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3 years

We've been watching this story for a while, with a number of different people all reporting the same microscopic black parasite-like worms contaminating the cotton surgical type masks and being reported from all parts of the world. A medical doctor has joined in the investigation, and in this video reports her findings - in seven different samples of clean looking masks, the same strange black fibers that track heat and moisture are appearing.

"And that's one of the things that really disturbed me as well, because once I started looking and finding different ones, you know, it seemed to be a global thing and we're in a global situation at the moment, and global increased wearing of masks around the world. And that really, really bothered me the seriousness of if there was something wrong with these masks that this was potentially something that could be on a global scale"

"So started trying to document what was happening. And I'm still struggling with this. Five out of five completely different brands, these weren't even the same brand. I'm sure a lot of NHS places will relate to this. But PPE has come in different kind of batches and come from all over the place for the NHS, but five different brands and every brand, have the worms in it, every single one."

"We have got to absolutely call to action. Everybody who has access to a microscope or proper microscope in a lab needs to look at masks. Everybody who knows somebody who works in a lab needs to tell them and I want to be wrong. I know I'm not wrong, that they're alive what I've seen, but what I mean is, I want to be wrong, that it's widespread. I want this to be the most incredible, rare statistic ever. That just me and these other people around the world were unlucky and that this is not what it appears to be."


From Gab 

"I believe the worms are transgenic DNA recombinant organisms and the most likely candidate would be the "Kamikaze hookworm" which actually takes over the mind of its host. In nature such creatures were not able to infect humans, however with our current level of technology, inserting a DNA sequence that would enable it to survive in the human body would be a simple task."