Dr Manjir Samanta Laughton - Black Holes, Ley Lines & the Cosmos

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10 years

In 2003, Dr. Manjir published a ground-breaking theory of the universe called The Black Hole Principle stating that black holes are not only creative but the same pattern is found at every level of the universe. Since publication, evidence for the theory has been uncovered vindicating many of its predictions. In this lecture she links it with earth energies and other phenomena. Filmed at the Kent Leyhunters Moot in April 2014. (Apologies for the video quality, Please note we are slowly adding our full archive and some edits are nearly a decade old and filmed on older cameras, but the information shared is usually excellent!). http://www.networkofleyhunters.com. Manjir's website: https://www.paradigmrevolution.com/