counting any of this. He's not saying My theory is this and if I'm right, so that he can back away someday and say, well, as it turned out, he doesn't tell you, if the vaccine ends up stopping the infection and transmission, then some of the things that I'm worried about won't happen. He is telling you it is already happened. I am not hypothesizing the future. I am telling you all of these barians that they are reporting on coming out of South Africa coming out of Brazil coming out the UK. Guess why they're coming from there? Yes, we're our vaccine trials were from day one. We have been mutating this virus with this product, we have made a grave and dangerous error. And the question we've got to ask ourselves, is what are we going to do about it? How serious is this guy? Does he recognize he's put it all on the line? He's almost getting tears in his eyes when he talks about his children and the world in the future. I mean, I saw this I'm thinking it's like that science fiction movie that scientists the beginning of the science fiction movie. This is scary, scary stuff. And it is so important. But he's asked how important it is. And why would he risk everything based on who he is. This is how this video finishes up. Take a look at this.


I see all these top scientists looking at these curves, that is waves, like somebody else is looking at the currency rates or the stock market. All they can say is Oh, it goes up it's stabilizing, may go down may go up etc. I mean, that is not science. They don't have any clue. They don't even know whether the curve is gonna go up exponentially, or whether it's gonna go Go down or whatever, they're completely lost. And that is extremely scary. That has been the point where I said, okay guy, you have, you have to analyze you have to, but you know, these people are not listening, that is the problem.


So you are in effect, putting your reputation on the line, because you feel so passionately about this because I guarantee you that no government, no, no health system is going to want to hear what you're saying you're in effect, almost giving fuel to the fire for an anti vaxxer. Who does not know vaccine?


No, no, well, no, not yet. But because I i've clearly also addressed some emails from anti vaxxers. I mean, I'm not interested, but I'm clearly telling them that you know, it at this point, at this point, it's so irrelevant, you know, whether you're a pro vaccine, anti vaxxer, etc. It is about the science, it's about, it's about humanity, right? I mean, let's, let's not lose our time now with you know, criticizing people or, you know, I mean, anti vaxxer. Okay, if you're not an anti vaxxer, you could be a stalker, you could be, you know, we like to stigmatize because if you stigmatize people, you don't need to bother about them anymore. Oh, this guy's an anti vaxxer. Okay. I mean, he's out of the scope. Oh, he's a stalker. He's out of the scope. I mean, that what is a discussion that is completely irrelevant at this point. It's about humanity. And, of course, I'm passion, of course. I mean, it's about it's about your children. It's your family. It's my family. It's everyone, right? And it's simply for me, I put everything at stake, because I've done my homework, right? And this is simply a moral obligation, a moral obligation. And at the


end, all right. So, look, folks, I think that we've been handed a tool, this interview is a tool to try and save the world. I think that all the science we've been looking at, I want to be clear, we have a scientific team that has people as smart as get on it. Many of them don't appear on this show. This is what we've been trying to report to you. But now someone has gone come forward. And they've laid it out so clearly, for all of your friends and family, like I don't know, I mean, you know, I don't want to listen to Dell, big for us an anti vaxxer. All those things that we run into, we have two scientists, a video made by two scientists that are having perhaps the most important conversation of our lifetime. If this man is not heard, our species may be in grave danger. That's right, I'm gonna go on record here. Go ahead and play it back to me in five to 10 years and say Dell was overreacting, just like Geert who was running, you know, most of the vaccine programs that made sense or were or I mean, that were involved in what we're doing in this world. He is coming forward, he's put it all in line. He says I know they're going to call, they're gonna call them an anti vaxxer. Folks, we have got to get this video out to everyone we know before the Wikipedia comes out and says that this guy's an anti vaxxer. Despite the fact he has been working for Bill Gates and everything else, you got to get this video out. And I'm saying don't share the high wire this time. I want you to share his video. Don't put the high wire don't post around it to all of your friends. They can't hear it from an anti vaxxer let them hear it from a world renowned vaccine developer. There we created a little Bitly for you can click on take that link and share it everywhere. Or if you just want to go to YouTube, it's mass vaccination and a pandemic benefits versus risks. Please share this video. Everywhere you can with every human you know, think about it. Your aunt taught you know your pro vaccine friends cannot argue with this video. They cannot say all this is Bobby Kennedy or this is Sherry tenpenny. This is one of their best and brightest that is warning the world. If we do not share this video, then we are complicit then we will be complicit in what could lead to one of the most catastrophic mistakes ever made with this planet and with our species. If you liked that clip, then be sure to check out our live broadcast of the high wire every Thursday morning at 11am pacific time. You can watch it on iTunes and Twitter. We'll see you there.