#EliteHumanTrafficking, Vol. 1 - Ghislaine Maxwell's TerraMar Project

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4 years

Mouthy Buddha takes a look into Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar Project, its connections, and the sinister possibilities of what kind of New World these elites have been constructing for themselves.



“…among all the gossip and brief media coverage, a crucial aspect of Maxwell story has gone largely unnoticed. The implications of which in the groups that surround it are as vast as they are mysterious. This is Ghislaine Maxwell's TerraMar project. According to The New York Times, TerraMar was a quote, opaque organization that had no offices and gave no grants to other organizations. And shortly after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, TerraMar officially announced their closure. But what was the TerraMar project?”


“Ownership and control of the world's oceans carries with it all kinds of possibilities. Most of the human population has no idea what's going on in the depths of the sea. Maxwell, however, knows a thing or two about the high seas.”


“I’ve seen enough to be confident in the postulation that TerraMar was set up to create a kind of separate society or to facilitate one that already exists a new world with its own laws, the locations of which scattered across several privately owned islands and clandestine sections of the Arctic Ocean, some of which could potentially be underwater. Human Trafficking on a global scale, involving internationally connected intelligence agencies, politicians and billionaires. I don't pretend to know why trafficking children seems to be a requisite for this elite group. But the reality that such an operation exists is undeniable to me. If the censorship regarding this topic should tell us anything, it's that we're almost certainly on to something unbelievably big. I truly believe this to be the case. I truly believe there are children currently surviving circumstances at the hands of evil and suffering at a rate the likes of which I don't think I have the ability to properly imagine. And a large part of me feels my videos on this topic are not actually helping children currently in harm's way, but simply revealing how seemingly impossible it is to do so. While this could be true, our brief pain of feeling unable to help pales in comparison to the suffering endured by children all over the world who are at this very moment. Truly defenseless, and truly suffering. If nothing else, what's most important is knowing in our hearts, this is real and happening now. Because it's only from there that progress can begin. So I asked, What do you think about Maxwell's TerraMar project? What does your heart tell you?”