Elite HumanTrafficking, Vol. 2 - ART IN EMBASSIES

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4 years


Mouthy Buddha continues his series on the Elite and the breakaway civilization they appear to have created, and the sinister activities that are afoot, in this podcast focusing on an international smuggling operation run out of the State Department with shocking implications.


Running time: 16:35


“The foundation for the Art and Preservation of Embassies is a private initiative that gathered together works to be shown in American embassies around the world.


“But when scraping away the claims of altruism, one finds the central motif of these programs is about one thing. The ability to conduct tightly controlled shipments in and out of every US Embassy in the world without passing through conventional security channels. The groups associated with the program are among the wealthiest, most powerful in the world, some of whom indirectly or directly connected to illegal activity, including but not limited to human trafficking. The State Department, for example, is not without scandal.


“Allegations that officials in the State Department have interfered with criminal investigations even quashed some of those investigations 


As to be expected. The State Department defended government and was able to remove these allegations from the entirety of the report. The case against the Gutman is just one in a series of supposed State Department cover ups outlined in the memo. Other board members of FAITH include the Rockefeller family, the Estee Lauder family, Meryl Streep, and democratic super lobbyist slash owner of pedophilia, child abuse art. Tony Podesta. In my view, the inclusion of these groups and individuals alone is enough to warrant a closer look at the intentions which reside behind these embassy programs. Today, Orphan Embassies is run by Beth Dozerettes famous for helping Bill Clinton pardon his fugitive hedge fund manager buddy, Mark Rch. During this time, Dozerettes was on the same panel as her longtime associate, John Podesta. Dozerettes is pictured here with the ineluctable James Alefantis. All people for those reds to be brushing shoulders with it's a man whose apparent connections to human trafficking are as compelling as they are abundant. Another notable figure on the program's payroll is the quote, performance artist, Marina Abramovic.


If you're doing pain and understanding that you can control the pain and you can liberate yourself from the pain, then pain is okay.


Among the pizza gate crowd, Marina is most well known for her leaked invitation to John Podesta, saying quote, I'm so looking forward to the spirit cooking dinner at my place.


According to Marina, although she claims she was being satirical here, one aspect of her spirit cooking quote, ritual involved cutting with a quote, knife deeply into your middle finger of your left hand and eat the pain. Others have mirrored that offense that Marina is merely utilizing shock art to illustrate larger points about pain and suffering. But let's not forget, Marina is the same person who in her memoir, claimed to have spoken with spirits who gave her premonitions. She claims to have predicted the attempted assassination of John Paul the Second, and an earthquake in southern Italy. These do not sound like the machinations of a satirist. But the proclamations of a person who believes they are for lack of a better word, a witch.


Here Marina is spending intimate time with convicted pedophile and child trafficker John of God. John of God was a cult leader who performed quote spiritual surgeries without a license. They were unbelievably brutal. The following video is available to purchase on Vimeo. So it's not breaking any TLS here, but it is disturbing. I think it's important to watch one of these operations with the context of knowing that this man john of God was a child trafficker, what you're about to see, I feel showcases the kinds of people we're dealing with.